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Open GL + Lamborghini = Cool
Here is a body model simular to the body of the Lamborghini Countach.. Pretty cool with lighting.. (Lighting ripped from other OGL Demo's, tho I did change some of the setting to get a better effect, and, I placed all the glNormals.. :o )

No more reading, typing for me, here, look!

Smile Enjoy!
Kevin (x.t.r.GRAPHICS)

[Image: 11895-r.png]
very cool. Except it looks... plasticy.
Jumping Jahoolipers!

Quote:quote: "<+whtiger> you... you don't know which way the earth spins?" ... see... stupidity leads to reverence, reverence to shakiness, shakiness to... the dark side
@ Barok: Plastic? Opps, Lamborghinis are made of aluminum... >_< :lol:

@ Dumbledore: Bottom of this post...

@ TBBQ: Um... can you run the source? \/ \/ \/

' Lamborghini Model in Open GL
' Body Shell
' by Rattrap (Kevin)
' Lighting pulled from other codes.. Tho, I moved is possition
' Press <F5>   ;)

option explicit

'$include: 'GL/'
'$include: 'GL/'

SCREEN 18, 32,,2
WINDOWTITLE "OpenGL Lamborghini Countach Body Shell..."

glViewport 0, 0, 640, 480
gluPerspective 45.0, 640.0/480.0, 0.1, 100.0

glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH
glClearColor 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
glClearDepth 1.0
glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL

    'Materials (objects)
    dim Mat_Ambient(3) as single
    dim Mat_Specular(3) as single
    dim Mat_Shininess(0) as single
    Mat_Ambient(0) = 0.5
    Mat_Ambient(1) = 0.5
    Mat_Ambient(2) = 0.5
    Mat_Ambient(3) = 1.0
    Mat_Specular(0) = 1.0
    Mat_Specular(1) = 1.0
    Mat_Specular(2) = 1.0
    Mat_Specular(3) = 1.0
    Mat_Shininess(0) = 100.0

    glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, @Mat_Ambient(0)
    glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, @Mat_Specular(0)
    glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, @Mat_Shininess(0)

    dim Light_Ambient(3) as single
    dim Light_Diffuse(3) as single
    dim Light_Specular(3) as single
    dim Light_Position(3) as single
    dim Model_Ambient(3) as single

    Light_Ambient(0) = 0.0
    Light_Ambient(1) = 0.5
    Light_Ambient(2) = 0.2
    Light_Ambient(3) = 0.0

    Light_Diffuse(0) = 1.0
    Light_Diffuse(1) = 0.5
    Light_Diffuse(2) = 1.0
    Light_Diffuse(3) = 1.0

    Light_Specular(0) = 1.0
    Light_Specular(1) = 1.0
    Light_Specular(2) = 1.0
    Light_Specular(3) = 1.0

    Light_Position(0) = 0.0 'Source X
    Light_Position(1) = 0.0 'Source Y
    Light_Position(2) = 20.0'Source Z
    Light_Position(3) = 0.0

    Model_Ambient(0) = 0.5
    Model_Ambient(1) = 0.5
    Model_Ambient(2) = 0.5
    Model_Ambient(3) = 1.0

    'Load light parameters to GL states
    glLightfv GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, @Light_Ambient(0)
    glLightfv GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, @Light_Diffuse(0)
    glLightfv GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, @Light_Specular(0)
    glLightfv GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, @Light_position(0)
    glLightModelfv GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, @Model_Ambient(0)

    'Enable light
    glEnable GL_LIGHTING
    glEnable GL_LIGHT0
    glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL
    glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST

