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Terrain Gen
Well, I was thinking back to that fad about terrain generators a while ago on, etc and decided to make my own

DECLARE SUB writepal (red!, grn!, blu!, palp!)
sizex = 120
sizey = 70
FOR i = 1 TO 8
writepal 0, 0, 60, i
FOR i = 8 TO 12
r = r + 60 / 4
g = g + 50 / 4
B = B - 60 / 4
writepal r, g, B, i
FOR i = 12 TO 30
writepal 60, 50, 0, i
r = 60
g = 50
FOR i = 30 TO 64
r = r - 40 / 34
g = g - 40 / 34
writepal r, g, 0, i
r = 20
g = 10
FOR i = 64 TO 192
r = r - 20 / 128
g = g + 50 / 128
writepal r, g, 0, i
r = 0
g = 60
B = 0
FOR i = 192 TO 255
r = r + 45 / 64
g = g - 15 / 64
B = B + 45 / 64
writepal r, g, B, i
DIM buffer(sizex, sizey)

FOR x = 1 TO sizex
  FOR y = 1 TO sizey
    buffer(x, y) = 1
FOR i = 1 TO 130
  posx = INT(RND * sizex) + 1
  posy = INT(RND * sizey) + 1
  height = INT(RND * 350) + 1
  FOR j = 1 TO 90
    posx2 = (INT(RND * 10) - 5) + posx
    posy2 = (INT(RND * 10) - 5) + posy
    IF posx2 > 1 AND posx2 < sizex AND posy2 > 1 AND posy2 < sizey THEN buffer(posx2, posy2) = height
LOCATE 1, 24: PRINT "]"
FOR smth = 1 TO 4
  FOR x = 1 TO sizex - 1
    FOR y = 1 TO sizey - 1
      av = 0
      av = av + buffer(x - 1, y - 1)
      av = av + buffer(x + 1, y - 1)
      av = av + buffer(x - 1, y + 1)
      av = av + buffer(x + 1, y + 1)
      av = av + buffer(x, y)
      av = av / 5
      IF av > 255 THEN av = 255
      IF av < 1 THEN av = 1
      buffer(x, y) = av
    LOCATE 1, 1
    a = a + 1
    PRINT "Generating: [" + STRING$((a / ((sizex - 1) * 4)) * 10, "þ")
FOR x = sizex - 1 TO 1 STEP -1
  FOR y = 10 TO sizey + 9
    'PSET (x, y), buffer(x, y - 10)
    LINE (x * 2 - 2 + y, y * 2 - 2)-(x * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x, y - 10) / 8), buffer(x, y - 10), BF
FOR x = sizex - 1 TO 2 STEP -2
  FOR y = 12 TO sizey + 9 STEP 2
     LINE (x * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x, y - 10) / 8)-((x - 2) * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x - 2, y - 10) / 8), buffer(x, y - 10)
     LINE (x * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x, y - 10) / 8)-(x * 2 + (y - 2), (y - 2) * 2 - buffer(x, y - 12) / 8), buffer(x, y - 10)

SUB writepal (red, grn, blu, palp)
  OUT &H3C8, palp
  OUT &H3C9, red
  OUT &H3C9, grn
  OUT &H3C9, blu
Cool work! Now make a map engine that will generate maps for your terrain - then of course a map loading engine...
This could go somewhere. Smile
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
Dark, how did you do to make it THAT FAST ?

I thought this kind of generators could only live with look-up tables...

As for landscapes generation, TC-Land is one of my next project... I'll try to do do with terrain generation what I've done with raytracing.

Antoni has emailed me a while ago the terrain generator of Entropy, I can post that if you wish. It's impressive...

As for me, that's what I managed to do one year ago:

[Image: BayHR.jpg]
[Image: Land.jpg]

You can download the prog that I used on this page:

but be careful: this prog is horrible, that's why I want to make TC-Land, that will look more like this:
[Image: Rayfract.jpg]
This picture uses the original Ken Perlin algorithm, it gives real nice results for clouds, mountains should be nice also.
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
Hehe, wow. Nice work everyone.

I played with Entropy's terrain generator too..

I made a map generator myself, and it does local convergence too, but with a bit of a different formula: it converges into 2D islands, like a cow's hide.
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
WOW! Thats awesome Jark!
You could make one hell of a Populous type game with that.
I think I'll scrap my land generator now... :rotfl:
My progs are unfortunately far too slow for games Cry

But they can give ideas :wink:
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
Heh, thanks guys.

Jark: Im not really sure why you would expect it to be slow, as the generator only uses a simple type of smoothing to generate heights, and the colours are obviously based on heights. Btw, I love your terrain generator!! It is beautiful!

Zack: Im not really sure what you mean by a map engine that will generate maps for the terrain? but what would be cool is if I could somehow change the engine to allow walking around. It would be way cool to be able to walk around a landscape like that and walk across the beaches and everything =D
Dark, just try to generate a terrain with my prog: then you'll see I why I call it slow... It's SVGA, hires stuff... :wink:
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]

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