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connecting to the internet in free basic
Hi there,
I've made it my next project to learn how to get a free basic program to access files on the internet. I was just wondering if anyone could give me a little guidance on this and/or a pointer to a good tutorial if one does exist.

Thanks in advance,

Downloading a file chart.gif from internet to c:\chart.gif

Option Explicit
Option Private

'$include once:'win\'
'$include once:'win\'
'$include once:'win\'

Declare Sub DownloadFile(sUrl As String, sFile As String)

Declare Function WinMain(ByVal hInstance As Long, ByVal hPrevInstance As Long, _
szCmdLine As String, ByVal iCmdShow As Integer ) As Integer ' Entry point!
End WinMain( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), NULL, Command$, SW_NORMAL )
Function WinMain ( ByVal hInstance As Long, ByVal hPrevInstance As Long, _
szCmdLine As String, ByVal iCmdShow As Integer ) As Integer

DownloadFile("", "C:\chart.gif")

WinMain = 0

End Function
Sub DownloadFile(sUrl As String, sFile As String)
Dim addr As Long, hUrlmonDll As Long, back As Long

Dim Download As Function(ByVal pCaller As Long, _
ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long

hUrlmonDll = LoadLibraryEx("URLMON.DLL", 0, 0)
Download = GetProcAddress(hUrlmonDll,"URLDownloadToFileA")
If Download<>0 Then
back = Download(0, sUrl, sFile, 0, 0)
If back<>0 Then
MessageBox(0, "Download Error Number "+Str$(back), "Error", 0)
End If
MessageBox(0, "Urlmon.dll-Initialisation-Error", "Error", 0)
End If

End Sub
Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted.

Jack Big Grin

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