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QB Play, now using keelings midi functions
I changed it to use the midi functions keeling made/ported instead of the api sound call, which only worked on winxp/2k. I also added two new play commands, I and V, to control instrument and volume. See the code for more info on that.

'' QB PLAY command for freeBasic by RAJM 2005
'' Second edition, uses midi lib and midi functions by keeling
'''   from Without that, it would suck ;)
'' Supports all the original stuff, except the VARPTR$ part
'' Due to the midi capabilities, two new functions have been
''    added. One controls instrument, and one changes volume:
'' Pn - changes to instrument number n (0 - 127)
'' Vn - sets volume to n (0 - 127)

#include once ""

'outward subs
declare sub play ( playstr as string)

'internal used functions
declare sub _fbplay_internal_thread ( byval threadId as integer )
declare function _fbplay_internal_translateNote(toTranslate as string) as ubyte
declare sub _fbplay_internal_PlayNote (ByVal Note as integer, ByVal Octave as integer, _
   ByVal Duration as single, ByVal Instrument as integer = 0, _
   ByVal Volume as integer = 127, midiHandle as integer)
'This one should prolly have been made using pointers, but I couldnt make it work with threads and stuff.
dim shared _fbplay_internal_playstr as string

sub play (playstr as string)
    dim thread_handle as integer
    dim thread_count as uinteger
    thread_handle = threadcreate( @_fbplay_internal_thread, threadCount)
    if thread_handle = 0 then     'thread creation failed for some reason
        exit sub        'quit quitly        
    end if
    if lcase$(left$(_fbplay_internal_playstr,2))="mf" then     'supposed to play in foreground
        threadwait thread_handle            'so wait till we're done playing
    end if
end sub

sub _fbplay_internal_thread ( byval threadId as integer )
    CONST octave_max=10, octave_min=0, octave_mod=+3
    dim tempo as uinteger
    dim note_len as ubyte, note_len_mod as double
    dim octave as ubyte
    dim instrument as ubyte
    dim volume as ubyte
    dim freq as double, duration as double, idx as ubyte
    dim number as string, char as string*1
    dim pause_len as ubyte
    dim stop_timer as double

    dim midiHandle as integer
    tempo = 120 'default tempo is 120 quarter notes per minute
    note_len=4 'default note is a quarter note
    note_len_mod=1 'as default notes play their full length
    octave=4 'default octave is the 4th
    instrument=0 'default instrument is acoustic grand piano |TODO: Find a instrument closer to QB's PLAY sound.
    volume=127 'maximum volume is default
    for p = 1 to len(_fbplay_internal_playstr)
        char=lcase$(mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1))
        select case char
        'basic playing
            case "n"        'plays note with next-comming number, if 0 then pause
                    char=mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1)
                    if asc(char)>=48 and asc(char)<=57 then
                        exit do
                    end if
                if idx=0 then 'pause
                    while timer<stop_timer: wend
                else 'note
                    _fbplay_internal_PlayNote tmpNote, tmpOctave, duration, instrument, volume, midiHandle
                end if
            case "a" to "g"        'plays a to g in current octave            
                if lcase$(mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p+1, 1))="-" then
                elseif lcase$(mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p+1, 1))="+" then
                end if
                   _fbplay_internal_PlayNote _fbplay_internal_translateNote(toTranslate$), octave, duration, instrument, volume, midiHandle
            case "p"        'pauses for next-comming number of quarter notes
                    char=mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1)
                    if asc(char)>=48 and asc(char)<=57 then
                        exit do
                    end if
                while timer<stop_timer: wend
        'octave handling
            case ">"        'up one octave
                if octave<octave_max then octave=octave+1
            case "<"        'down one octave
                if octave>octave_min then octave=octave-1
            case "o"        'changes octave to next-comming number
                char=mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1)
        'play control
            case "t"        'changes tempo (quarter notes per minute)
                    char=mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1)
                    if asc(char)>=48 and asc(char)<=57 then
                        exit do
                    end if
            case "l"        'changes note length (1=full note, 4=quarter note, 8 eigth(?) note aso)
                char=mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1)
            case "m"        'MS makes note last 3/4, MN is 7/8 and ML sets to normal length
                char=lcase$(mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1))
                if char="s" then note_len_mod=3/4
                if char="n" then note_len_mod=7/8
                if char="l" then note_len_mod=1
        'new midi fucntions
            case "i"
                    char=mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1)
                    if asc(char)>=48 and asc(char)<=57 then
                        exit do
                    end if
            case "v"
                    char=mid$(_fbplay_internal_playstr, p, 1)
                    if asc(char)>=48 and asc(char)<=57 then
                        exit do
                    end if
        end select
    next p
    midiClose midiHandle
end sub

