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Porting VB source to FB...

I found a code to en-/de-code files with BASE64. The source is made to be used with Visual Basic 6.
So I wanted to port the source to FreeBASIC. But it's more difficult than I guessed.

Here the source that can't be compiled:

Const Base64 = _

' Man koennte aber jede beliebige andere Anordnung der Zeichen waehlen.
Const codeB = _

B64() As Byte
Rev64() As Byte

EncodeB64 "MyFile.wav"

Sub EncodeB64(ByVal FileName AS STRING)
Open Filename For Binary Access Read As #1
Dim b64Text(1) As String
Dim OrgLen As Long
OrgLen = LOF(1)
b64Text(0) = Space$(OrgLen)
Get #1, , b64Text(0)
Close #1
b64Text(1) = base64_encode(B64, b64Text(0))
Open Filename For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1, , b64Text(1)
Erase b64Text
Close #1
End Sub

Sub DecodeB64(ByVal FileName AS STRING)
Open Filename For Binary Access Read As #1
Dim b64Text(1) As String
Dim OrgLen As Long
OrgLen = LOF(1)
b64Text(0) = Space$(OrgLen)
Get #1, , b64Text(0)
Close #1
b64Text(1) = base64_decode(B64, b64Text(0))
Open Filename For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1, , b64Text(1)
Erase b64Text
Close #1
End Sub

Function base64_encode(Code() As Byte, Source$) As String

    Dim n As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim c1 As Integer
    Dim c2 As Integer
    Dim c3 As Integer
    Dim w(4) As Integer
    Dim sourceB() As Byte
    Dim Result() As Byte
    Dim l As Long
    Dim k As Long
    Dim rest As Long
    Dim cnt
    l = Len(Source$)
    If l = 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    sourceB() = StrConv(Source$, vbFromUnicode)
    rest = l Mod 3
    If rest > 0 Then
        n = ((l \ 3) + 1) * 3
        ReDim Preserve sourceB(n - 1)
        n = l
    End If
    ReDim Result(4 * n / 3 - 1) ' Das Ergebnis ist 4/3 mal so lang
    cnt = 0
    For i = 0 To n / 3 - 1
        k = 3 * i 'Damit k nur ein- statt dreimal berechnet werden muss.
        c1 = sourceB(k)     ' Je drei Byte werden gelesen
        c2 = sourceB(k + 1)
        c3 = sourceB(k + 2)
        w(1) = Int(c1 / 4)  ' Je 6 Bit werden extrahiert
        w(2) = (c1 And 3) * 16 + Int(c2 / 16)
        w(3) = (c2 And 15) * 4 + Int(c3 / 64)
        w(4) = c3 And 63
        k = 4 * i 'Dami k nur ein- statt viermal berechnet werden muss
        Result(k) = B64(w(1))     ' Die 6-Bit-Werte werden nach Tabelle
        Result(k + 1) = B64(w(2)) ' durch Zeichen ersetzt.
        Result(k + 2) = B64(w(3))
        Result(k + 3) = B64(w(4))
    Next i
    ' Je nach ueberzaehligen Bytes im Ergebnis wird dieses
    ' Fuellbytes aufgefuellt. Das Fuellbyte ist ein "="
    Select Case rest
    Case 0
    ' nix tun
    Case 1
        Result(UBound(Result)) = 61
        Result(UBound(Result) - 1) = 61
    Case 2
        Result(UBound(Result)) = 61
    End Select
    base64_encode = StrConv(Result, vbUnicode)

End Function

Function base64_decode(Code() As Byte, Source$) As String

    On Error GoTo err1
    Dim n As Long
    Dim w1 As Integer
    Dim w2 As Integer
    Dim w3 As Integer
    Dim w4 As Integer
    Dim sourceB() As Byte
    Dim Result() As Byte
    Dim l As Long
    Dim rest As Long
    Dim cnt As Long
    l = Len(Source$)
    If l = 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    rest = l Mod 4
    If rest > 0 Then ' Falls Textlaenge nicht ein Vielfaches von 4 ist
                     ' Werden einfach ein paar Nullen angehaengt.
        Source$ = Source$ + String$(4 - rest, 0)
        l = Len(Source$)
    End If
    ' Der String wird in ein Feld umgewandelt
    sourceB() = StrConv(Source$, vbFromUnicode)
    ReDim Result(l) ' Das ist mehr Platz als benoetigt, schadet aber nicht.
    For n = 0 To UBound(sourceB) Step 4
        w1 = Code(sourceB(n))
        w2 = Code(sourceB(n + 1))
        w3 = Code(sourceB(n + 2))
        w4 = Code(sourceB(n + 3))
        Result(cnt) = ((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And 255)
        cnt = cnt + 1
        Result(cnt) = ((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And 255)
        cnt = cnt + 1
        Result(cnt) = ((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255)
        cnt = cnt + 1


