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Modified example from FB for keyboard input for SDL

I have modified the keymouse.bas programm so that it show a better way to retrive keyboard input for games. Have fun and dont give up coding Wink

'' SDL events test
'' by marzec
'' modified by BastetFurry for showing how to grab game input

'$include: 'SDL\'

declare sub DoKeyPrint ()
declare sub doInit ( )
declare sub doQuit ( )
declare sub doMain ( )
declare sub exitError ( msg as string )

dim video as SDL_Surface ptr
dim shared event as SDL_Event    

sub doInit ( )

    if(SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING )) then exitError "couldn't init SDL"
    video = SDL_SetVideoMode ( 320, 200, 24, SDL_HWSURFACE )
    if( video = 0 ) then exitError "couldn't init videomode"
end sub

sub doMain ( )
   dim keysdown as Integer
    dim quit as Integer
    quit = 1

    print "-----------------------------------------------"
    print "                  SDL TEST"
    print "-----------------------------------------------"

    while( quit = 1)

      if keysdown = 1 then DoKeyPrint
        while( SDL_PollEvent ( @event ) )                         
          print "event happened, type:" + str(event.type)        

            select case event.type
            case SDL_KEYDOWN:
               keysdown = 1
            case SDL_KEYUP:
               keysdown = 0
                case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    print "mousebutton pressed, quitting"
                    quit = 0
            end select
    print "leaving doMain"
end sub

sub DoKeyPrint ()
   SDL_PollEvent ( @event )
    print "key event, pressed key:" + str(event.key.keysym.sym) + " " + chr$(event.key.keysym.sym)
end sub  

sub doQuit ( )

    print "quiting"

end sub

sub exitError ( msg as string )
    print "error: " + msg
end sub

(How to tag this as qbasic code? I have seen it somewhere but dont know how)

So Long, The Werelion!
color=red]Look at you, Hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?" - Shodan, AI at Citadel Station orbiting Earth[/color]
Well I got it more this way:

dim shared keyboardkey(0 to 323) as integer

if keyboardkey(SDLK_F2) <> 0 then dostuff

'' Get Keyboard State
sub getkeyboardstate()
   dim e%
   dim keyboarddata as ubyte ptr
   keyboarddata = SDL_GetKeyState(0)
   for e% = 1 to 323
      keyboardkey(e%) = PEEK(keyboarddata + e%)
end sub

It's I think beter because it looks at all keys and make them 1 if they are pressed.
Dim key as ubyte ptr
       key = SDL_GetKeystate(0)
Loop Until Peek(key + SDLK_ESCAPE)
Can be simplified to:
Dim key as ubyte ptr
       key = SDL_GetKeystate(0)
Loop Until key[SDLK_ESCAPE]
Fancy, ey?

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