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Crazy Color
'Crazy Color: A puzzle game that will
'make you crazy. :)
'Copyright 2005, Richard D. Clark
'This is released as freeware. Feel free to tinker.
'** Requires a mouse to play **
'How to Play
'Press S to shuffle the board
'Click on the grey buttons to move tiles:
'  Left click moves row left
'  Right click move row right
'  Left click moves column up
'  Right click move column down
'Press the hilighted letter in menu to perform action:
' K: set skill level. 1 = 10 moves, 2 = 15 moves, 3 = 20 moves
' S: shuffle board
' R: replay last board
' V: solve puzzle
' Q (or ESC): quit
'Note: Every board can be solved.

option explicit
'$include once:'win\'

type soltype
   colrow as string * 1
   crpos as integer
   crdir as integer
end type

const Red = RGB(252, 2, 4)
const Green = RGB(4, 254, 4)
const Blue = RGB(4, 2, 252)
const Yellow = RGB(252, 254, 4)
const White = RGB(255, 255, 255)
const DkGrey = RGB(128, 128, 128)
const Black = RGB(0, 0, 0)
const LeftButton = -1
const RightButton = 1

declare sub InitBoard
declare sub Shuffle
declare sub MoveRow(Row as integer, MDir as integer)
declare sub MoveColumn(Col as integer, MDir as integer)
declare Sub Solve
declare sub DrawBoard
declare sub GetButton(x as integer, y as integer, button as integer)
declare sub SetSkill
declare sub Replay
declare function CheckForWin() as integer

'Working vars
dim shared MovesToSolve as integer
dim shared board(4, 4) as long
dim shared winboard(4, 4) as long
dim shared shuffleboard(4,4) as long
dim shared solution(20) as soltype
dim shared DisplaySolution as string
dim shared Shuffling as integer
dim shared Solving as integer
dim shared ingame as integer
dim shared skill as integer
dim shared CurrentMove as integer
dim shared HasWon as integer
dim mx, my as integer
dim button as integer
dim skey as string
dim exitgame as integer

randomize timer
skill = 1
ingame = False
Shuffling = False
Solving = False
exitgame = False
CurrentMove = 0
HasWon = False
'set up the screen
screen 16, 32, 2
screenset 1, 0
WindowTitle "Crazy Color"

do while not exitgame
      'check for mouse clicks
      getmouse mx, my, ,button
      'check for left mouse button
      if button <> -1 then
         'left mouse button pressed
         if button and 1 then
            GetButton mx, my, LeftButton
         end if
         'right mouse button pressed
         if button and 2 then
            GetButton mx, my, RightButton
         end if
      end if
      'check for key press
      skey = inkey$
      skey = UCase$(skey)
      if skey = "S" then
         'init the board and shuffle tiles
      end if
      if skey = "V" then
         'make sure we have something to solve
         if ingame then solve
      end if
      if skey = "K" then
         'only change it after a solve
         if not ingame then SetSkill
      end if
      if skey = "R" then
         'set up replay
      end if
      if skey = "Q" or skey = Chr$(27) then
         'exit game
         exitgame = true
      end if

sub InitBoard
   dim i, j as integer
   'set the square colors
    board(0,0) = Red
    board(0,1) = Red
    board(1,0) = Red
    board(1,1) = Red
    board(0,2) = Yellow
    board(0,3) = Yellow
    board(1,2) = Yellow
    board(1,3) = Yellow

    board(2,0) = Green
    board(2,1) = Green
    board(3,0) = Green
    board(3,1) = Green

    board(2,2) = Blue
    board(2,3) = Blue
    board(3,2) = Blue
    board(3,3) = Blue
   'save the current board into the shuffle board
    For i = 0 to 3
        For j = 0 to 3
            shuffleboard(i,j) = board(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
   'save the win board
    For i = 0 to 3
        For j = 0 to 3
            winboard(i,j) = board(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i

    MovesToSolve = 0
end sub

'Rows are number 0 to 3
'Dir = 1, move right, Dir = -1, move left
Sub MoveRow(Row as integer, MDir as integer)
    Dim SaveColor as long
    Dim i as integer
    'Moving row right
    If MDir = 1 Then
        'Save the color in last cell
        SaveColor = board(Row, 3)
        'Move cells down one
        For i = 3 to 1 Step -1
            board(Row, i) = board(Row, i-1)
        'Add in saved color
        board(Row, 0) = SaveColor
    'Moving row left
        'Save the color in last cell
        SaveColor = board(Row, 0)
        'Move cells down one
        For i = 0 to 2
            board(Row, i) = board(Row, i+1)
        'Add in saved color to top cell.
        board(Row, 3) = SaveColor
    End If
   CurrentMove = CurrentMove + 1
End Sub

