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Using files to store/load data rather than types
What I did to display/move all the men is just run through a FOR loop 50 times, iterator called i, (assuming you have 50 men), and for each man(i), move him.
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
You can combine the use of types and files for storing data. Try the following:
'**** Type for storing player information ****
TYPE playerType
  cname AS STRING * 8
  weapon AS INTEGER
  health AS INTEGER

DIM player(3) AS playerType

'**** Setup 3 players ****
player(1).cname = "Fred"
player(1).weapon = 2
player(1).health = 100

player(2).cname = "Bob"
player(2).weapon = 9
player(2).health = 54

player(3).cname = "Sam"
player(3).weapon = 5
player(3).health = 34

'**** Save the player information to a file ****
OPEN "players.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
FOR i = 1 TO 3
  PUT #1, , player(i)

'**** Clear the player information ****
FOR i = 1 TO 3
  player(i).cname = "no name"
  player(i).weapon = 0
  player(i).health = 0

'**** Load the player information from the file ****
OPEN "players.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
FOR i = 1 TO 3
  GET #1, , player(i)

'**** Display the player information ****
FOR i = 1 TO 3
  PRINT "Player"; i; " name: "; player(i).cname
  PRINT "Player"; i; " weapon:"; player(i).weapon
  PRINT "Player"; i; " health:"; player(i).health

You can use this to save memory by only loading the types that you currently need into memory and leaving the rest on disk. For example, if your game allowed you to play as one of 10 different characters, you could have the information for each of the 10 characters saved in a file, when the player makes their choice you then load only the character they selected.
esus saves.... Passes to Moses, shoots, he scores!
Thanks for that, I'll run with those ideas and use them the way I can.

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