'Main LOOP:
DIM rot as single

    T! = TIMER
    'glRotatef rot, 1, 1, 1
    glTranslatef 0, 0, -20
    glRotatef rot, 1, 0, 0
    glRotatef rot + 10, 0, 1, 0
    glRotatef rot + 10, 0, 0, 1
    glBegin GL_QUADS
        glColor3f (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, -2)
        'Windshield Post Left
        'glColor3f (0.8, 0.0, 0.0)
        glNormal3f (2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (2.8, 1, 4): glVertex3f (2.8, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (1.8, 2, 2): glVertex3f (1.8, 2, 2)
        'Windshield Post Right
        'glColor3f (0.8, 0.0, 0.0)
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (-3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (-2.8, 1, 4): glVertex3f (-2.8, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (-1.8, 2, 2): glVertex3f (-1.8, 2, 2)
        'Door Left Part 1
        glNormal3f (2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (2.2, 1.8, -2): glVertex3f (2.2, 1.8, -2)
        glNormal3f (2.2, 1.8, 2): glVertex3f (2.2, 1.8, 2)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (3, .8, 4): glVertex3f (3, .8, 4)
        glNormal3f (2.2, 1.8, 2): glVertex3f (2.2, 1.8, 2)
          'Part 3
        glNormal3f (2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (2, 2, -1.8): glVertex3f (2, 2, -1.8)
        glNormal3f (3, 1, -1.8): glVertex3f (3, 1, -1.8)
        glNormal3f (3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (3, 1, -2)
          'Part 4
        glNormal3f (3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (3, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, -1): glVertex3f (3, 0, -1)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 3): glVertex3f (3, 0, 3)
        'Door Right Part 1
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (-2.2, 1.8, -2): glVertex3f (-2.2, 1.8, -2)
        glNormal3f (-2.2, 1.8, 2): glVertex3f (-2.2, 1.8, 2)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, 2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, 2)
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (-3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (-3, .8, 4): glVertex3f (-3, .8, 4)
        glNormal3f (-2.2, 1.8, 2): glVertex3f (-2.2, 1.8, 2)
          'Part 3
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, -1.8): glVertex3f (-2, 2, -1.8)
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, -1.8): glVertex3f (-3, 1, -1.8)
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (-3, 1, -2)
          'Part 4
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (-3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (-3, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, -1): glVertex3f (-3, 0, -1)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 3): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 3)
        'Left Fender, Top
        glNormal3f (3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (2, .7, 5): glVertex3f (2, .7, 5)
        glNormal3f (2, 0, 7): glVertex3f (2, 0, 7)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 7): glVertex3f (3, 0, 7)
        'Right Fender, Top
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (-3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (-2, .7, 5): glVertex3f (-2, .7, 5)
        glNormal3f (-2, 0, 7): glVertex3f (-2, 0, 7)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 7): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 7)
        'Left Fender, Side, Part 1 <<<<<
        glNormal3f (3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 3): glVertex3f (3, 0, 3)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 3.5): glVertex3f (3, 0, 3.5)
        glNormal3f (3, .85, 4.5): glVertex3f (3, .85, 4.5)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 7): glVertex3f (3, 0, 7)
        glNormal3f (3, -.2, 6.7): glVertex3f (3, -.2, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (3, .8, 4): glVertex3f (3, .8, 4)
          'Part 3
        glNormal3f (3, .65, 5): glVertex3f (3, .65, 5)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 6.7): glVertex3f (3, 0, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (3, -.5, 6.7): glVertex3f (3, -.5, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (3, -.5, 5.5): glVertex3f (3, -.5, 5.5)
          'Part 4
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 3.5): glVertex3f (3, 0, 3.5)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, -4): glVertex3f (3, 0, -4)
        glNormal3f (3, -.5, -3.5): glVertex3f (3, -.5, -3.5)
        glNormal3f (3, -.5, 3): glVertex3f (3, -.5, 3)
        'Right Fender, Side, Part 1
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (-3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 3): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 3)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 3.5): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 3.5)
        glNormal3f (-3, .85, 4.5): glVertex3f (-3, .85, 4.5)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, 4): glVertex3f (-3, 1, 4)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 7): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 7)
        glNormal3f (-3, -.2, 6.7): glVertex3f (-3, -.2, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .8, 4): glVertex3f (-3, .8, 4)
          'Part 3
        glNormal3f (-3, .65, 5): glVertex3f (-3, .65, 5)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 6.7): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (-3, -.5, 6.7): glVertex3f (-3, -.5, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (-3, -.5, 5.5): glVertex3f (-3, -.5, 5.5)
          'Part 4
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 3.5): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 3.5)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, -4): glVertex3f (-3, 0, -4)
        glNormal3f (-3, -.5, -3.5): glVertex3f (-3, -.5, -3.5)
        glNormal3f (-3, -.5, 3): glVertex3f (-3, -.5, 3)
        glNormal3f (2, .7, 5): glVertex3f (2, .7, 5)
        glNormal3f (-2, .7, 5): glVertex3f (-2, .7, 5)
        glNormal3f (-2, 0, 7): glVertex3f (-2, 0, 7)
        glNormal3f (2, 0, 7): glVertex3f (2, 0, 7)
        'Front Bumper.. Part 1
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 7): glVertex3f (3, 0, 7)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 7): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 7)
        glNormal3f (-3, -.5, 6): glVertex3f (-3, -.5, 6)
        glNormal3f (3, -.5, 6): glVertex3f (3, -.5, 6)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (3, -.5, 6.7): glVertex3f (3, -.5, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (-3, -.5, 6.7): glVertex3f (-3, -.5, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, 6.7): glVertex3f (-3, 0, 6.7)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, 6.7): glVertex3f (3, 0, 6.7)
        'Rear Top Left
        glNormal3f (2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (2, 1, -7): glVertex3f (2, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (1.8, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (1.5, 2, -2): glVertex3f (1.5, 2, -2)
        'Rear Top Right
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (-2, 1, -7): glVertex3f (-2, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (-1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (-1.8, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (-1.5, 2, -2): glVertex3f (-1.5, 2, -2)
        'Rear, inside Left top..
        glNormal3f (1.5, 2, -2): glVertex3f (1.5, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (1.5, 1, -2): glVertex3f (1.5, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (1.8, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (1.8, 1, -7)
        'Rear, inside Right top..
        glNormal3f (-1.5, 2, -2): glVertex3f (-1.5, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (-1.5, 1, -2): glVertex3f (-1.5, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (-1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (-1.8, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (-1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (-1.8, 1, -7)
        'Rear Hood
        glNormal3f (1.5, 1, -2): glVertex3f (1.5, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (-1.5, 1, -2): glVertex3f (-1.5, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (-1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (-1.8, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (1.8, 1, -7): glVertex3f (1.8, 1, -7)
        'Rear Fender Top Left..
        glNormal3f (2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (2, 1, -7): glVertex3f (2, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (3, 0.7, -7): glVertex3f (3, 0.7, -7)
        glNormal3f (3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (3, 1, -2)
        'Rear Fender Top Right..
        glNormal3f (-2, 2, -2): glVertex3f (-2, 2, -2)
        glNormal3f (-2, 1, -7): glVertex3f (-2, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0.7, -7): glVertex3f (-3, 0.7, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (-3, 1, -2)
        'Rear Fender Left Side
        glNormal3f (3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (3, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (3, .85, -4.8): glVertex3f (3, .85, -4.8)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, -4): glVertex3f (3, 0, -4)
        glNormal3f (3, 0, -1): glVertex3f (3, 0, -1)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (3, .85, -4.8): glVertex3f (3, .85, -4.8)
        glNormal3f (3, .7, -7): glVertex3f (3, .7, -7)
        glNormal3f (3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (3, .4, -7)
        glNormal3f (3, .4, -3): glVertex3f (3, .4, -3)
          'Part 3
        glNormal3f (3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (3, .4, -7)
        glNormal3f (3, .75, -5): glVertex3f (3, .75, -5)
        glNormal3f (3,0, -6): glVertex3f (3,0, -6)
        glNormal3f (3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (3, .4, -7)
        'Rear Fender Left Side
        glNormal3f (-3, 1, -2): glVertex3f (-3, 1, -2)
        glNormal3f (-3, .85, -4.8): glVertex3f (-3, .85, -4.8)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, -4): glVertex3f (-3, 0, -4)
        glNormal3f (-3, 0, -1): glVertex3f (-3, 0, -1)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (-3, .85, -4.8): glVertex3f (-3, .85, -4.8)
        glNormal3f (-3, .7, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .7, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .4, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .4, -3): glVertex3f (-3, .4, -3)
          'Part 3
        glNormal3f (-3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .4, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .75, -5): glVertex3f (-3, .75, -5)
        glNormal3f (-3,0, -6): glVertex3f (-3,0, -6)
        glNormal3f (-3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .4, -7)
        'Rear.. Part 1
        glNormal3f (3, .7, -7): glVertex3f (3, .7, -7)
        glNormal3f (2, 1, -7): glVertex3f (2, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (-2, 1, -7): glVertex3f (-2, 1, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .7, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .7, -7)
          'Part 2
        glNormal3f (3, .7, -7): glVertex3f (3, .7, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .7, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .7, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .4, -7)
        glNormal3f (3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (3, .4, -7)
          'Part 3
        glNormal3f (3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (3, .4, -7)
        glNormal3f (-3, .4, -7): glVertex3f (-3, .4, -7)
        glNormal3f (-2, .2, -7): glVertex3f (-2, .2, -7)
        glNormal3f (2, .2, -7): glVertex3f (2, .2, -7)
    rot += 1 MOD 360
    DO: LOOP UNTIL (TIMER - T!) >= .005
Kevin (x.t.r.GRAPHICS)

