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Another (simple) 3D question
I'm trying to use OpenGL lists instead of creating objects every frame, using the following code:

glNewList u
        glBegin GL_TRIANGLES
                    glNormal3f 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
                    glColor3f o.p(i).colour, o.p(i).colour, o.p(i).colour
                      glVertex3f o.p(i).p1.x, o.p(i).p1.y, o.p(i).p1.z
                      glVertex3f o.p(i).p2.x, o.p(i).p2.y, o.p(i).p2.z
                    glVertex3f o.p(i).p3.x, o.p(i).p3.y, o.p(i).p3.z

However, the first line doesn't work. It says "error 9: Expected expression", as though the glNewList function is not supported (even though glEndList works fine). Anyone know what's wrong & how to fix it?
Hmm. I looked in and found the sub declaration:

DECLARE SUB       glNewList ALIAS "glNewList" ( BYVAL list AS GLuint, BYVAL mode AS GLenum )

So it takes two parameters, not just one. But what is the mode parameter? I looked at some C++ code & it only had the list number.
All problems resolved. Thanks for your help. 8)

The solution was to use GL_COMPILE as the second parameter & let OpenGL generate the list number thingy:

obj(i).list = glGenLists(1)
glNewList obj(i).list, GL_COMPILE
Now I have another problem: I can't get texture mapping to work. I first use bload to load a 24-bit bmp (no problems there), but the last line in the following code block makes the program crash:

dim shared pic(64*64*2+4) as short
dim shared texture(64*64*2+4) as short
bload "zip.bmp", @pic(0)
'do opengl init stuff here
glGenTextures 1,varptr(texture(0))
glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(0)
glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, pic(0), pic(1), 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @pic(2)

Please help. :-?
You have a couple of problems in your routine.
First, no need to reserve a whole new array for the GL texture... glGenTextures only needs a GLuint where to store the texture handle. Texture data is going to be uploaded to the VRAM!
Secondly, remember a GET/PUT array (such as the one returned by BLOAD in your case) has the image width times 8 in the first word, so to obtain the real width, you have to divide it by 8.

Have a look at gfxlib.txt, in appendix F there's a snippet that does exactly what you're trying to do here: create a GL texture out of a GET/PUT buffer. The same function is demo'ed in examples/GL/fbgfx_texture.bas
ngelo Mottola - EC++
Well, I got the texture mapping to work, except that it reverses the red & blue values of the pixels (instead of a blue background, it's red). Please tell me I don't have to manually swap each pixel. :-?
Yes you have, unless you use GL_BGRA as texture format (which is available only if you use OpenGL 1.2 or greater - Windows comes by default with GL 1.1 drivers, so you'd have to be sure your users all updated the drivers for their video card)
ngelo Mottola - EC++
My image module will be finished soon. It includes a nice function that can convert images from any of the 8 formats to another one of those eight. (red, green, blue, grey, rgb, rgba, bgr, bgra).

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