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Design your GUI Sample
I guess your right, I didn't try that big one that had everything on it, I only tried the ones that wouldn't work before. I just thought it was fixed, sorry.

It seems that the MakeFont routine isn't working in xp now with ver13. It's now doing gpf in XP.

To top that, my memory stick thing went out on me, to the store I go.


I read everything I could find on Progress bar Control, and most of it didn't make sense at the start. I came up with this one to start out with, and I think I'll probably use it for a Sample. Maybe in a sub menu let it change colors to the background and bar.

FUNCTION ProcessWindow (BYVAL hDlg AS Uinteger, BYVAL wMsg AS Uinteger, BYVAL wParam _
                  AS Uinteger, BYVAL lParam AS LONG, BYVAL hInstance AS LONG) AS LONG
      dim hCtrl as long
      dim wmid as long, wmEvent as long
      Static advance As long
   If wMsg = WM_CREATE then
       hCtrl = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "msctls_progress32", "", _
                 50,  50,  100,  30, _  
                 hdlg,  101, 0, BYVAL NULL)
       SendMessage hctrl, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, &HB8E989' clrbk changes background color          
       hCtrl = CreateWindowEx (0, "button", "Start", _
           WS_CHILD OR WS_VISIBLE OR BS_Pushbutton , _
                 0,  50,  50,  30, _  
                 hdlg,  102, 0, BYVAL NULL)

   ELSEIF wMsg = WM_COMMAND THEN       ' Messages sent for Command Items
      wmID = wParam and &hFFFF         'Control ID  
      wmEvent = wParam shr 16          'Window Event  
      IF wmEvent = BN_CLICKED THEN        ' Intercept a Mouse click
         IF wmID =  102 THEN         ' If start Button is clicked
             hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg,  101) 'get handle for bar
             SendMessage hctrl, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, &H400080' change bar color
             Sendmessage hCtrl, TBM_SETRANGE, 0, 100
             for advance = 1 to 100
                Sendmessage hCtrl, pbm_setpos, advance, 0
                SLEEP 50
             PostQuitMessage 0  ' shutdown after progress bar is done
        END IF
     END IF
   ELSEIF wMsg = WM_CLOSE  THEN   ' Message from Clicking on system close Icon
       PostQuitMessage 0
   ProcessWindow = DefWindowProc(hdlg, wMsg, wParam, lParam)

Later...........Jerry Fielden
I added the Progress bar to EzeeGUI and some code that should maKe all the samples work in 98 and 95 as it does in XP, I hope anyway.

To change colors from the default colors, right click on Progress Bar in the 'Other' Menu.

You can download it here

Zydon, your alteration of that sample seemed to work in 98 alright.

Added later:

I goofed when adding the new heading, I somehow deleted the types for the ListView, anyway it's been corrected.

Added also Later:

Fixed the MSBTX string being Dimmed twice

your new code still give GPF on clicking [OK] button. It can be fixed by setting fixed lenght string to RichTxt1. Anything else is perfect.
= inc(¢) Big Grin

OK, I do that

Added later:

Ver1.6 on the site has that Richedit thing fixed for win95

My attention was drawn to the fact that the work screen was kind of crappy looking after a few controls were added. Smile

Here's another look. I hope a little more pleasing.

This look comes in Ver 1.7

Later.........Jerry Fielden

I added some trackbars to the program.

Later.......Jerry Fielden

Now doing some frontend work. When the Enter Key is pressed, it fires up the compiler and what ever you have done is shown on the screen, over the top of your work screen, no matter what stage of completion you are at. Later Right clicking on the Work Screen will produce this same effect, in next version. You also don't have to delete any files by previewing it this way. Instead of clicking on build when you are done which puts it in a clipboard, hit Enter, and if you want to keep it then click on Build.

Makes it nice for debugging also, I don't have to go to an ide to see what it looks like or if it will work, I'll know right away. Sometimes a control will work by itself but when you add something else or maybe one more of the same, it causes an error. This method is good for checking all that stuff out.

You'll have to put it in the same directory as freebasic to get this Quick View type thing, but it don't take up much room, you won't even know it's there, it's only 67k and everything was put indoors so you only get one file. Conascii the indoor text screen maker made all that possible.

Vic was right about making the number 1 more when dimming a string times a number and it was an even number, but it didn't always work unless I did it to all of them. So that is what I started doing in the generator and I don't have that stretchblt problem with 12b anymore. I guess I'm going to have to find a rock to craw under somewhere. Thats one less bug to worry about anyway.

Later..........Jerry Fielden

The Generated Font Maker routines that worked in FreeBasic 12b doesn't work in FB 13. It will GPF. If you need to change a Font in a control, use FB 12b. Sorry, I don't know how to fix it to work in FB13.

Added SS_ETCHEDHORZ and SS_ETCHEDVERT to the SS Style menu, so one can put an etched horizontal or vertical line in using the Static Control which is labeled on the menu bar as Label. Instruction on how to do this is in the Text file.

I did some work on the Grid, which looks best with Bitmap fonts selected in properties. Using Bitmap fonts with EzeeGui will show the correct grid dot sizes, which there are 3 for better alignments.

It shows a rectangle frame as you move your mouse after the first click. You don't need to hold the mouse button down for the frame to follow your movement, you still have to do the second click to complete the selection. If you move the frame above or left of your first click, it will unselect it so you can do the first click over. If you have made the second click and completed the area selection for a control and haven't click on a control name yet, you can click on Parent on the BAR menu and it will unselect it.

Have good day............Jerry Fielden
Hey... :o I've seen that look somewhere before..

Hrm.. no, can't have..
Wait - WINDOWS 98.


Screwing with your reality since 1998.
Quote:Hey... :o I've seen that look somewhere before..

Hrm.. no, can't have..
Wait - WINDOWS 98.



Which look are we talking about here?

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