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So I stopped coding for two weeks and now this?
'One of the many possibilities of SuperPut
'This is prolly the fastest interference circles ever done in QB.
'SetVideoSeg and SuperPut by Plasma


DECLARE SUB SuperPutRemove ()
DECLARE SUB SetVideoSeg (Segment)

SCREEN 13  '(not really needed because SuperPut sets screen 13)
SuperPut   'Install the patch

' Simple 32x32 sprite for testing
DIM Image(32001)


'set up our nice circles
FOR y% = -99 TO 100
    ydist! = y% * y%
    FOR x% = -159 TO 160
        xdist! = CLNG(x% * x%)
        PSET (x% + 159, y% + 99), 15 * (SQR(ABS(xdist!) + ABS(ydist!)) \ 4 AND 1)
    NEXT x%

GET (0, 0)-(319, 199), Image            'get image


REDIM Vpage(32009) AS INTEGER        'Clear offscreen buffer
Vpage(6) = 2560                      'Width 320*8
Vpage(7) = 200                       'Height
Layer = VARSEG(Vpage(0)) + 1         'Buffer Seg(Ask Plasma)

    F& = F& + 1
    x1 = COS(F& / 80) * 50              'loactions of images
    y1 = SIN(F& / 40) * 30
    x2 = COS(F& / 20) * 50
    y2 = SIN(F& / 30) * 30
    SetVideoSeg Layer
    PUT (x1, y1), Image, PSET           'first image
    PUT (x2, y2), Image, XOR            'superimposed image
    LINE (0, 0)-(50, 199), 0, BF        'left border
    LINE (0, 0)-(319, 30), 0, BF        'top border
    LINE (320 - 50, 0)-(319, 199), 0, BF      'right border
    LINE (0, 200 - 30)-(319, 199), 0, BF      'down border
    SetVideoSeg &HA000
    WAIT &H3DA, 8
    PUT (0, 0), Vpage(6), PSET


SUB SetVideoSeg (Segment) STATIC

  ' SetVideoSeg by Plasma
  ' Changes QB's active video segment for SCREEN 13
  ' * Works for all graphics functions (does not work with PRINT)
  ' * Compatible with:      QBasic 1.x
  '                     QuickBasic 4.x (IDE & compiled)
  '                         QB PDS 7.1 (IDE & compiled)
  '                          VBDOS 1.0 (IDE & compiled)


  ' If SetVideoSeg was previously called, we can just
  ' set the new segment and bail.

  IF VideoSegOff <> 0 THEN
    POKE VideoSegOff, Segment AND &HFF
    POKE VideoSegOff + 1, (Segment AND &HFF00&) \ &H100

  ' Otherwise we have to search for b$AddrC, which holds the
  ' graphics offset (b$OffC) and segment (b$SegC). Since b$AddrC
  ' is in the default segment, we can find it by setting it to a
  ' certain value, and then searching for that value.

  SCREEN 13             ' Set b$SegC to A000 (00A0 in memory)
  PSET (160, 100), 0    ' Set b$OffC to 7DA0 (not needed in the IDE)

  ' Search for b$AddrC, which is in the default segment and
  ' should have a value of A0 7D 00 A0.
  FOR i = 0 TO &H7FFC
    IF PEEK(i) = &HA0 AND PEEK(i + 1) = &H7D THEN
    IF PEEK(i + 2) = &H0 AND PEEK(i + 3) = &HA0 THEN
      ' Found it, so set b$SegC to the specified segment and exit
      VideoSegOff = i + 2
      POKE VideoSegOff, Segment AND &HFF
      POKE VideoSegOff + 1, (Segment AND &HFF00&) \ &H100
      EXIT SUB
    END IF
    END IF

  WIDTH 80, 25
  PRINT "SetVideoSeg Error: Cannot find video segment offset."
  PRINT "Check to make sure you are using a compatible version of QB."



  ' SuperPut by Plasma
  ' Props to Rel for the original idea and RelSpriteFlip
  ' Replaces QB's graphics PUT with Rel's optimized routine that
  ' supports clipping, transparency, and flipping.
  ' Clipping: Sprites will be clipped if they are partially
  '           off-screen, rather than returning "Illegal Function
  '           Call". This also means you can pass negative
  '           coordinates.
  ' Transparency: Color 0 is always the transparent color,
  '               except when the PSET actionverb is passed
  '               (transparency is then ignored).
  ' New PUT actionverbs:     XOR - not flipped  (default)
  '                         PSET - not flipped &
  '                                  no transparency
  '                       PRESET - flipped horizontally
  '                           OR - flipped vertically
  '                          AND - flipped horizontally &
  '                                  vertically
  ' * Works with SCREEN 13 only
  ' * Fully compatible with SetVideoSeg :)
  ' * Compatible with:      QBasic 1.x
  '                     QuickBasic 4.x (IDE & compiled)
  '                         QB PDS 7.1 (IDE & compiled)
  '                          VBDOS 1.0 (IDE & compiled)
  '   Note: If you compile your program, it must be compiled as
  '         a stand-alone EXE!

