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Sprite classes in Allegro
Sorry to have such a vague post, but could anyone possibly give me an example of a sprite class that could be used in Allegro? Basically, one that holds the position, and images of the sprite? I'm having unexpectedly high amounts of problems in this department.
I can make it in plain C with structures...

typedef struct {
   int x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay, rx, ry;     // Use ints and <<8 values. Read below
   BITMAP **cells;    // Dynamic array of cells
   int num_cells;
   int frame;
   int subframe;
   int status;
   int etc;

SPRITETYPE sprites[100];

Ints <<8: to avoid floats, you can make every value integer and multiply by 256 (shift left 8 ). That way you get precission without having to use floating point numbers. To convert back to real coordinates/values, just divide by 256 (shift right 8: >>8 ) .
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Alright, thanks.

I tried going by that, and here's what I have so far. Hopefully you can tell what I was trying to do through each section.

The code actually runs, however, upon excecuting the program, it closes right back out, so apparently, I'm doing something wrong in here.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <allegro.h>
#include <winalleg.h>

RGB* Pal;


    int x,y,currentimage;
    BITMAP** image[50];


void Load_Sprite(char *filename, BITMAP** bitmap)
    bitmap = (BITMAP**)load_bitmap(filename, Pal);

void Draw_Sprite(SPRITE_STRUCT sprite)
    draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)sprite.image[sprite.currentimage],sprite.x,sprite.y);

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprevinstance, LPSTR lpcmdline, int nshowcmd)
    SPRITE_STRUCT character;

    set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0);
    character.currentimage = 0;


        Load_Sprite("character.bmp", character.image[0]);

At a glance, it could be because x and y have not been initialised and you then try to blit directly to the screen in Draw_Sprite using these 'wild' variables - which are probably way out of range.

Ohh.. that 'bitmap' pointer in Load_Sprite also goes out of scope once the function ends, which is probably the main culprit.

If you're using C++ and happy with OOP, a better way would be like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <allegro.h>
#include <winalleg.h>

RGB* Pal;

class Sprite


    // Loads a bitmap into specified slot
    void Load_Sprite (char *filename, int index);

    // Draws sprite to screen using existing coords
    void Draw_Sprite(int index);

    int x,y;


    // Array of pointers to bitmaps
    BITMAP* image[50];

void Sprite::Load_Sprite(char *filename, int index)
   image[index] = load_bitmap(filename, Pal);

void Sprite::Draw_Sprite(int index)
   draw_sprite(screen, image[index], x, y);

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprevinstance, LPSTR lpcmdline, int nshowcmd)

   set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0);
   Sprite character;
   character.x = 10;
   character.y = 10;

      // Load bmp into index 0
      character.Load_Sprite("character.bmp", 0);

      // Draw sprite held at index 0

In a world without walls and doors, who needs Windows and Gates?
void Load_Sprite(char *filename, BITMAP** bitmap)
    bitmap = (BITMAP**)load_bitmap(filename, Pal);

load_bitmap returns a BITMAP*... so either you need to amend your code to this:

void Load_Sprite(char *filename, BITMAP** bitmap)
    *bitmap = load_bitmap(filename, Pal);

Or you can change your function to just accept a pointer to a bitmap (this way is a lot better):

void Load_Sprite(char *filename, BITMAP* bitmap)
    bitmap = load_bitmap(filename, Pal);

Just to clarify, previously you could have done this with your original code:

BITMAP *someBitmap;
    Load_Sprite("arf.bmp", &someBitmap);

However, with the amended code (the second option), you call the function like this:

BITMAP *someBitmap;
    Load_Sprite("arf.bmp", someBitmap);

Another note, you'd probably want to check whether the function worked or not - obviously the load_bitmap function will fail if the file doesn't exist, or if the file is corrupt. So you can return a "status" value like so:

int Load_Sprite(char *filename, BITMAP* bitmap)
    return (bitmap = load_bitmap(filename, Pal));

Which will return 0 if it fails, or 1 if it succeeds.

Hope this helps.

P.S. Piptol's class is a lot nicer than using plain C for this purpose. Wink
Thank you very much. You are all my heroes. Smile I don't know why I was afraid to use classes in the beginning, but it sure as heck made it a lot easier.

But yeah, I got the class working, and a nice picture of....... a burger.... showed up on the screen. Thank you very much. Smile

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