    ReDim Preserve Result(cnt - 1) ' Nullen abschneiden
    ' und zurueck in String verwandeln.
    base64_decode = StrConv(Result, vbUnicode)
    Exit Function
    Select Case Err
    Case 9
        ' Dies sollte eigentlich nicht passieren...
        Resume Next
    Case Else
        MsgBox Error$
    End Select

End Function

Sub IniCode(Code As String)

    ReDim B64(63)
    ' Die Austauschtabelle wird in ein Bytearray uebertragen.
    B64() = StrConv(Code, vbFromUnicode)
    ' Und hier wird eine 2. umgekehrte Tabelle fuer die Dekodierung
    ' erstellt. Dies ist schneller, als die Tabelle
    ' jeweils nach dem Zeichen zu durchsuchen.
    Call ReverseCode(B64, Rev64)

End Sub

Function RemoveCRLF(text$) As String

    Dim OutText$
    Dim Oneline$
    Dim pos1 As Long
    Dim pos2 As Long
    ' Carriage-Return und Line-Feed koennen per Definition
    ' nicht in einem mit Base64 kodierten Text enthalten sein.
    ' Sie werden aber meist nach je 45-60 Zeichen eingefuegt,
    ' um den Text lesbar zu machen. Hier werden sie wieder entfernt.
    pos1 = 1
        pos2 = InStr(pos1, text$, vbCrLf, 1)
        If pos2 > 0 Then
            Oneline$ = Mid$(text$, pos1, pos2 - pos1)
            OutText$ = OutText$ + Oneline$
            pos1 = pos2 + 2
            Oneline$ = Mid$(text$, pos1)
            OutText$ = OutText$ + Oneline$
        End If
    Loop Until pos2 = 0
    RemoveCRLF = OutText$
End Function

Function TextBlock(text$, ByVal nChars As Long) As String

    ' Erzeugung eines Textblockes mit konstanter
    ' Zeilenlaenge fuer die Darstellung. Dies wird bei
    ' Mailattachments auch gemacht.

    Dim OutText$
    Dim Oneline$
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(text$) Step nChars
        Oneline$ = Mid$(text$, i, nChars) + vbCrLf
        OutText$ = OutText$ + Oneline$
    Next i

    TextBlock = OutText$
End Function

Sub ReverseCode(Code() As Byte, Rev() As Byte)
    Dim i
    ReDim Rev(255) '255 ist der maximale Wert der auftauchen koennte.
    For i = 0 To UBound(Code)
        Rev(Code(i)) = i
    Next i
    ' Rev() wird modifiziert zureuckgegeben, da wir es Byref
    ' uebergeben haben
End Sub

What have I to change to compile that code with FBC? I've never worked with FB before.
I hope you can help me.

Sebastian from Germany
[Image: f.jpg]
quite a few things.

1. if you declare an array -it is done with Dim array() as ...
2. If you want dynamic array's then put '$dynamic in the beginning.
3. Either move functions/subs in front and meain code to the end of
4. Strings can't be passed Byval (only to external C libs) -I may be wrong
the program or put function/subs prototypes.

I guess there maybe more, but do that first.
StrConv is a VB function that does not exist in FB

Quote:StrConv is a VB function that does not exist in FB

I know. But what to use instead?
Or might it be possible to use StrConv in later versions of FB?

[Image: f.jpg]
what does StrConv do?
StrConv performs various string conversions in VB, stuff like making every first character of the string uppercase. It can be quite useful. Big Grin For us English-users, that's about the extent of its usefulness. It has a lot of useful stuff for Japanese users. The reason you don't see it a lot in English VB programs is because two of its functions are already handled by other VB functions, and the need for the "Proper Case" option is pretty scarce.
I'd knock on wood, but my desk is particle board.

In that case it does two different things.

When the second parameter is "vbUnicode" then the array (here: Result()) will be changed into a string.

Dim LetterArray(3) AS INTEGER
LetterArray(0) = 84
LetterArray(1) = 69
LetterArray(2) = 83
LetterArray(3) = 84

StrConv does this:
Word$ = CHR$(LetterArray(0))+CHR$(LetterArray(1))+... and so on

When the second parameter is "vbFromUnicode" the string (here: Source$) will be changed into a number array.

Source$ = "TEST"

StrConv does this:
LetterArray(0) = ASC(MID$(Source$, 1,1))
LetterArray(1) = ASC(MID$(Source$, 2, 1))
and so on

If I told nonsense, excuse it... :oops:

How to change the code taking the facts above into account?

[Image: f.jpg]
Just write a sub to replace it. I didn't read anything in detail, but from your last post it seems that you know exactly how it's done...
avinash.vora -

Of course, but how to make a function return an array?

[Image: f.jpg]
Make it return a pointer to the beginning of the array.

Should work =), pointers rule Tongue

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