  IF NOT Loaded THEN  'First time? If so, find the offsets and load the code

    ' Find the video segment offset (b$SegC). See SetVideoSeg if
    ' you want to see how this works.
    SCREEN 13
    PSET (160, 100), 0

    DefSeg& = VARSEG(DefSeg$)
    DEF SEG = DefSeg&
    FOR i = 0 TO &H7FFC
      IF PEEK(i) = &HA0 AND PEEK(i + 1) = &H7D THEN
      IF PEEK(i + 2) = &H0 AND PEEK(i + 3) = &HA0 THEN
        VideoSegOff = i + 2
        EXIT FOR
      END IF
      END IF

    IF i = &H7FFD THEN
      SCREEN 0
      WIDTH 80, 25
      PRINT "SuperPut Error: Cannot find video segment offset."
      PRINT "Check to make sure you are using a compatible version of QB."
    END IF

    ' Find QB's B$GPUT routine by searching for some known opcodes
    ' (backwards from the default segment)
    PutSeg& = DefSeg& - &H400
    DO WHILE PutSeg& > 0
      DEF SEG = PutSeg&
      FOR i = 0 TO &H3FF4
        IF PEEK(i) = &HC4 AND PEEK(i + 1) = &H5E AND PEEK(i + 2) = &HA THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 3) = &H8C AND PEEK(i + 4) = &HC1 AND PEEK(i + 5) = &H41 THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 6) = &HE2 AND PEEK(i + 7) = &H5 AND PEEK(i + 8) = &H8B THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 9) = &H5E AND PEEK(i + 10) = &H8 AND PEEK(i + 11) = &HC4 THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 12) = &H1F THEN
          PutOff = i                'Routine entry point is 16 bytes before
          PutSeg& = PutSeg& - 1     'the anchor, so just decrease the segment
          EXIT DO                   'and we have the real entry point.
        END IF
        END IF
        END IF
        END IF
        END IF
      PutSeg& = PutSeg& - &H3FF

    IF i = &H3FF5 THEN
      SCREEN 0
      WIDTH 80, 25
      PRINT "SuperPut Error: Cannot find QB's B$GPUT routine."
      PRINT "Check to make sure you are using a compatible version of QB"
      PRINT "and have compiled your program as a stand-alone EXE."
    END IF

    ' Modified version of RelSpriteFlip
    NewPut$ = "8B1CC1EB032E891E36022E891E3C028B54022E891638022E89163E022EC706"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "340200002EC7063A0200002EC706400200002EC706420200002E"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "C706460200002EC7064402000083C6048B460A3D3F010F8F8C00"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "3D00000F8CA6008B4E0881F9C7007F7C83F9000F8CAB0003D881"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "FB3F010F8FB7002BD803D181FAC7000F8FC1002BD12E891E3602"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "86E9BB40018BF92E2B1E3602C1EF0203F92E891E3A0203F8837E"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "06020F84B700837E06000F84DF00837E06010F842601837E0603"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "742A2E8B1E36028BCB8A04460AC07403268805474975F22E033E"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "3A022E033634024A75E31F075F5E5DCA0800FC2E8B1E36028BCB"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "F3A42E033E3A022E033634024A75EFEBDFF7D82BD87ED903F02E"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "A334022EA3440233C0E945FFF7D92BD17EC42E890E40022E0336"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "36024975F8E93FFF81EB40012E011E34022E891E4202BB40012B"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "D8E935FF03CA81E9C8002BD12E8B0E3E022E890E46022E291646"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "028B4E08E924FF2E033642022E8B0E36028BD94B2E2B1E44028A"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "000AC07403268805474B4975F22E033E3A022E03363C024A75D8"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "E951FFB940018BDA4B0FAFCB03F92E8B0E3C022E8B1E40020FAF"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "CB2BF12EA13C022E8B1E46020FAFC303F02E8B0E36028A04460A"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "C07403268805474975F22E2B3E360281EF40012E033634024A75"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "DCE902FF2E8B0E3C028BDA0FAFCB03F14E2E8B0E3C022E8B1E40"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "020FAFCB2BF12EA13C022E8B1E46020FAFC303F02E2B3644022E"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "8B0E36022E2B3644028A044E0AC07403268805474975F22E033E"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "3A022E2B3642024A75DBE9ABFE00000000000000000000000000"
    NewPut$ = NewPut$ + "00000000000000"

