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Evolution type thing
Sorry for double posting but can anyone tell me why my updated version makes an error?

'(C) copyright Jack Davies 2005
'Okay, that was unnessercery but it felt good.
'This is supposed to simulate evolution but will be a long project.
'I've never really commented code too extensively before but I've decided that
' it's time for a change so I'm going to over-comment.

'800x600 pixels

'for making random stuff, urm... random

' This variable is used for REDIMing the cells array to the correct number of germs.
germs% = 1
' This is used every time a new germ is born to keep track of what generation it is from.
' See notes in the main loop.
generation% = 1

' Creates the 'germ' type.
TYPE germ
   ' "X" position on the screen (1 TO 800)
   locx AS INTEGER
   ' "Y" position on the screen (1 TO 600)
   locy AS INTEGER
   ' The maximum distance (in pixels) that the germ can travel per 'turn' for
   ' lack of a better word
   speed AS INTEGER
   ' 1 OR 2 (consider parralell to male OR female)
   gender AS INTEGER
   ' 1 TO 16 (number of possible colors) However this does not mean that this
   ' is the maximum number of combinations for germs as this combines with generation
   ' which will (usually) be stronger, faster and generally better than the last.
   breed AS INTEGER
   ' How much strength the germ has to kill other stuff so that he can eat it.
   strength AS INTEGER
   ' How old it is.
   ' How many parents it had. Important for deciding the method of reproduction.
   number_of_parents AS INTEGER
   ' What generation of its breed the germ belongs to.
   generation AS INTEGER
   ' How much food can be taken from that germ at that exact time.
   food_content AS INTEGER
   ' How much energy a germ has affects how much of its speed and strength it
   ' can use. The maximum is 100 for energy.
   energy AS INTEGER
   ' What its maximum food intake is. When energy is at 100 and the germ still
   ' eats then its fat goes up.
   max_food_intake AS INTEGER
   ' Whether or not the germ can move. If, for example, the germ is a 'plant germ'
   ' then it would not be able to move. Also, it may be extremely unlucky in its
   ' evolutionary mutations.
   capable_of_movement AS INTEGER
   ' Whether or not it's alive. Used mainly for the person writing the code to tell
   ' the program which germs to keep active, ie, which germs can eat, reproduce, be
   ' eaten, and most of the time, move.
   alive AS INTEGER
   ' The fat variable has the opposite effect of the energy variable meaning that
   ' the less fat there is, the better for the germ, ie, the germ would not move
   ' as quickly if it had lots of fat. However, while a germ contains fat it will
   ' not lose energy but when the germ was going to lose energy it would lose fat.
   ' Useful for stuff like parentage.
   ' The number of the entry in the world-array that shares its co-ordinates
   ' with the germ.
   location AS INTEGER

' Creates the 'earth' type, there is one of these per pixel.
TYPE earth
   ' "X" position on the screen (1 TO 800)
   locx AS INTEGER
   ' "Y" position on the screen (1 TO 600)
   locy AS INTEGER
   ' How much food that pixel stores, starts off as a random variable and then
   ' is affected as time goes by depending on how much it is fed from and how
   ' many plant germs are there.
   food AS INTEGER
   ' How many nutrients that pixel contains, affected by how many germs die within
   ' a three pixel radius of that pixel.
   nutrients AS INTEGER

' Generate the world.
DIM world(1 TO 480000) AS earth

' These are the locx and locy things. See further on to get what I mean.
X% = 1
Y% = 1

' Z% is every pixel.
FOR Z% = 1 TO 480000
   ' The 'X' position of every single one.
   world(Z%).locx = X%
   ' The 'Y' position.
   world(Z%).locy = Y%
   ' How much food it contains.
   world(Z%).food = INT(RND * 10) + 1
   ' Starts with zero and goes up for every germ that dies on that pixel.
   world(Z%).nutrients = 0
   ' Increase the Y position by one every time.
   Y% = Y% + 1
   ' Moves along to the next column every time the previous one is filled.
   IF Y% = 600 THEN
      X% = X% + 1
      Y% = 1

' DIM's the cells array, the cells array stores every single germ ever spawned,
' dead or alive.
DIM cells(1 TO germs%) AS germ

' Create the first germ.

