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Alternative GFXlib released
We could probably add a cmm-line switch to choose which library to use, i dunno.

While Angelo's lib is more compatible, Sterling's has high-res/color support, ppl could choose which to use, but i guess it would be too confusing for new users - plus one lib has no flip() for example, what would need a stub, and the other has no Arcs/PAINT/DRAW (i can't believe you coded that, Angelo :P), so that have to be sorted somehow.. also for Linux, Angelo's lib needs a driver yet.

To complicate things even more (meh), DrV is doing a DOS port of FreeBASIC (using DjGPP), and with Angelo's lib it would be easier to add a new driver (VGA only), as there's no SDL for DOS -- but if adding high-res/color support, the DOS port will become really complex.. anyway.

Sterling had to work hard to make the library and yeah, he was under pressure to get it done fast ;). Simply exchanging his lib now wouldn't be too fair with him, i really don't know what to do.. well, you guys are both members, you can get along, don't leave it to me to decide :P.
make a sort of build... a person can sorta customize their fbc. sort what keywords to add, which gfx lib to use and a person could have a customized fbc. Wink

Freebasic for Dos?!?! Yee gads, you're taking steps backwards here! j/k. Wink That'd be pretty cool, actually. look forward to it.
Jumping Jahoolipers!
v1c:why not a little directive like:

$GFXlib= Sterling
@GFXlib =Angelo

Or better still, they could talk and make a kickass lib. Like if the user would use 8BPP, then use lillo's otherwise use Ster's.
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
retsyo, PAINT supports patterns and you pass them via a 64 characters string. The internal gfxlib PAINT function requires all possible arguments of PAINT, including this string. Once the compiler know about this, you'll be able to work as with QB, but for now, you have to call it like

paint 120, 70, 2, 15, ""

if you want a normal filled PAINT behaviour with no patterns. For patterns, just call

paint 120, 70, 2, 15, mypatternstring$, 1

V1ctor, I understand your doubts. By my side, I still don't know if it's worth for the standard gfxlib to support hires/hicolor... The gfxlib purpose is backwards compatibility to ease the users transition from QB to FB, isn't it? For real world graphics an user should use a real world gfx library IMHO... But then I also understand a lot of noobs jump in and say "why doesn't the default lib support hires/hicolor? This sux!"
One of the goals of my gfxlib was compactness; supporting hires isn't really a problem at all (just a matter of a couple of lines to change), but for hicolor things get harder: internally the lib always uses just 8bit buffers to be fast... Supporting *all* possible color depths internally is out of question as it'd just bloat the lib and make it slower (think VTABLEs for things like putpixel) and I don't want this. I'd need either to internally support both 8bit buffers (for QB emulated modes) and 32bit buffers (for other modes), either just switch the lib to internally always use 32bit buffers. The former has the advantage that it'll be fast expecially on slow machines, but the lib will be a bit bloated to support both depths internally. The latter has the advantage to be easy to code over the current system, and it'll also not bloat the lib, but has the disadvantage that expecially in hires modes it'll be somewhat slow has it has to move 4 times the data around, and this could be bad for old machines (but hey, we're probably still talking more than 100000 primitives per second)
The latter solution seems the best to me. What do you think? Is it this all really worth the trouble?
ngelo Mottola - EC++
Few things:

Firstly, SC, I congratulate you on your Herculean effort, you got QBGFX done real quick, and were always there to answer any questions or queries I had.

Angelo, excellent job. I am very impressed Big Grin. While SC did a good job, I wasn't chuffed about the SDL dependancy.

As for writing it in C - who cares?

As for which to use - SC and Angelo, you two should get in touch and then collaborate on this library. Angelo has already mentioned that he has used SC's material - there is a lot you two would be able to learn from each other and share insight about.
avinash.vora -
Awesome job.

Btw, you mentioned you are supporting QB modes 1,2,7,8,9... did you add support for pages and PCOPY?

You made FLIP unneeded... But it was so cool to draw everything and then make it visible. Does this replacement support any kind of double buffering or paging?

If you want to expand this, the thing that would make it rock (that's not supported in most QB libraries, shame Wink ) is to add the ability to PUT a sprite inside another one, not just the screen (like in Allegro when you blit a bitmap inside another one).
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
A little note of a general problem until I track down a more specific culprit...

Using the "original" sdl based graphics lib, I could compile some older QB programs, which would run (when added FLIP to code) but did not allow the keyboard control that worked in the QBasic-ran program (I understand the reason behind this problem).

Using the "new" directx based lib, I could compile but the program would very slowly begin building the background graphic screen and then just completely lock down before it ever finished and went into the main game loop.

(This was on old tetris type game)
ature has its way of warning a person away from danger: The distinct black and white coloration on a skunk, the chilling buzz of a rattlesanke, a redneck handing you his beer and saying "Watch this!"
na_th_an: thanks. About your question, I could export to the user this set of functions which could suit your needs:

This would lock the framebuffer. No updates are done to the screen while the lock is held.
Function that returns a pointer to the video memory (actually this is just an internal memory buffer the gfxlib uses). You can safely read/write to this memory as long as you have previously called SCREENLOCK.
Unlocks the screen which was previously locked via SCREENLOCK. When you call this function, the screen gets instantly updated again automatically. You cannot touch again the memory buffer returned via SCREENPTR as long as you don't recall SCREENLOCK first.

