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WAITing for vertical retrace: useless with LCD moniters?
I was recently reading about different types of moniters, and I came across something (a reliable source: a very good book on Assembly) that said that Vertical Retrace is only existent in CRT moniters, because there is a "gun" that fires electrons at phosphorescent(sp?) particles, lighting them up. The gun travels around, and pauses when it finishes drawing a full screen. Hence Vertical Retrace, which allows you to quickly draw so that the user can't see it happening. But then it went on to say that LCD moniters are more synchronous in the lighting up of pixels, so there is no vertical retrace.
Does that mean that WAIT &H3DA,8 is useless with LCD moniters?
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
Virtually it is, but the signals are there (at port &H3DA), so the VSync loop works.
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
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More on what na_th_an said, LCD (and plasma) displays still have a "refresh period." This period is how fast an individual pixel can be changed. It makes no difference when it's neighbour was changed, it applies to each pixel (LCD element) indivudually.

However, this is typically still called the vertical refresh rate as that tests are concluded on a full-screen refresh, not individual pixels.
Life is like a box of chocolates', hrm, WTF, no it isn't, more like, 'life is like a steaming pile of horse crap.'

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