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Few question about QB and legency
I have some question.
1. Is QBasic 1.1 free (if not, how much is it) ?
2. Is QuickBasic 4.5 free (if not, how much is it) ?
3. Can I sell my game for cash (bas files + qbasic1.1 for runnig my game) ?
4. Can I sell my game (compilated in QuickBasic 4.5 to Exe file) for cash ?
5. If I want sell my game, I will must have licence from MS (if yes, how much is it ?) ?

Thanks. Smile
1. It is
2. No, but you can illegaly d/l it, no one cares
3. If it's good....
4. Ditto
5. Rename the .EXE file to .COM and you'll do fine

Btw. Welcome 8)
1. Yes. You can download if from Microsoft at:
2. Technically, no. If you want to buy it legally, you have to buy it used from a place like ebay or
3. Yes, if someone is willing to buy it
4. Yes, if you legally own QB 4.5.
5. No, as long as you legally own the compiler you used, you are free to sell anything that you make with it. (Provided that the code is all yours, or you have a license for other code used.)
Is somebody know about any free basic compilator ?
3. Unfortunately, dont expect anyone to pay for it. =P Qb games just purely aint good enough, and there are so many decent games out there for free.

oh, and COUGH::
Quote:Qb games just purely aint good enough,

Well that's a downer... *Looks at his RPG*

One night I had a dream where I was breaking balls. The next morning, BALLSBREAKER was born.

Quote: Excellent. Now you can have things without paying for them.

~-_-Status Report-_-~
Engine: 94%
Graphics: 95%
Sound: 100%
A Severe Error has crippled BB2 for the time being... I have to figure it out, but until then you won't see much of it Sad.
Aww come on, you know I just meant not good enough to sell ;D

I bet your RPG will be good =)

and Oi! Whatever happened to your RTS? I was looking forward to that!
Quote:and Oi! Whatever happened to your RTS? I was looking forward to that!
I think you are thinking of pr0gger :wink:
the mind is a beautiful thing, use it and make the world a more beautiful place.
No, I was talking about making an RTS, but I needed help with it, and nobody wanted to help... Sad

One night I had a dream where I was breaking balls. The next morning, BALLSBREAKER was born.

Quote: Excellent. Now you can have things without paying for them.

~-_-Status Report-_-~
Engine: 94%
Graphics: 95%
Sound: 100%
A Severe Error has crippled BB2 for the time being... I have to figure it out, but until then you won't see much of it Sad.
What kind of help do you need then?

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