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Risk Battle
Alright im workin on a Risk Type game i got just about everything done except the battle. I thought i had it working but it turns out i dont and i cant find out whats wrong with it.

declare sub battle(attackarea,defendarea)
dim shared units(16)  'units (area)
dim shared area(16)   'who owns witch area
randomize timer


sub battle(attackarea,defendarea)
    dim adie(3)  '3 max attackdie
    dim ddie(2)  '3 max defenddie
        numadie=units(attackarea)-1 '1 less die than how many units
        if numadie>3 then numadie=3 'cant be greater than 3
        if numadie<1 then numadie=1 'and not less than 1
        numddie=units(defendarea)   'same amount of die as units
        if numddie>2 then numddie=2 'cant be greater than 2
        'rolls die
        for i=1 to numadie
        for i=1 to numddie
        'sorts die
        for i=1 to numadie
            for a=1 to numadie
                if adie(i)>adie(a) then swap adie(i),adie(a)
        for i=1 to numddie
            for a=1 to numddie
                if ddie(i)>ddie(a) then swap ddie(i),ddie(a)
        if numddie>numadie then 'if you have more defence die then
            for i=1 to numadie  'only roll how many attack die you have
                'if the atak die is more than defence die then defence looses one unit
                if adie(i)>ddie(i) then
                else'if defence die >= to atk die then atk loses one
                end if
                'works the same as the top one only if the number of atk die is greater
                for i=1 to numddie
                    if adie(i)>ddie(i) then
                    end if
            end if
        'just prints the results of each round
        for i= 1 to numadie
            print "Atk die "+str(i)+":",adie(i)
        for i=1 to numddie
            print "Dfnd die "+str(i)+":",adie(i)
        print "Attk",units(attackarea)
        print "Dfnd",units(defendarea)
        'leaves sub if eather side loses
        if units(attackarea)<1 then exit sub
        if units(defendarea)<1 then exit sub
end sub
his world has been connected...
Tied to the darkness.
Soon to be completely eclipsed.
There is so very much to learn...
You understand so little.
A meaningless effort.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
-Ansem Bringer of darkness and creator of the heartless
Thank you for not saying anything and letting me figure out such a stupid mistake for myself...

for i= 1 to numadie
print "Atk die "+str(i)+":",adie(i)
for i=1 to numddie
print "Dfnd die "+str(i)+":",adie(i)
his world has been connected...
Tied to the darkness.
Soon to be completely eclipsed.
There is so very much to learn...
You understand so little.
A meaningless effort.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
-Ansem Bringer of darkness and creator of the heartless

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