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I'm looking for PP256 source code.
I need it because I want to change the 64Kb limit with PUT files. I can't save a PUT file larger than 64Kb and that's kinda annoying in FB when one becomes greedy.

Yes, I want to keep using PP256.
I think PP256 is closed source Sad. According to the readme, it was shareware, now freeware.

Would anyone use a PP256 clone written in FB?
* raises hand

I might even help write it, if I was bashed over the head enough times... Smile
I'll take care of it....the bashing over the head part that is lol
hen they say it can't be done, THAT's when they call me ;-).

[Image: kaffee.gif]
[Image: mystikshadows.png]

need hosting:
All about ASCII:
Yes, I'm very intrested. But in near future. Not like in two years. So start working.
Well... don't count on me. I tend to have a lot of trouble finishing my projects. And even when I'm able to stick with it, I'm very slow about it. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything in the first place, sorry.

If someone else, like DrV, is interested in writing it, that would probably work out better.
Maybe there's some way to mount one PUT file onto another. I know that Eric wrote a QB GIF to PUT converter some time ago so he knows how to save PUT files. That's one step.
If one knew the file format of PUT files, one could just use standard file IO statements. Tongue
I don't understand.
Wow, where to find that GIF2PUT converter? :bounce:
[Image: f.jpg]

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