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Loading sprites
Ok, so I made a sprite with PP256 and now I'm trying to load it with the well-known code:

SUB InitImageData (FileName$, ImageArray())

    IF FileName$ <> "" THEN
        '***** Read image data from file *****

        'Establish size of integer array required.
        FileNo = FREEFILE
        OPEN FileName$ FOR BINARY AS #FileNo
        Ints = (LOF(FileNo) - 7) \ 2
        CLOSE #FileNo
        REDIM ImageArray(1 TO Ints)

        'Load image data directly into array memory.
        DEF SEG = VARSEG(ImageArray(1))
        BLOAD FileName$, 0
        DEF SEG
        '***** Read image data from DATA statements *****

        'Establish size of integer array required.
        READ IntCount
        REDIM ImageArray(1 TO IntCount)

        'READ image DATA into array.
        FOR n = 1 TO IntCount
            READ x
            ImageArray(n) = x
        NEXT n
    END IF


SUB MakeImageIndex (ImageArray(), IndexArray())

    'The index will initially be built in a temporary array, allowing
    'for the maximum 1000 images per file.
    DIM Temp(1 TO 1000)
    Ptr& = 1: IndexNo = 1: LastInt = UBOUND(ImageArray)
        Temp(IndexNo) = Ptr&
        IndexNo = IndexNo + 1

        'Evaluate descriptor of currently referenced image to
        'calculate the beginning of the next image.
        x& = (ImageArray(Ptr&) \ 8) * (ImageArray(Ptr& + 1)) + 4
        IF x& MOD 2 THEN x& = x& + 1
        Ptr& = Ptr& + (x& \ 2)
    LOOP WHILE Ptr& < LastInt

    LastImage = IndexNo - 1

    'Copy the image index values into the actual index array.
    REDIM IndexArray(1 TO LastImage)
    FOR n = 1 TO LastImage
        IndexArray(n) = Temp(n)
    NEXT n


REDIM Sprites(1 TO 1)
REDIM SpritesIndex( 1 TO 1)

InitImageData "C:\QB\PP256\IMAGES\HL.put", Sprites()
MakeImageIndex Sprites(), SpritesIndex ()

But at this point:
Temp(IndexNo) = Ptr&

I'm getting a "Subsrcipt out of range" error. This is a really simple question, but I just couldn't get it right...Anyone?
Only time that could happen is if you have more then 1000 images in one file...

Try printing out IndexNo to see where it crashes.
(Should be 1001)

Just add a PRINT IndexNo right before the crashing code.
Doesn't work =\
What do you mean "it doesn't work"? Do you mean that you can't see the PRINT because it already went back to the IDE or what?

One night I had a dream where I was breaking balls. The next morning, BALLSBREAKER was born.

Quote: Excellent. Now you can have things without paying for them.

~-_-Status Report-_-~
Engine: 94%
Graphics: 95%
Sound: 100%
A Severe Error has crippled BB2 for the time being... I have to figure it out, but until then you won't see much of it Sad.
Yes, that's what I mean :roll:
I don't know what I was thinking... :roll:
Hmm...ok I got it now, it crashes at 1001 (what a surprise! =p) But I haven't got more than thousand images in one file...
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
Ok, and where exactly do I put that? 'Cause I can't get it to work...
anywhere before the array DIMs

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