About PUTing to other buffers, well, I think this is a bit out of the scope of a default FB GFX library... You could still use your own memory buffers, code your blitters and then blit to your buffers, then use the SCREENLOCK/UNLOCK/PTR interface above to blit your buffer to the screen.

steven_basic: could you send me the sources of your program so I can test it here?
ngelo Mottola - EC++
lillo, thank you for the reply and this lib. Smile Now paint works, but it seems that something is buggy. Please check the file I put on my blog to see what I am saying. I donno how to debug this program. I am looking forword to an IDE that can help me step-tracing fbc program, just like what QB has supplied.
NOTE: I found this file on the internet, and the authour write his name on the picture.

ps. In case you need it, I use the following regular expression in ultraedit to port qb PAINT to fbc's
search: paint (^([0-9]+^), ^([0-9]+^)), ^([0-9]+^), ^([0-9]+^)
replace by: PAINT ^1, ^2, ^3, ^4, ""
Quote:steven_basic: could you send me the sources of your program so I can test it here?

It was the BRIX.BAS tetris clone. I added a "FLIP" and commented out the SOUNDs. Otherwise the code is untouched original QBasic. It does everything except keyboard control in the original FB graphics lib.

DECLARE SUB checkField (fields() AS INTEGER, py%, points%, bonus%)
DECLARE SUB drawBox (x%, y%, col%)
DECLARE SUB buildField (fields() AS INTEGER)
DECLARE SUB freq (n1%, n2%, n3%)
DECLARE SUB putObject (fields() AS INTEGER, object() AS INTEGER, px%, py%, n%, rot%)
DECLARE SUB clearObject (fields() AS INTEGER, object() AS INTEGER, px%, py%, n%, rot%)
DECLARE SUB getObject (object() AS INTEGER)
DECLARE FUNCTION checkObject% (fields() AS INTEGER, object() AS INTEGER, px%, py%, n%, rot%)

' Brix.bas (Freeware by Philipp Lenssen 1997 -
' Use left, right and down arrows for brick movement. Up arrow is
' for rotation. Press s for sound switch and esc to quit.

CONST false = 0, true = NOT false

TYPE brickType


  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 1,1,0,0
  DATA 0,1,1,0
  DATA 0,0,0,0

  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 0,1,1,0
  DATA 1,1,0,0
  DATA 0,0,0,0

  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 1,0,0,0
  DATA 1,1,1,0
  DATA 0,0,0,0

  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 1,1,1,0
  DATA 1,0,0,0
  DATA 0,0,0,0

  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 0,1,1,0
  DATA 0,1,1,0
  DATA 0,0,0,0

  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 1,1,1,1
  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 0,0,0,0

  DATA 0,0,0,0
  DATA 1,1,1,0
  DATA 0,1,0,0
  DATA 0,0,0,0

SUB buildField (fields() AS INTEGER)

  FOR n% = 0 TO 500
    PSET (RND * 320, RND * 200), 8 - RND * 1
  LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Points 0"
  LOCATE 1, 33: PRINT "Level 0"
  FOR x% = 0 TO UBOUND(fields, 1)
    FOR y% = 0 TO UBOUND(fields, 2)
      IF x% = 0 OR y% = 0 OR x% = UBOUND(fields, 1) OR y% = UBOUND(fields, 2) THEN
        fields(x%, y%) = true
        drawBox px% + x%, py% + y%, 9
        'fields(x%, y%) = false
        drawBox px% + x%, py% + y%, 1
      END IF


SUB checkField (fields() AS INTEGER, py%, points%, bonus%)

  FOR y% = py% TO py% + 3
    IF y% >= UBOUND(fields, 2) THEN EXIT FOR
    full% = true
    FOR x% = 1 TO UBOUND(fields, 1) - 1
      IF NOT fields(x%, y%) THEN
        full% = false%
        EXIT FOR '###
      END IF
    IF full% = true THEN
      lines% = lines% + 1
      FOR ny% = y% TO 2 STEP -1
        FOR nx% = 1 TO UBOUND(fields, 1) - 1
          fields(nx%, ny%) = fields(nx%, ny% - 1)
          IF fields(nx%, ny%) THEN
            drawBox nx%, ny%, 11
            drawBox nx%, ny%, 1
          END IF
    END IF
  IF lines% > 0 THEN
    freq 100, lines% * 500, 10
    points% = points% + ((lines% ^ 2) * 10) * bonus%
    LOCATE 1, 7: PRINT points%
    freq 800, 600, -50


FUNCTION checkObject% (fields() AS INTEGER, object() AS INTEGER, px%, py%, n%, rot%)

  checkObject% = true
  FOR x% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 3)
    FOR y% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 4)
      IF object(n%, rot%, x%, y%) THEN
        IF fields(px% + x%, py% + y%) THEN checkObject% = false
      END IF