    ' Load the code into memory and dump the wasteful string
    DIM NewPut(LEN(NewPut$) / 2 - 1)
    DEF SEG = VARSEG(NewPut(0))
    FOR i = 1 TO LEN(NewPut$) STEP 2
      POKE (i - 1) / 2, VAL("&H" + MID$(NewPut$, i, 2))
    NewPut$ = ""


  DEF SEG = PutSeg&
  IF PEEK(PutOff + &H1D) = &H26 THEN           'First time patching?
    POKE PutOff + &H50, PEEK(PutOff + &H2B)    'Save addresses before we
    POKE PutOff + &H51, PEEK(PutOff + &H2C)    'overwrite them (in case
    POKE PutOff + &H52, PEEK(PutOff + &H33)    'the user wants to restore
    POKE PutOff + &H53, PEEK(PutOff + &H34)    'the PUT routine...)
    POKE PutOff + &H54, PEEK(PutOff + &H38)
    POKE PutOff + &H55, PEEK(PutOff + &H39)

  ' Patch it up
  POKE PutOff + &H1D, &H1E                 'push  ds
  POKE PutOff + &H1E, &HA1                 'mov   ax,B$GYPOS
  POKE PutOff + &H1F, PEEK(PutOff + &H42)
  POKE PutOff + &H20, PEEK(PutOff + &H43)
  POKE PutOff + &H21, &H89                 'mov   [bp+08],ax
  POKE PutOff + &H22, &H46
  POKE PutOff + &H23, &H8
  POKE PutOff + &H24, &HA1                 'mov   ax,B$GXPOS
  POKE PutOff + &H25, PEEK(PutOff + &H54)
  POKE PutOff + &H26, PEEK(PutOff + &H55)
  POKE PutOff + &H27, &H89                 'mov   [bp+0A],ax
  POKE PutOff + &H28, &H46
  POKE PutOff + &H29, &HA
  POKE PutOff + &H2A, &H89                 'mov   si,bx
  POKE PutOff + &H2B, &HDE
  POKE PutOff + &H2C, &H8C                 'mov   bx,es
  POKE PutOff + &H2D, &HC3
  POKE PutOff + &H2E, &H8E                 'mov   ds,bx
  POKE PutOff + &H2F, &HDB
  POKE PutOff + &H30, &HBB                 'mov   bx,DefSeg&
  POKE PutOff + &H31, DefSeg& AND &HFF
  POKE PutOff + &H32, (DefSeg& AND &HFF00&) \ &H100
  POKE PutOff + &H33, &H8E                 'mov   es,bx
  POKE PutOff + &H34, &HC3
  POKE PutOff + &H35, &H26                 'mov   bx,es:VideoSegOff
  POKE PutOff + &H36, &H8B
  POKE PutOff + &H37, &H1E
  POKE PutOff + &H38, VideoSegOff AND &HFF
  POKE PutOff + &H39, (VideoSegOff AND &HFF00&) \ &H100
  POKE PutOff + &H3A, &H8E                 'mov   es,bx
  POKE PutOff + &H3B, &HC3
  POKE PutOff + &H3C, &HEA                 'jmp   VARSEG(NewPut(0)):0000
  POKE PutOff + &H3D, &H0
  POKE PutOff + &H3E, &H0
  POKE PutOff + &H3F, VARSEG(NewPut(0)) AND &HFF
  POKE PutOff + &H40, (VARSEG(NewPut(0)) AND &HFF00&) \ &H100

  Loaded = -1


SUB SuperPutRemove STATIC

  ' SuperPut (Remove) by Plasma
  ' Props to Rel for the original idea and RelSpriteFlip
  ' Restores QB's original PUT routine. (Not needed unless you
  ' want to use a screen mode other than 13 and have already
  ' called SuperPut.)
  ' * Compatible with:      QBasic 1.x
  '                     QuickBasic 4.x (IDE & compiled)
  '                         QB PDS 7.1 (IDE & compiled)
  '                          VBDOS 1.0 (IDE & compiled)
  '   Note: If you compile your program, it must be compiled as
  '         a stand-alone EXE!

  IF PutSeg& = 0 THEN   'First time? If so, we have to find B$GPUT.

