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How do you approach a new programming project?
After reading all of the above posts, I find that I agree with some of you... disagree with others...... and thoroughly enjoy the input from everyone. Programming is like Art: We all have our viewpoints on how it should be approached.

One thing I noticed however, is that several folks seem to view QBasic as an inferior language, using such terms as "just QBasic code.".... and inferring that since a program is in BASIC, it is somehow undeserving of the sort of documentation that one might do for a C+ or "more advanced language" program.

I must beg to differ with this point of view. Sure, BASIC, GW-BASIC, and QBasic do have some limitations as far as memory block size addressed, and formatting capabilities...... but used correctly the BASIC family languages can accomplish some very complex tasks. Simple to use does not automatically mean that it is not powerful.

For me, the entire art of programming is the FlowChart and Logic. Coding into whatever High Level Language is just busy work. Code is just code... whether it is FORTRAN IV, C+++++, VB6, PASCAL or TinyBASIC..... The logic behing the Algorithms is everything.

Then again.... I don't do graphics other than a few chart-plots and FFT's. So for a Game Designer, my viewpoints might be totally alien.....
I would only think that way (It's only QBASIC) 'cause I don't use it for serious projects, as it is an outdated compiler from fifteen years ago which runs on a non-supported operating system. It may be useful sometimes, but nowadays most people are not ready to run QB programs.

I can say "It's only QBasic" 'cause I do QB for fun, and when I code for fun I like to do so: code, not planning. Planning is great to produce better and more reliable programs, but it's a hassle and I prefer doing it when I am coding something serious. And for such tasks I use something more modern such as C (portability) or VB (Windows being the most widespread OS).
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
What I meant by "only QBasic" is that I never make anything useful in it Smile
What was your impression of George Trimble's Development Workbook concept?
Moneo- I found the entire Trimble website to be quite informative, especially the parts concerning his work at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Mass Number Crunching played a large part in my own early progamming experience, and it was enjoyable to read of other's work along those lines.

I found the Development Workbook concept interesting. It is conceptually similar to my own approach, but it is even more structured. It seems to be an excellent way to develop a program. I'd like to see the actual implementation.


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