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RelLIB Collision detection & PIXELplus256 issue

Can someone help me add a collision detection to the RPG example that comes with RelLIB? Let's say my character walks into the "CatFrame" then collision would be detected and your character won't be able to walk over that tile...
I need code for this to put in the example file. Everyone that uses RelLIB has the RPG example so someone would be able to help me out, I really need it! :roll:

And is there a way to make .GIF files compatible with PIXELplus256? If someone has the code for it, it would save me alot of time... 8)

Cheerz, KoVeNaNT!
For tile collisions here:

"AF." could be converted to "Rel" for pixel perfect collisions use RelcollideSpr

Converting GIF to PUT: I would....
1. Use Rich's Geldrich's GIF loader
2. Convert it to PUT format
3. Load it in pp256

1. Convert GIF to BMP
2. Wait in a couple of days for my BMP to PP256 converter because I have no access to a computer right now. :*(
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
Well, a answer from the man himself... oh... Well, here's some chocking news: I'm at work and there's no floppy drive on this f##king machine so I have to print that .BAS file to paper and write every line when I come home (I don't have access to internet from home)... yay! :rotfl:
Man, that's too bad. Any way you can go to a net cafe with floppies?
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

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