'Columns are number 0 to 3
'Dir = 1, move down, Dir = -1, move up
Sub MoveColumn(Col as integer, MDir as integer)
    Dim SaveColor as long
    Dim i as integer
    'Moving column down
    If MDir = 1 Then
        'Save the color in last cell
        SaveColor = board(3, Col)
        'Move cells down one
        For i = 3 to 1 Step -1
            board(i, Col) = board(i-1, Col)
        'Add in saved color to top cell.
        board(0, Col) = SaveColor
      'Moving column up.
        'Save the color in last cell
        SaveColor = board(0, Col)
        'Move cells up one
        For i = 0 to 2
            board(i, Col) = board(i+1, Col)
        'Add in saved color to top cell.
        board(3, Col) = SaveColor
    End If
   CurrentMove = CurrentMove + 1
End Sub

'Shuffles the board
'This is treated as playing the game backward.
Sub Shuffle
    Dim row, col as integer
    Dim i, j as integer
   dim mdir as integer
   dim mcolrow as integer
   'Set the shuffle flag-used in Drawboard
   ingame = False
   HasWon = False
   Shuffling = True
   CurrentMove = 0
    'Get the number of shuffle moves.
   select case skill
      case 1: MovesToSolve = 10
      case 2: MovesToSolve = 15
      case 3: MovesToSolve = 20
   end select
    For i = 0 to MovesToSolve - 1
      'get the move direction
      mdir = Int((1 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
      if mdir = 0 then mdir = -1
      'get col or row to move
      mcolrow = Int((1 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
      if mcolrow = 0 then
         'moving column
         Col = Int((3 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
         'Save the move
         Solution(i).colrow = "C"
         Solution(i).crdir = mdir
         Solution(i).crpos = Col
         MoveColumn(Col, mdir)
         'Moving row
         Row =  Int((3 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
         'Save the move
         Solution(i).colrow = "R"
         Solution(i).crdir = mdir
         Solution(i).crpos = Row
         MoveRow(Row, mdir)
      end if
      sleep 500
    Next i
    'Save the shuffled board
    For i = 0 to 3
        For j = 0 to 3
            shuffleboard(i,j) = board(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
   ingame = True
   Shuffling = False
   CurrentMove = 0
end sub

Sub Solve
    dim i, j as integer
    dim ch as string
   dim cdir as string
   dim newdir as integer
   dim crowcol as string
    dim RowCol as integer
    'Reset the board to suffled board.
   Solving = True
   ingame = False
   'reset board to shuffled board
    For i = 0 to 3
        For j = 0 to 3
            board(i,j) = shuffleboard(i, j)
    'Get the soluton parameters.
    For i = MovesToSolve - 1 to 0 Step -1
      'Get the row or col identifier
      ch = Solution(i).colrow
      'Get the display move direction
      if ch = "C" then
         if newdir = 1 then
            cdir = " Right"
            cdir = " Left"
         end if
      elseif ch = "R" then
         if newdir = 1 then
            cdir = " Down"
            cdir = " Up"
         end if
      end if
      'get the col/row position
      crowcol = "(" + LTrim$(Str$(Solution(i).crpos + 1)) + ")"
      'get the move: we need to move in the opposite
      'direction saved to solve puzzle
      if Solution(i).crdir = -1 then
         newdir = 1
         newdir = -1
      end if
      'Add to the display string
        DisplaySolution = ch + crowcol + cdir
      'Get the row/col number
        RowCol = Solution(i).crpos
      'If a column, move it
        If ch = "C" Then
            MoveColumn(RowCol, newdir)
         'moving a row
            MoveRow(RowCol, newdir)
        End If
        Sleep 1000 'delay
   Solving = False
   MovesToSolve = 0
   CurrentMove = 0
End Sub

sub DrawBoard
   dim sqcolor as long
   'draw the board
   color Black, White
   'draw the background square
   line (2, 2) - (274, 274), Black, BF
   'draw the tiles
   sqcolor = board(0,0)
   line (4, 4) - (68, 68), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(0,1)
   line (72, 4) - (136, 68), sqcolor, BF
   sqcolor = board(1,0)
   line (4, 72) - (68, 136), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(1,1)
   line (72, 72) - (136, 136), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(0,2)
   line (140, 4) - (204, 68), sqcolor, BF
   sqcolor = board(0,3)
   line (208, 4) - (272, 68), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(1,2)
   line (140, 72) - (204, 136), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(1,3)
   line (208, 72) - (272, 136), sqcolor, BF

    sqcolor = board(2,0)
   line (4, 140) - (68, 204), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(2,1)
   line (72, 140) - (136, 204), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(3,0)
   line (4, 208) - (68, 272), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(3,1)
   line (72, 208) - (136, 272), sqcolor, BF

