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Litle bit physics in 2D.
Only for fun ;-)

option explicit
'change it
const scr_w          as integer = 640
const scr_h          as integer = 480
const maxstrings     as integer =  50    'Number of strings
const maxpoints      as integer =  50    'Points per string
const stiffnes       as single  =  40    'an smaller value make the strings more softly thus also longer.
const gravity        as single  =  9.81  'No comment ;-)
'Do not change off here.

const laststring     as integer = maxstrings-1
const lastpoint      as integer = maxpoints - 1
const maxsprings     as integer = maxpoints - 1
const lastspring     as integer = maxsprings- 1
const damping        as single  = 30
const DT             as single  = 0.005
const scr_w_half as integer=scr_w/2-1
const scr_h_half as integer=scr_h/2-1
#ifndef true
#define true 1
#ifndef false
#define false 0
type boolean as integer
type vector3d
  x as single
  y as single
  z as single
end type
type POINT3D
  position as VECTOR3D
  velocity as VECTOR3D
  force    as VECTOR3D
  fixed    as BOOLEAN
end type
  p1 as integer
  p2 as integer
  init_length    as single
  current_length as single
end type

dim shared as POINT3D  points (maxstrings,maxpoints)
dim shared as SPRING3D springs(maxstrings,maxsprings)

sub CreateNet()
  dim as integer sc,i,p1,p2
  dim as single  w,sx,sy
  for sc=0 to laststring
    for i=0 to lastspring
      springs(sc,i).p1 = i
      springs(sc,i).p2 = i+1
      springs(sc,i).init_length = 10 'sy
    for i=1 to lastpoint-1
      points(sc,i).position.x=scr_w\2 '(sx+(sc*sx))+sin(w)*100
      w = w + 0.01
    points(sc,lastpoint).position.x=scr_w - (sx+sc*sx)
end sub

sub CalcForces()
  dim as integer i,sc
  dim as VECTOR3D pointdiff,velocitydiff
  dim as single force,forcex,forcey,v,pv,direction
  for sc=0 to laststring
    for i=1 to lastpoint-1
      points(sc,i).force.x = 0
      points(sc,i).force.y = gravity  

    'Kraefte in den Baendern verteilen
    for i=0 to lastspring
      pointdiff.x=points(sc,springs(sc,i).p1).position.x - points(sc,springs(sc,i).p2).position.x
      pointdiff.y=points(sc,springs(sc,i).p1).position.y - points(sc,springs(sc,i).p2).position.y
      springs(sc,i).current_length=sqr(pointdiff.x*pointdiff.x + pointdiff.y*pointdiff.y)       
      if springs(sc,i).current_length<>0.0 then
        velocitydiff.x = points(sc,springs(sc,i).p1).velocity.x - points(sc,springs(sc,i).p2).velocity.x
        velocitydiff.y = points(sc,springs(sc,i).p1).velocity.y - points(sc,springs(sc,i).p2).velocity.y
        force=(springs(sc,i).current_length-springs(sc,i).init_length)*stiffnes + _
              (velocitydiff.x*pointdiff.x + velocitydiff.y * pointdiff.y) * _

      end if

    'Innerhalb des Screens bewegen
    for i = 0 to lastpoint
      if points(sc,i).fixed=false then
        points(sc,i).velocity.x+= Points(sc,i).force.x * DT
        direction=points(sc,i).velocity.x * DT
        if (points(sc,i).position.x + direction) < 1 then
          points(sc,i).velocity.x*= - 0.5
          points(sc,i).velocity.y*=  0.5
        elseif (points(sc,i).position.x + direction) > (scr_w-1) then
          points(sc,i).velocity.x*= - 0.5
          points(sc,i).velocity.y*=  0.95
        end if

        points(sc,i).velocity.y+= Points(sc,i).force.y * DT
        direction=points(sc,i).velocity.y * DT
        if (points(sc,i).position.y + direction) < 1 then
          points(sc,i).velocity.y*= - 0.5
          points(sc,i).velocity.x*=  0.5
        elseif (points(sc,i).position.y + direction) > (scr_h-1) then
          points(sc,i).velocity.y*= - 0.5
          points(sc,i).velocity.x*=  0.5
        end if
      end if 'not fixed
end sub

sub DrawStrings2()
  dim as integer i,sc
  for sc=0 to laststring
    for i=0 to lastpoint-1
      line (points(sc,i  ).position.x,points(sc,i  ).position.y)- _
           (points(sc,i+1).position.x,points(sc,i+1).position.y), sc and &hFF
end sub

dim as integer frames,wpage,vpage=1
dim as single t1,t2

screenres scr_w,scr_h,8,2
while len(inkey)=0
  screenset wpage,vpage
  swap wpage,vpage
  if (t2-t1) > 1 then
    windowtitle "FPS="+str(frames)
  end if
sorry about my english

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