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This stuff is better than most of the cartoons on TV today
#1 :lol:

Seriously. SWF animation should catch on, eventually; there's already one show out there ("Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends," or something like that) made with flash.

size=9]"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt[/size]
Quite cool. I enjoyed them and also Big Bunny.
[Image: jocke.gif]
"Some men get the world, other men get ex hookers and a trip to Arizona."
There was some conservative political cartoon done on Comedy Central done all in flash, but it only lastest a season. Plus, there are some considerably crappier comedian cartoons on that channel that I wouldn't put past flash animation.

Flash makes it easy to spin stuff around and move it. Problem is, is for quality animation... that is, animation that doesn't look like you're rotating and spinning stuff, you still have to draw it, and conventional animation software is still best suited for this.
I watched the first episode, and it wasn't all that great, but I *was* impressed by the quick loading times! :king:

One night I had a dream where I was breaking balls. The next morning, BALLSBREAKER was born.

Quote: Excellent. Now you can have things without paying for them.

~-_-Status Report-_-~
Engine: 94%
Graphics: 95%
Sound: 100%
A Severe Error has crippled BB2 for the time being... I have to figure it out, but until then you won't see much of it Sad.

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