[Image: 11895-r.png]
you did the model by hand?!!!
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
It would appear so.

That's takes some guts.
:???: Is there some other way?

Um, yeah, estimated and set the vertexs acordinly by hand... :roll: :wink: You'll notice it lacks some detail in places (e.i. Vents (door, over top rear fender, over rear wheel), lights, spoiler(Rear downforce wing), ect...) if you've looked at a real Countach ofcourse...

[asks self] Why didn't I do a Lamboghini LM002 or Hummer H1, that be less vertexs to detial, (Boxy vehicals) [/asks self] :rotfl:

That intrests me,.. if there simpler, more detailed ways, what are they? Smile

Edit: Picture of Lamborghini Countach 1984 5000S :wink:
Kevin (x.t.r.GRAPHICS)

[Image: 11895-r.png]
Doing the polys by hand is the equivalent of typing in individual PSETs to make a bitmap. Most people use a 3d drawing program and import the file.

Actually, most people that I know just use that damned teapot file that's been floating around the internet for a decade.
Quote:Doing the polys by hand is the equivalent of typing in individual PSETs to make a bitmap. Most people use a 3d drawing program and import the file.

:lol: I used to do that when I started QB,.. PSET... PSET... :o PSET!!

Right.. I figured that much,.. I was thinking of something else,. but nm.. lol.. A editor sounds best, you know of any OGL related?
Kevin (x.t.r.GRAPHICS)

[Image: 11895-r.png]

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