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Hi all / Bonjour tout le monde !

Je suis modérateur des ProgBoards et je vous invite à venir faire un tour dans notre communauté grandissante française !

I'm a ProgBoards's admin and i proudly invite you to discover our french communauty !

PHP-ASP-C++-BASIC-JAVA-HTML-WEB-etc... :bounce:

Poly Progr@m's > > Our French Coding Forums
Tu vois Poly, cette absence de communication entre les deux langues est une plaie pour le monde.

Apparemment, même les Canadiens francophones n'ont pas compris le sens de ton message...

Ce qui est curieux, c'est que j'avais eu une série impressionnante de réactions à on post "any french here?", mais qui avaient malheureusent dégénéré en commentaires vaseux sur les défauts des états-uniens... Le modérateur avait d'ailleurs failli intervenir.

A côté de ça, lorsque j'avais annoncé la parution de la Nephroid Page du Dazibao, le post a été carrément killé par un modéro. Tu imagines pourquoi, la première photo de c... est clairement plus dangereuse dans la certaine de quelqu'un que des propos xénophobes basiques.

Le monde est bizarre, non ?
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
Yes, quite bizarre. You know my thoughs about the Dazibao page link removed...

And I concur with you: It's a pitty that two big QB communities aren't in touch... But that's what happens with different languages and such.

And internet translators don't work (I tried altavista on Poly's site and -oh my god- It was the biggest nonsense I've ever read - in both english and spanish Tongue) ... Let Jark be our "corresponsal" from the french scene Smile
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
et bé oué... c ca la puissance de AltaVista Smile

je te conseille plutôt Google Translator qui - je crois - marche mieux

:rotfl: > Our French Coding Forums
That's what I got from your previous message:

"And bé oué c ca the power of AltaVista I advise you rather Google Translator who - I believe - walking better "

It is nonsense... Google translator doesn't work either.
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
that web stuff finally works... felt kinda lonely here, but, after a few days, the merry planet goes round and round and round : spanish folks speak to frenchies in english, while their governments disagree and while QB calculates wrong cosines...

Hope Irakians love their children too...
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
Sarcasm anyone? [Image: sqmellow.gif] [Image: jesse6.gif]
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
Hard Rock attempts to remember some of his rusty frence,and manages to translate the WHOLE FIRST post. However after looking at the second post he immediatly gives up...
(oh wait the first sentence was already translated, heh, at least i got it right)

well hang on ill try again, heh, i grabbed a few sentences hear and there. My french is pretty bad, heck everything i speak except english is bad.(and even thats not great)

I guess i can put some crude sentences together, essential, i translate as well as google does. Every third word :p
b]Hard Rock[/b]
[The Stars Dev Company] [Metal Qb flopped] [The Terror]
Stop Double Posts!
Whats better? HTML or Variables?
the french youth use a lot of abbreviations that are derived from the SMS writing : "c" means "c'est" (non pronouncable in english, means "that is"), "koi" means "quoi" (understand "what").

I still have difficulties reading this SMS style, though being french, cause I'm getting older, losing my hair (I love quoting songs, you know. But I'm not 64 yet), so I can understand why Google and Babelfish get lost Big Grin :rotfl:
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
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