SUB clearObject (fields() AS INTEGER, object() AS INTEGER, px%, py%, n%, rot%)

  FOR x% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 3)
    FOR y% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 4)
      IF object(n%, rot%, x%, y%) THEN
        drawBox px% + x%, py% + y%, 1
        fields(px% + x%, py% + y%) = false
      END IF


SUB drawBox (x%, y%, col%)

  CONST fieldSize = 8 '6
  LINE (100 + x% * fieldSize + 1, 10 + y% * fieldSize + 1)-STEP(fieldSize - 1, fieldSize - 1), col%, BF


SUB freq (n1%, n2%, n3%)

  STATIC sfx%
  IF n1% = 0 THEN
    sfx% = NOT sfx%
    FOR n% = n1% TO n2% STEP n3%
'      SOUND n%, .03


SUB getObject (object() AS INTEGER)

  'RESTORE bricks '###
  FOR n% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 1)
    FOR y% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 4)
      FOR x% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 3)
        READ d%
        IF d% = 1 THEN
          object(n%, 0, x%, y%) = true
          object(n%, 0, x%, y%) = false
        END IF
        FOR rot% = 1 TO 3
          FOR px% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 3)
            FOR py% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 4)
              object(n%, rot%, px%, py%) = object(n%, rot% - 1, UBOUND(object, 4) - py%, px%)


SUB main

  DIM fields(11, 21) AS INTEGER ' 20,30
  DIM object(6, 3, 3, 3) AS INTEGER
  freq 0, 0, 0
  getObject object()
  buildField fields()
  DIM brick AS brickType
  brick.nrg = false
  nextBrick% = INT(RND * UBOUND(object, 1) + 1)
    clock! = TIMER
    IF NOT brick.nrg THEN
      brick.x = UBOUND(fields, 1) \ 2
      brick.y = 0 = 0 = 0
      brick.rot = 0
      brick.n = nextBrick%
      nextBrick% = INT(RND * UBOUND(object, 1) + 1)
      FOR nbx% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 3)
        FOR nby% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 4)
          drawBox 18 + nbx%, 2 + nby%, ABS(object(nextBrick%, 0, nbx%, nby%)) * 7
      brick.nrg = true
      putObject fields(), object(), brick.x, brick.y, brick.n, brick.rot
    END IF
    IF tick% = 10 - INT(level!) THEN = 1
      tick% = 0
      IF level! < 7 THEN level! = level! + .01
      IF INT(level!) <> lastLevel% THEN
        LOCATE 1, 38: PRINT INT(level!)
        lastLevel% = INT(level!)
      END IF
      tick% = tick% + 1
        CASE CHR$(0) + "K", "4": = -1
        CASE CHR$(0) + "M", "6": = 1
        CASE CHR$(0) + "H", "8": rotate% = true
        CASE CHR$(0) + "P", "2": = 1
        CASE CHR$(27): END
        CASE "s":  freq 0, 0, 0
      clearBuf$ = INKEY$
    END IF
    IF <> 0 OR <> 0 OR rotate% THEN
      clearObject fields(), object(), brick.x, brick.y, brick.n, brick.rot
      IF rotate% THEN
        rotate% = false
        IF (brick.x > 0 AND brick.x + UBOUND(object, 3) < UBOUND(fields, 1)) AND (brick.y > 1 AND brick.y + UBOUND(object, 4) < UBOUND(fields, 2) - 1) THEN
          IF brick.rot < 3 THEN
            brick.rot = brick.rot + 1
            brick.rot = 0
          END IF
        ELSEIF brick.y > 1 AND = 0 THEN '###
          IF brick.x > UBOUND(fields) \ 2 THEN
   = -1
   = 1
          END IF
        END IF
      END IF
      IF checkObject%(fields(), object(), brick.x +, brick.y +, brick.n, brick.rot) THEN
        brick.x = brick.x +
        brick.y = brick.y +
        putObject fields(), object(), brick.x, brick.y, brick.n, brick.rot
        IF NOT ( <> 0 AND = 0) THEN
          brick.nrg = false
          putObject fields(), object(), brick.x, brick.y, brick.n, brick.rot
          checkField fields(), brick.y, points%, INT(level!) + 1
          IF brick.y <= 2 THEN gameOver% = true
          putObject fields(), object(), brick.x, brick.y, brick.n, brick.rot
        END IF
      END IF = 0 = 0
    END IF
    DO UNTIL clock! + .001 - TIMER <= 0: LOOP
  LOOP UNTIL gameOver%


SUB putObject (fields() AS INTEGER, object() AS INTEGER, px%, py%, n%, rot%)

  FOR x% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 3)
    FOR y% = 0 TO UBOUND(object, 4)
      IF object(n%, rot%, x%, y%) THEN
        drawBox px% + x%, py% + y%, 11
        fields(px% + x%, py% + y%) = true
      END IF

ature has its way of warning a person away from danger: The distinct black and white coloration on a skunk, the chilling buzz of a rattlesanke, a redneck handing you his beer and saying "Watch this!"

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