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Fixed string & string
Is there at least way to get all the elements packed in memory, ordered one after another ? This is really crucial for me, thank you. Anyway isn't it "doing something behind your back" like thing from the FB compiler (unability to load unpacked data). And what about wasting space by unused padded bytes saved into files? Aligment in memory is one thing and aligment in file is another Wink. For some things packed UDTs are much more elegant and powerful soulitons than custom written loader functions, I think.


I've just found the thread where v1ctor justifies c-like zero string termination, okej. So now I would like to know hov to pack the fields together in UDT. When i'll use element bts (0 to 7) as byte and i will get #fn,, bts , will this type be packed or unpacked?

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