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FreeBASIC Winsock TCP Chat Program
This is a small and simple, direct client-to-client two-way simultaneous chat program using Winsock TCP in FreeBASIC for Windows. Posted in order to help anyone learning Basic TCP for the first time, as I have been.


1. It ONLY works well under the current STABLE release of FreeBasic, version 0.14b. There have been changes made in development versions of 0.15b that adversely affect the scrolling of the screen.

2. It is by no means a complete tutorial, but can be used as a reference guide for getting the syntax right for the Winsock system calls. I have tried to highlight the relevant sections for learning TCP and seperate them from the window dressing, bells and whistles.

3. Methods used for sending and receiving data were chosen for simplicity of grasp, rather than efficiency. There are other/better ways.

4. I've used threads to handle incoming and outgoing messages, which is not the simplest or most straightforward method for a beginner. There are far simpler ways of sending data back and forth, and this technique was just chosen to facilitate smooth simultaneous printing of incoming and outgoing messages. Once a bug with the INKEY$ command is fixed in the next stable FB release, the thread section won't even be as necessary.

5. I overhauled the program massively while commenting and updating it for this post, so there may still be bugs within it. Let me know if you discover any and I'll edit the source code in this post to fix them. Thanks!

6. Edit: The program works fine as a "paste-and-go" into any IDE, despite the illusion of wrapped/truncated lines in the message board version.

'This is an example of a small, direct client-to-client two-way
'simultaneous chat program using Winsock TCP in FreeBASIC. The
'important segments are the ones illustrating the syntax for opening
'sockets and establishing connections either as the connection
'initiator (client) or connection acceptor (server). The specific
'subsequent methods for sending and receiving data are more flexible,
'and the ones presented here have been chosen for simplicity rather
'than efficiency.

'The basic steps to follow for each choice (client or server) are:
'Client                         Server
'1. Open socket                 1. Open socket
'2. Define socket details       2. Define socket details
'3. Connect socket              3. Bind socket to socket details
'                               4. Listen on socket
'                               5. Accept connection on socket
'Once each side has completed its steps successfully and the
'connection is established, they are ready to Send and Receive
'data back and forth, both ways. The steps above are highlighted
'in code below where they occur.

'Preliminary declarations and definitions

#include "win\"       'Header to include for Winsock function
option Escape
Width 80,25
Locate ,,0
const NEWLINE = "\r\n"
dim wsad as WSAData
Declare Sub Generr
Declare Function brint$()
Declare sub mythread ( byval num as integer )
common shared inmessage As zString*316, outmessage As zString *316
Common Shared myname$,remotename$,c,p,textline,chatfinished
Common shared s as SOCKET, r as socket, q as socket
dim addy as String
dim sa as sockaddr_in, sb as sockaddr_in, sc As sockaddr_in, sd as sockaddr_in
Dim inip As Integer
Dim fdset As fd_set
Dim tv As timeval
tv.tv_Sec = 0: tv.tv_Usec = 0
dim hostname as string * 256
dim hostentry as HOSTENT ptr

Common shared trafficlight      'The trafficlight system will
const green=0                   'be used to regulate the flow of
const yellow=1                  'printing operations on the screen.
const red=2                     'Not strictly relevant to Winsock/TCP.


'WSAStartup must first be called to intitalize Winsock
'Tries Winsock version 1 if version 2 isn't found
if (WSAStartup(&h202, @wsad))=-1 then
      if (WSAStartup(&h101, @wsad))=-1 then generr
end if


'Main menu. Lets user change his display name, and most importantly
'select either Client or Server mode, for estabslishing a connection
Color 15,1
Print space$(79)
locate 1,1
Print "Client-Server Chat Test Program, by Cenozoite"
Color 7,0
Locate 2,1
Print space$(79)
Print "Enter choice below:"
Print String$(50,Chr$(196))
Print"(1) Client Mode (Initiate remote connection)"
Print"(2) Server Mode (Wait for remote connection)"
Print"(3) Set name (Currently set to ";
Color 15:Print myname$;
Color 7:Print")"
PRINT"(4) Exit"

if choice$=chr$(27) then choice=4
If choice<1 Or choice>4 Then GoTo s2

If choice=4 Then
wsacleanup    'This shuts down Winsock if the user quits
End 1
end if

If choice=3 Then
For x=3 To 8
Locate x,1
Print Space$(79)
Next x
Locate 3,1
Print "Enter new display name (or hit Enter to leave as ";
Color 15:Print myname$;
Color 7:Print"): ";
Input "",mn$
If Trim$(mn$)<>"" Then myname$=Left$(Trim$(mn$),12)
For x=3 To 8
Locate x,1
Print Space$(79)
Next x

GoTo s3
End If

If choice=1 Then    'User specifies a remote IP to connect to here
For x=3 To 8
Locate x,1
Print Space$(79)
Next x
Locate 3,1
Input "Enter remote dot-format IP ADDRESS to connect: ",addy
If addy="" Then GoTo s3
End If