    sqcolor = board(2,2)
   line (140, 140) - (204, 204), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(2,3)
   line (208, 140) - (272, 204), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(3,2)
   line (140, 208) - (204, 272), sqcolor, BF
    sqcolor = board(3,3)
   line (208, 208) - (272, 272), sqcolor, BF
   'draw the buttons
   'row 1
   line (280, 4) - (300, 68), Black, BF
   line (282, 6) - (298, 66), DkGrey, BF
   'row 2
   line (280, 72) - (300, 136), Black, BF
   line (282, 74) - (298, 134), DkGrey, BF
   'row 3
   line (280, 140) - (300, 204), Black, BF
   line (282, 142) - (298, 202), DkGrey, BF
   'row 4
   line (280, 208) - (300, 272), Black, BF
   line (282, 210) - (298, 270), DkGrey, BF
   'col 1
   line (4, 280) - (68, 300), Black, BF
   line (6, 282) - (66, 298), DkGrey, BF
   'col 2
   line (72, 280) - (136, 300), Black, BF
   line (74, 282) - (134, 298), DkGrey, BF
   'col 3
   line (140, 280) - (204, 300), Black, BF
   line (142, 282) - (202, 298), DkGrey, BF
   'col 4
   line (208, 280) - (272, 300), Black, BF
   line (210, 282) - (270, 298), DkGrey, BF
   'draw the menu title
   color Red, White
   locate 1, 46
   print "Crazy ";
   color Green, White
   print "Color"
   color Blue, White
   locate 3, 46
   print "Skill Level:";Str$(skill)
   'draw the skill button
   color White, Black
   locate 5, 48
   print "  S";
   color Yellow, Black
   print "k";
   color White, Black
   print "ill  "
   'draw the shuffle button
   locate 6, 48
   color Yellow, Black
   print " S";
   color White, Black
   print "huffle "
   locate 7, 48
   color Yellow, Black
   print "  R";
   color White, Black
   print "eplay "
   'draw the solve button
   locate 8, 48
   color White, Black
   print "  Sol";
   color Yellow, Black
   print "v";
   color White, Black
   print "e  "
   'draw the quit button
   locate 9, 48
   color Yellow, Black
   print "   Q";
   color White, Black
   print "uit  "
   'Show the number of moves to solve
   color DkGrey, White
   locate 21, 2
   if MovesToSolve > 0 then
      print "Number of moves to solve: ";Str$(MovesToSolve)
   end if
   locate 23, 2
   if Shuffling then
      print "Shuffling..."
   end if
   if Solving then
      print "Solving: "; DisplaySolution
   end if
   if ingame then
      print "Current Move Number: ";Str$(CurrentMove)
   end if
   if HasWon then
      print "You solved the board in ";Str$(CurrentMove);" moves!"
   end if
   'show the new board
   screencopy 1, 0
end sub

sub GetButton(x as integer, y as integer, button as integer)
   'check to see if row 1 was clicked
   if x >= 280 and x <= 300 then
      if y >= 4 and y <= 68 then
         if ingame then MoveRow 0, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if row 2 was clicked
   if x >= 280 and x <= 300 then
      if y >= 72 and y <= 136 then
         if ingame then MoveRow 1, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if row 3 was clicked
   if x >= 280 and x <= 300 then
      if y >= 140 and y <= 204 then
         if ingame then MoveRow 2, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if row 4 was clicked
   if x >= 280 and x <= 300 then
      if y >= 208 and y <= 272 then
         if ingame then MoveRow 3, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if col 1 was clicked
   if x >= 4 and x <= 68 then
      if y >= 280 and y <= 300 then
         if ingame then MoveColumn 0, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if col 2 was clicked
   if x >= 72 and x <= 136 then
      if y >= 280 and y <= 300 then
         if ingame then MoveColumn 1, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if col 3 was clicked
   if x >= 140 and x <= 204 then
      if y >= 280 and y <= 300 then
         if ingame then MoveColumn 2, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if col 4 was clicked
   if x >= 208 and x <= 272 then
      if y >= 280 and y <= 300 then
         if ingame then MoveColumn 3, button
      end if
   end if
   'check to see if we have a win condition
   if ingame and CheckForWin then
      HasWon = true
      ingame = false
   end if
   'delay: change this if you get multiple mouse clicks
   sleep 150
end sub

sub SetSkill
   'increment the skill level
   skill = skill + 1
   if skill > 3 then skill = 1
   'show the new skill level
end sub

sub Replay
   dim i, j as integer
   ingame = False
   'reset board to shuffled board
    For i = 0 to 3
        For j = 0 to 3
            board(i,j) = shuffleboard(i, j)
   HasWon = False
   ingame = True
   CurrentMove = 0
end sub

function CheckForWin() as integer
   dim ret as integer
   dim i, j as integer
   'set the default
   ret = true
   'check the board colors to see if there is a match
    For i = 0 to 3
        For j = 0 to 3
            if board(i, j) <> winboard(i,j) then
            ret = false
         end if
        Next j
    Next i
   CheckForWin = ret
end function
Cool, thanks god there's Solve too ;).

When is startrek coming? Someone asked me for it, saying how come FB didn't have a port yet, heh..
nice =)

try to always leave chr$(255) + "X" as an option to exit.. but the game itself is cool hehe
Quote:Cool, thanks god there's Solve too Wink.

When is startrek coming? Someone asked me for it, saying how come FB didn't have a port yet, heh..

Heh. Thanks. I should have at least a beta of FreeTrek in a week or so.
Quote:nice =)

try to always leave chr$(255) + "X" as an option to exit.. but the game itself is cool hehe

Thanks. Yeah, I did forget to add that. Thanks for the reminder.

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