    ' Find QB's B$GPUT routine by searching for some known opcodes
    ' (backwards from the default segment)
    PutSeg& = VARSEG(DefSeg$) - &H400
    DO WHILE PutSeg& > 0
      DEF SEG = PutSeg&
      FOR i = 0 TO &H3FF4
        IF PEEK(i) = &HC4 AND PEEK(i + 1) = &H5E AND PEEK(i + 2) = &HA THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 3) = &H8C AND PEEK(i + 4) = &HC1 AND PEEK(i + 5) = &H41 THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 6) = &HE2 AND PEEK(i + 7) = &H5 AND PEEK(i + 8) = &H8B THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 9) = &H5E AND PEEK(i + 10) = &H8 AND PEEK(i + 11) = &HC4 THEN
        IF PEEK(i + 12) = &H1F THEN
          PutOff = i                'Routine entry point is 16 bytes before
          PutSeg& = PutSeg& - 1     'the anchor, so just decrease the segment
          EXIT DO                   'and we have the real entry point.
        END IF
        END IF
        END IF
        END IF
        END IF
      PutSeg& = PutSeg& - &H3FF

    IF i = &H3FF5 THEN
      SCREEN 0
      WIDTH 80, 25
      PRINT "SuperPut Error: Cannot find QB's B$GPUT routine."
      PRINT "Check to make sure you are using a compatible version of QB"
      PRINT "and have compiled your program as a stand-alone EXE."
    END IF


  DEF SEG = PutSeg&
  IF PEEK(PutOff + &H1D) = &H26 THEN EXIT SUB   'SuperPut isn't loaded

  ' Restore the part of QB's original PUT routine that SuperPut overwrote
  POKE PutOff + &H1D, &H26                 'mov   si,es:[bx]
  POKE PutOff + &H1E, &H8B
  POKE PutOff + &H1F, &H37
  POKE PutOff + &H20, &H56                 'push  si
  POKE PutOff + &H21, &H26                 'mov   di,es:[bx+2]
  POKE PutOff + &H22, &H8B
  POKE PutOff + &H23, &H7F
  POKE PutOff + &H24, &H2
  POKE PutOff + &H25, &H57                 'push  di
  POKE PutOff + &H26, &H83                 'add   bx,4
  POKE PutOff + &H27, &HC3
  POKE PutOff + &H28, &H4
  POKE PutOff + &H29, &H53                 'push  bx
  POKE PutOff + &H2A, &HE8                 'call  B$PixSize
  POKE PutOff + &H2B, PEEK(PutOff + &H50)
  POKE PutOff + &H2C, PEEK(PutOff + &H51)
  POKE PutOff + &H2D, &H93                 'xchg  bx,ax
  POKE PutOff + &H2E, &H96                 'xchg  si,ax
  POKE PutOff + &H2F, &H99                 'cwd
  POKE PutOff + &H30, &H32                 'xor   bh,bh
  POKE PutOff + &H31, &HFF
  POKE PutOff + &H32, &HE8                 'call  B$IDIVBX
  POKE PutOff + &H33, PEEK(PutOff + &H52)
  POKE PutOff + &H34, PEEK(PutOff + &H53)
  POKE PutOff + &H35, &H48                 'dec   ax
  POKE PutOff + &H36, &H8B                 'mov   dx,B$GXPOS
  POKE PutOff + &H37, &H16
  POKE PutOff + &H38, PEEK(PutOff + &H54)
  POKE PutOff + &H39, PEEK(PutOff + &H55)
  POKE PutOff + &H3A, &H3                  'add   ax,dx
  POKE PutOff + &H3B, &HC2
  POKE PutOff + &H3C, &H72                 'jb    PRNGER
  POKE PutOff + &H3D, &H1B
  POKE PutOff + &H3E, &H8B                 'mov   cx,ax
  POKE PutOff + &H3F, &HC8
  POKE PutOff + &H40, &H8B                 'mov   (partial)

  POKE PutOff + &H50, &H75                 'jnz   PRNGNW
  POKE PutOff + &H51, &H4
  POKE PutOff + &H52, &H2B                 'sub   bx,di
  POKE PutOff + &H53, &HDF
  POKE PutOff + &H54, &HEB                 'jmp   SHORT PRNGER
  POKE PutOff + &H55, &H3

y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
Rel...I really like the interference circles...moire patterns are always interesting. I wonder how it'd look with finer features? or 2-square-grids rotating and translating *and* the 2 moving bullseye pattern??

Nice job.
You can try. Just don't try the squares, I did it already and it looked awful. :*)
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:

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