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Error? Why?
When I try to run this code I get a "parameter type mismatch" error on the third argument of the DrawX SUB.. even though the DrawY SUB is the exact same. Please inform me of waht I am doing.
I apologize if my comments move to the new line, creating confusion.

'** This program is fairly simple, and was my first      **
'** attempt at really playing around with graphics in QB **
'** x and y control the intersection of the lines.       **
'** endtime controls the speed at which the lines move   **
'**         the higher the #, the slower they move.      **
'** xgoway and ygoway are integers with the value of     **
'** 1 or -1, depending if the lines are moving L/R/U/D   **
'** Written By:  Brett Haralson                          **

DECLARE SUB DrawX (x, y, xgoway AS INTEGER)
DECLARE SUB DrawY (x, y, ygoway AS INTEGER)

SCREEN 12                               'Set screen to 12, (640 X 480 resolution)

CONST XMAX = 640                        'This constants are use to draw the lines to absolute positions
CONST YMAX = 480                        'on the monitor. eg. LINE (x, 0)-(x, YMAX) draws up/down line.

DIM x, y, endtime, xgoway, ygoway AS INTEGER

x = 1: y = 0: endtime = 20000: xgoway = 1: ygoway = 1

  CALL DrawY(x, y, ygoway)              'This draws the line on Y axis (up down)
  FOR i = 0 TO endtime: NEXT            'This creates a small delay so the prog doesn't run too fast.
  CALL DrawX(x, y, xgoway)              'This draws the line on the X axis
  IF (INKEY$ <> "") THEN : END          'This monitors keyboard input and quits whenever any key is pressed.

SUB DrawX (x, y, way AS INTEGER)  'draws the sweeping x line
   IF (x = 0) THEN : way = 1                                    'If x line has reached far left, reverse direction.
   IF (x = 639) THEN : way = -1: LINE (640, 0)-(640, YMAX), 9   'If x line has reached far right, reverse direction, and draw last line.
   LINE (x - way, 0)-(x - way, YMAX), 0                         'Cover up old line.
   LINE (x, 0)-(x, YMAX), 9                                     'Draw new line (notice how change in line position is dictated by the value of variable 'way'
   x = x + way                                                  'change the value of x so the sub will know where to draw line next time it is called

SUB DrawY (x, y, way AS INTEGER) 'draws the sweeping x line

   IF (y = 0) THEN : way = 1
   IF (y = 479) THEN : way = -1: LINE (0, 480)-(XMAX, 480), 9
   LINE (0, y - way)-(XMAX, y - way), 0
   LINE (0, y)-(XMAX, y), 9
   y = y + way

   'Since DrawX is called in both For loops in Main program, I
   'chose to insert the hit any key to quit thing here.
   IF (INKEY$ <> "") THEN : END

Not sure if this is it or not, but your variable names for the declare and the sub routine are different for the third arguments.
DIM x, y, endtime, xgoway AS INTEGER, ygoway AS INTEGER
Can you explain to me why that is?

why you have to say
DIM x, y, xgoway AS INTEGER, ygoway AS INTEGER

and not
DIM x, y, xgoway, ygoway AS INTEGER
If you don't specify a type for a variable in a DIM statement, it is the default type.
DIM x, y, xgoway AS INTEGER, ygoway AS INTEGER
dimensions x and y as SINGLEs and xgoway and ygoway as INTEGERs.
DIM x, y, xgoway, ygoway AS INTEGER
dimensions x, y and xgoway as SINGLEs and ygoway as an INTEGER.

If you want to change the defult type for the program to INTEGERs, you can use the line

at the beginning of the program (you can also use it above the header of any SUB).
hrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first.(I Timothy 1:15)

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.(John 3:16)

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