function _fbplay_internal_translateNote(toTranslate as string) as ubyte
    select case toTranslate
        case "c"  : translated = 0
        case "cs" : translated = 1
        case "db" : translated = 1
        case "d"  : translated = 2
        case "ds" : translated = 3
        case "eb" : translated = 3

        case "e"  : translated = 4
        case "fb" : translated = 4
        case "f"  : translated = 5
        case "es" : translated = 5
        case "fs" : translated = 6
        case "gb" : translated = 6
        case "g"  : translated = 7
        case "gs" : translated = 8
        case "ab" : translated = 8
        case "a"  : translated = 9
        case "as" : translated = 10
        case "bb" : translated = 10
        case "b"  : translated = 11
        case "cb" : translated = 11
    end select
    _fbplay_internal_translateNote = translated
end function

sub _fbplay_internal_PlayNote (ByVal Note as integer, ByVal Octave as integer, _
   ByVal Duration as single, ByVal Instrument as integer = 0, _
   ByVal Volume as integer = 127, midiHandle as integer)
   dim t as single
   MidiSetInstrument midiHandle, Instrument
   MidiNoteOn midiHandle,Note,Octave, Volume
   t = timer + Duration
   do while t > timer
      sleep 10
   MidiNoteOff midiHandle, Note, Octave
end sub

'' Test proggy

'CONTROL$="MF "  'unrem to play in foreground
LISTEN$ = "V127 I25 T180 O2 P2 P8 L8 GGG L2 E-"  '<-- example from qb help (modified to show midi stuff)
FATE$ = "P24 P8 L8 V90 I20 FFF L2 D"
print "back"


You will also need keelings found in this thread, if you hanve't already got it.

It still only works on windows systems, but at least more broadly than before.
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Very Nice! In fact it was what I was about to do. :-)

A few of things.

1. The default sound that QB used was most likely a generated sine wave. Unfortunately there isn't a sine wav in GM-MIDI. But there are square-waves and saw-waves... these might be closer to the sound's sound. But having said that it also shows the problem of MIDI and that is that every sound card will sound a bit different. I use an Audiolgy 2 right now with Soundfonts. My MIDI instrument zero is set to a soundfont of a Steinway Grand Model C. This sounds a little (ok, A LOT) different than the default piano. :-) But at least a programmer will know (generally) what the instrument will be. This isn't my routine's fault, your routine’s fault; it’s just the joy of midi.

2. Whatever sounds best to your ear, let me know and I will add a constant in the .bi file like midiQBSound = Whatever instrument. That way it will be standard across the routines. I will add it to my MidiSound function and to the Beep function I'm putting in (Beep is sounded at 1000 Hz for .25 seconds).

3. I noticed your question mark in the part about the note length. You are right, 8 means an eighth note. 1 = Whole Note (4 quarter notes), 2 - Half note (2 quarter notes), 4 = Quarter Note, 8 = eighth note (half a quarter note), 16= sixteenth note, 32 = 32nd note, and 64 = 64th note (as short as QB played).

4. While new commands are being added, what about an h for cHannel?

5. What do you say about combining these into a single file ( ?) Add in you original sound command, the midi commands, play, midisound, and beep? Perhaps start a thread here to post updates and maybe convince a Linux person to get the equivalent midi commands going under that OS (I have seen how to do in C under OSS and ASLA but I haven't tried it yet). And that way if someone else has a good idea, it can get added to it as well.

Again, nice work Zap!

1) I'll try to find one. Another problem with midi vs qb sound is that the midi sound fades out, qbs sound doesnt. At least I think midi does that. But hey, no one's gonna use the original-style play command for any games today, whereas this new one actually makes it easy to add ok quality background music to games, instead of having to figure out libs and so on.

4) I'll see to it.

5) That's a good idea. I don't think we need the sound function I originally used tho. It only works under winxp/2k and besides, it's only three lines to include if somebody wants it anyway.

But midi versions of play, sound, and beep in one file sounds great. Go ahead.
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The sound qbasic used was a square wave - PC makers wouldn't bother implementing a more complex sine wave generator for the speaker when a bog-standard square wave generator would work just as well.
8% of the teenage population smokes or has smoked pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy and paste this in your signature.
Yes, it was a square wave, a chip powered-depowered the speaker to make the coil move. Just on-off. This was how it worked.
Another topic returned from the dead :lol:

Anyway someone already mentioned this, and it's effect on PLAY, I think.
url=]CopyPasta[/url] - FilePasta
hey zap...

i remember seing in a previous thread a play statement that actually used the systems beep thru the mini speaker... do you think you can implement that and rename this new play you made to playm (play midi)?

its only a suggestion, Wink



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