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Some RapidQ keywords

In RapidQ

1. Command$() Array of commands received (commands are separated by spaces), first element starting at 1. The zero'th element is your application path/name

How can I get in FreeBasic runned application path/name ?

2. In RQ I use

const crlf =chr$(13)+chr$(10)' "\n\r"

In FB I can use
#define CRLF chr$(13)+chr$(10)
but can't
const crlf =chr$(13)+chr$(10)

What is wrong in last string?
ith best regards, Andrew Shelkovenko. - FreeBasic documentation Project
RapidQ being an interpreter, a$ = abc or const a$ = abc means the same for it, but on a compiler, you usually can't do string concatenation with constants, but i may change it as chr$ will be evaluated at compile-time when using literals -- #define's do just text substitution, so they can contain anything.
#define is better to use than const anyways. Big Grin
I'd knock on wood, but my desk is particle board.
Quote:RapidQ being an interpreter, a$ = abc or const a$ = abc means the same for it, but on a compiler, you usually can't do string concatenation with constants, but i may change it as chr$ will be evaluated at compile-time when using literals -- #define's do just text substitution, so they can contain anything.

Really there are no problem to use #define instead const, it's only a matter of compatibility and code porting (RQ->FB) .

But what about application path/name =Command$(0)?
Imho it's usefull.

Next question.
I need to load text from text file into string array.
In RapidQ I use QStringList (non visual) component.
DIM StringList1 AS QStringList
print time$
print time$
print StringList1.ItemCount
print len(StringList1.text)
256004 (lines number)
19968222 (19MB)

How can I do it in FB?
I try to write the same function (StringList1.loadfromfile), but I can't:
1. Just to load text file into string var.
In RapidQ
text$=FileStr.ReadStr( FileStr.size)
2. To load text into array line by line
I can
line input #f, ln$
but I don't know dimension of array and need use two loops
do until( eof(f) )
    line input #f, ln$
reDim StringList(LineCount-1) as string
seek f, 1

do until( eof(f) )
    line input #f, ln$
Duration of this is ~20sec.
OMG. :o
Posiible I stupid @$$, but I don't find the solution.
I can just use
do until( eof(f) )
line input #f, ln$
print #g ,newln$
but it's more slowly then RQ (interpreter!)

How can I do it?
ith best regards, Andrew Shelkovenko. - FreeBasic documentation Project
function DELETE$(Srcstring as string, start as long, length as long) as string
'mid$(Srcstring, start , length) = ""  'Not working!
end function : error 18: Syntax error, found: 'string'
DELETE$ - is wrong name for function ?
function DELETE (...) as string compiled good.

It's working!

function DELETE(Srcstring as string, start as long, length as long) as string
end function

print delete$(a$, 9, 1)

So, really no problem, I define function as DELETE and call as DELETE$. So no changes in RQ code needed.
Just for information Smile
ith best regards, Andrew Shelkovenko. - FreeBasic documentation Project
command$ acts the same way as QB for compatiblity with QB if you want info from it your going to have to parser the string.
delete$ is already a string b/c of the $, so you can't put the "as string" on the end.
Quote:quote: "<+whtiger> you... you don't know which way the earth spins?" ... see... stupidity leads to reverence, reverence to shakiness, shakiness to... the dark side
Quote:delete$ is already a string b/c of the $, so you can't put the "as string" on the end.

Yeh.. I already forgot QB.. Sad
ith best regards, Andrew Shelkovenko. - FreeBasic documentation Project
Yeah, as in QB, if you use an suffix, you can't declare the explicit variable type.

Btw, i added command$(argc) and constant's now support string expressions too, but you can't rebuild the compiler using the old versions, due a chicken-egg problem, you will have to wait for the next release, sorry..

To load that file you could do:

option explicit

declare function loadfromfile( fname as string, linetb() as string ) as integer

    dim linearray() as string
    dim lines as integer, i as integer

    lines = loadfromfile( "test.txt", linearray() )
    for i = 0 to lines-1
        'print linearray(i)
    next i

function loadfromfile( fname as string, linetb() as string ) as integer
    dim f as integer
    dim lines as integer, l as integer
    on local error goto errhnd

    lines = 20000                                '' initial lines
    redim linetb(0 to lines-1) as string
    f = freefile    
    open fname for input as #f

    l = 0
    do until( eof( f ) )
           if( l >= lines ) then
               lines += lines \ 2
               redim preserve linetb(0 to lines-1) as string
           end if
           line input #f, linetb(l)
           l += 1
    close #f
    loadfromfile = l
    exit function
    loadfromfile = 0
end function
eh? i got it to rebuild...
Quote:quote: "<+whtiger> you... you don't know which way the earth spins?" ... see... stupidity leads to reverence, reverence to shakiness, shakiness to... the dark side

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