' Sets the 'locx' variable of the first germ as a random number between 1 and 800
cells(1).locx = INT(RND * 800) + 1
' Sets the 'locy' variable of the first germ as a random number between 1 and 600
cells(1).locy = INT(RND * 600) + 1
' The first germ is a static, useless germ with only one perpose, to split and
' generate mutations every time it splits.
cells(1).speed = 0
' Set's the gender of the first germ.
cells(1).gender = INT(RND * 2) + 1
' Sets the breed of the first germ.
cells(1).breed = INT(RND * 16) + 1
' Sets the strength of the first germ.
cells(1).strength = 1
' The first instruction in the main loop is to up every living germs age by one,
' so, if I gave it an age of 1 to start with he'd be 2 years old the first time through.
cells(1).age = 0
' This has to equal one or more because otherwise he would not split in 2 and
' create little baby germs.
cells(1).number_of_parents = 1
' He's the first generation.
cells(1).generation = 1
' Why not? Threes a good number
cells(1).food_content = 3
' He's done nothing, so his energy is full.
cells(1).energy = 100
' He's the first generation, let's let him evolve to get better.
cells(1).max_food_intake = 1
' He can't move
cells(1).capable_of_movement = 0
' He's alive.
cells(1).alive = 1
' He's eaten nothing so why should he have any fat?
cells(1).fat = 0
' He's the first so his ID is 1. the seconds will be 2 etc, etc...
cells(1).id = 1
' Finds the first germs location.
FOR X% = 1 TO 480000 ' 480000 is the number of pixels on the screen.
   IF world(X%).locx = cells(Z%).locx AND world(X%).locy = cells(Z%).locy THEN
      cells(Z%).location = X%
      EXIT FOR

'main loop
   ' Moves the generation up every time. This works as there are always germs that
   ' divide in two to reproduce, :. a new generation is brought around every loop.
   ' By the time that all the asexual germs have been killed off there will
   ' have had to be enough sex-having germs to have killed them off who will be
   ' producing at least one kid per loop. I know that isn't a very programmery,
   ' think of every possibility, way to look at it but heck, it's the way I'm gonna
   ' do it. For now.
   generation% = generation% + 1
   FOR z% = 1 TO germs%
      ' Make sure that the germ you're dealing with is alive so you don't get
      ' "Primordial Soup Of The Living Dead".
      IF cells(Z%).alive = 1 THEN
         ' The germ will only have changed position if it can move, so, if it can't
         ' move then we'll set its position at birth.
         IF cells(Z%).capable_of_movement = 1 THEN
            ' See information on the first cell for the next seven lines.
            FOR X% = 1 TO 480000
               IF world(X%).locx = cells(Z%).locx AND world(X%).locy = cells(Z%).locy THEN
                  cells(Z%).location = X%
                  EXIT FOR
               END IF
            NEXT X%
         END IF
         ' IF the current germ's position contains food, THEN
         IF world(cells(Z%).location).food > 0 THEN
            ' IF there is more food than the maximum the germ can eat, THEN
            IF world(cells(Z%).location).food > cells(Z%).max_food_intake THEN
               ' Eat it.
               world(cells(Z%).location).food = world(cells(Z%).location).food - cells(Z%).max_food_intake
               cells(Z%).energy = cells(Z%).energy + cells(Z%).max_food_intake
            ' Otherwise, if there isn't enough, THEN
            ELSEIF world(cells(Z%).location).food < cells(Z%).max_food_intake THEN
               ' Eat that pixel dry.
               cells(Z%).energy = cells(Z%).energy + world(cells(Z%).location).food
               world(cells(Z%).location).food = 0
            END IF
         END IF
         ' Up every living germs age by one.
         cells(Z%).age = cells(Z%).age + 1
         ' Show the germ on the screen
         PSET(cells(Z%).locx, cells(Z%).locy), cells(Z%).breed
      END IF
   NEXT Z%
   ' Wait one second.
   SLEEP 1000
   ' Clear the screen so that the germs can move next time round.

Thanks in advance.



No suggestions then? anyone?

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