If choice=2 Then
For x=3 To 8
Locate x,1
Print Space$(79)
Next x
Locate 2,1
End If

'***** STEP 1 for both ClIENT OR SERVER modes: Open the socket
'This socket will be opened the same way for either mode, so
'it's done up front as follows.
if s <= 0  Then generr  'If there's an error, quit

If mode=2 then  'This is if the user selected SERVER MODE
locate 3,1
color 15,0
Print"Entering SERVER Mode..."
Print"Attempting to determine local IP address, one moment please..."
color 7,0

'***The following is mostly window dressing. Program attempts to
'determine user's IP Address automatically, using two methods. Uses
'the direct Gethostname method, and as a backup, checks a website
'to get the public IP if it's different from local. This section is
'not part of the "Basic Steps" mentioned above.

GetHostName(@hostname, 256)
hostentry = gethostbyname( hostname )

dim ipparser as ubyte ptr


    sd.sin_port            = htons( 80 )
    sd.sin_family        = AF_INET
    sd.sin_addr.S_addr  = inet_addr("")

if ( connect( q, @sd, len( sd )) = SOCKET_ERROR ) then closesocket( q )

outmessage = "GET /" + " HTTP/1.0" + NEWLINE + "Host: " +  NEWLINE +"Connection: close" + NEWLINE + "User-Agent: GetHTTP 0.0" + NEWLINE + NEWLINE
if ( send( q, @outmessage , len(outmessage), 0 )) = SOCKET_ERROR  then closesocket( q )
        bytes = recv( q, @inmessage , 316, 0 )
        if( bytes <= 0 ) then exit do

beg=instr(wholemessage$,"Address: ")
if val(altip$)>0 and (val(altip$)-int(val(altip$)))>0 and altip$<>myip$ then myip$=altip$

color 15,0
if val(myip$)>0 then
print "Your Local IP Address Is: ";
color 10,0:Print trim(myip$):color 15,0:Print ""
Print "Remote party should enter that address after selecting ";
color 10,0:Print "Client Mode.":color 15,0:Print ""    

color 15,0
Print "Your Local IP Address could not be determined automatically. Please use an"
Print "appropriate Internet Web Site or other service to determine your Local IP."
Print ""

end if
'******End of automatic IP determining procedure. Back to main section

Print "Awaiting remote connection... hit ESCAPE to cancel..."
color 7,0    
'***** STEP 2 for SERVER MODE: Define the socket details
    sa.sin_port            = htons( 8501 )
    sa.sin_family        = AF_INET
    sa.sin_addr.S_addr    = inaddr_any

'*** STEP 3 for SERVER MODE: Bind the socket to the socket details
nbit = bind( s, @sa, len(sa))
if nbit=socket_error Then closesocket(s):generr

'**** STEP 4 for SERVER MODE: Listen on the socket
nlis= listen( s, somaxconn)
if nlis = SOCKET_ERROR  Then closesocket( s ):generr

''** This could be called step 4a. It's not needed, but stops the
'socket from blocking while it's waiting to accept, and gives the user
'the option of aborting by hitting Escape
if inkey$=chr$(27) then esclause=1:exit do

nRet = selectsocket( 3, @fdset, NULL, NULL, @tv )
if nret>0 then exit do
sleep 1000
if esclause=1 then esclause=0:closesocket (s):goto s3

'**STEP 5 for SERVER MODE: Accept incoming connection on the socket
r = accept( s, null, null )                      
If     r = socket_error Then closesocket(r):closesocket(s):generr
swap s,r

'SERVER MODE now completed. Two-way connection established and ready.
GoTo beginchat
End If ' for If mode=2, way way up the screen

If mode=1 then   'This is if the user selected CLIENT MODE

'******* STEP 2 for CLIENT MODE: Define the socket details
    sa.sin_port            = htons( 8501 )
    sa.sin_family        = AF_INET
    sa.sin_addr.S_addr    = inet_addr(addy)

color 15,0    
Print ""
Print "Connecting... hit ESCAPE to cancel...";

'****STEP 3 for CLIENT MODE: Connect the socket to the remote host
ncon = Connect( s, @sa, Len( sa ) )
If ncon<>socket_error then exit Do
if inkey$=chr$(27) then try=31
if try>30 then exit do
if try>30 then
Print "Failed to connect. Hit any key to return."
goto s3
end if
color 7,0

'***** CLIENT MODE now completed. Two-way connection established and ready.
GoTo beginchat

End If 'for If Mode = 1


If (myname$="User" or myname$="ServerUser") And mode=1 Then myname$="ClientUser"
If (myname$="User" or myname$="ClientUser") And mode=2 Then myname$="ServerUser"

'Tell the remote machine my display name and get its display name
bsent=send (s, @outmessage,316,0)
if bsent=-1 then closesocket(s):generr

