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Compileing gfxlib cvs src
I'v downloaded TortoiseCVS and MinGW-3.1.0-1, and managed to get TortoiseCVS to download all the fb cvs files, but how and with whitch tools from mingw should I compile the gfxlib2 src?

I'v been searching this forum, but have only found some instructions on how to compile the fb compiler..
Somebody (Dumbledore) should write a sticky regarding this.
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
To compile the gfxlib2 source on Windows, you just need the standard mingw GNU gcc, binutils, and makeutils; just cd to the directory with the 'makefile' and type 'make'.
If I type "make" I get a error message saying thers no thing named "make"

I tried this, but still got a error message:
gcc -c -O3 -Wall -I . -DTARGET_WIN32 libfb_gfx_access.c -o obj/win32/libfb_gfx_a
gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
d:\mingw\bin\mingw32-make.exe: *** [obj/win32/libfb_gfx_access.o] Error 1
Make sure 'make' is in your PATH. For example, if you're using the mingw tools installed with Dev-C++ and you installed Dev-C++ in C:\Dev-Cpp, do 'SET PATH=C:\Dev-Cpp\bin;%PATH%'. Then try make.
I have not installed dev-cpp, but downloaded "MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe" and installed it to "d:\mingw". In "d:\mingw\bin" you can find lots of exe's, "gcc.exe", "mingw32-gcc.exe", "mingw32-make.exe"..... there's no file called "make.exe" tho..

I tried to add "SET PATH=d:\mingw\bin;%PATH%" in win.ini but that did'nt change anything..

edit: Im using winXP

edit2: managed to compile it, thanx dumbledore!
also make sure you have directx headers. (if you use dev-cpp then aviable via devpacks)

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