If brec <=0 Then closesocket(s):generr

'Get remote IP Address
If gpn<>-1 then
End if

Locate 1,1
Color 15,2:Print space$(79):locate 1,1
Print "Now chatting with "+remotename$+" ("+remoteip$+")"
Color 2,0
Print String$(79,Chr$(196))
Color 7,0

Locate 20,1:Print String$(79,Chr$(196))
Locate 21,1
Color 0,7:Print Space$(79)
Locate 21,1
Print "Type message below and hit ENTER to send. Hit ESCAPE to end chat."
Color 7,0

'create the thread to handle and print incoming messages
i = threadcreate( @mythread, i )

'This section handles outgoing messages

Locate c,p
outmessage=brint$ 'brint$ is a function, see below
If chatfinished>0 then goto chatover

'Basic syntax for SEND command
bsent=send (s, @outmessage,316,0)

if bsent=-1 then closesocket(s):generr
View Print 3 To 18

If textline>18 Then
Locate 19,1:Print ""
Locate 19,1:Print ""
End If

locate textline,1
Color 10,0
Print myname$;": ";
Color 14
Print Trim$(outmessage)
Color 7,0
View Print 1 To 25
Locate 22,1:Print Space$(79);
Locate 23,1:Print Space$(79);
Locate 24,1:Print Space$(79);
Locate 25,1:Print Space$(79);

'Section handles chat termination by either side
View Print 3 To 18

If textline>18 Then
Locate 19,1:Print ""
Locate 19,1:Print ""
End If

locate textline,1
color 12
if chatfinished=1 then ?"Chat terminated. Hit ESCAPE to end session."
if chatfinished=2 then ?"Chat terminated by other side. Hit ESCAPE to end session."
while inkey$<>chr$(27):wend
while trafficlight=red:wend
view print 1 to 25
goto s3

'This whole brint$ function just facilitates simultaneous typing of
'outgoing messages and receiving of incoming ones. It avoids the INPUT
'command which locks the program and all its threads.
function brint$()

10:k$=inkey: if k$="" and chatfinished=0 then goto 10    
While trafficlight=red:Wend:if chatfinished=2 then exit function
If k$=Chr$(13) Then Exit Do
if k$=chr$(27) then chatfinished=1:goto chatover

if k$<>Chr$(8) And InStr(k$,Chr$(255))=0 Then
End If

if k$=chr$(8) Then

if pos=1 and csrlin<>22 then locate csrlin-1,80
Locate CsrLin, Pos-1:Print " ";
locate csrlin, pos-1
end If
if (len(tbrint$)=79 or len(tbrint$)=158 or len(tbrint$)=237) and k$<>chr$(8) then locate (csrlin+1),1
if len(tbrint$)=315 then exit do
End Function

'This sub thread handles and prints incoming messages
Sub mythread ( byval num as integer )
Locate c,p

'Basic syntax for RECV command

While trafficlight=yellow:wend
If brec<1 Then chatfinished=2:trafficlight=green:exit sub
View Print 3 To 18

If textline>18 Then
Locate 19,1:Print ""
Locate 19,1:Print ""
End If

locate textline,1
Color 9,0
Print remotename$;": ";
Color 15,0
Print Trim$(inmessage)
Color 7,0
View Print 1 To 25
End Sub

'Error section
Sub Generr
Locate 10,0
color 15,0
?"There was a General Error of a General Nature, and the program"
?"could not continue. Because this is only a test program, specific"
?"error trapping has not been implemented. However for your interest,"
?"Winsock said:"
?"Hit any key to exit the program..."
color 7,0
end sub
not bad, though could you have avoided using GOTO in anyway?
url=][Image: style4,TheDarkJay.png][/url]
I've now replaced this older version of the tutorial/chat program with a revised version that is much simpler and more straightforward, so this one should be pretty much disregarded in favor of the new one unless someone has a particular desire to learn about Threads at the same time as Winsock.

As for GOTO, I'm sure it could have been avoided altogether in favor of other methods if I'd really wanted to do it that way, but since I have nothing against GOTO and in fact value it as a useful command I didn't make any deliberate attempts to steer clear of it.
And I salute you for it Smile

Somebody stop this bitching about GOTO. It's really moronic.
I wasn't complaining.

I was just saying could he have? I used goto to death for a long time, since then seem to have erased it from my memory...oddly enough it is always the last thing i think of now...

GOTO is great though because it makes things simpler, i had to use a few extra variables to allow passing through loops and stuff when attempting to remove goto from some of my older codes.
url=][Image: style4,TheDarkJay.png][/url]
Palezord? Cenozoite? Isn't this Ceno's code? I'm assuming you are Ceno.
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
Hehe yes it's me, I'm Cenozoite on Freebasic and Paleozord here on QBasicnews. When I first tried to sign up I made a typo in my email address, and couldn't use my preferred username because it was supposedly "taken" (by me and my mistake, that is). So I used this alternate one instead.

I've tried to edit my account information several times since then in order to change my username, but every time I try to save the changes it just reverts to the original settings.

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