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INP(96) function detail?
Hi all,

I was wondering about INP(96)... gives a readout of the keyboard right?
Well I found out that INP(96) can give two or more states depending on how long you press the thing. I was hoping to fix up the description in the FAQ, but I'm just not exactly sure how it works.

Does anyone know such a place where one can look up the specifics of this particular INP function? I know it exists somewhere... I recall someone talking about it in this very forum...
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
INP(96) gives you the key scan code when you press it, it repeats it at the key repeat rate if tou hokd it and returns the code +128 when you release it.
Be warned:s ome keys, as arrow keys, never emit a release code.
Reading INP(98) does not clear the keyboard buffer.

I used to implement it like this..
'keyboard array  (as in ASM multikey)
DIM k(128)
'main loop
  k1 = INP(&H60)
  'if key pressed or released
  IF k1 THEN
     'clear keyboard buffer
     DEF SEG = &H40: POKE &H1C, PEEK(&H1A)
     k(k1 AND 127) = ((k1 AND 128) = 0)
     'take actions depending on key presses
     IF k(1) THEN EXIT DO    'escape pressed
  END IF  
Quote:Be warnedConfused ome keys, as arrow keys, never emit a release code.

Are you sure? Do you have a documentation (and an example maybe?) that proves this statement?

CORRECTION: (I was speaking from the top of my head, so checked an old code)
Using INP(60) means you must be there in the moment the keycode is emitted, if you do not read at the correct moment you miss the code.
As the key release is emited only once, it's easier to miss it than keypresses as they are repeated.
So I ended resetting the keyboard array locations after reading them. If the key was still pressed, new press codes would be emitted.

For some reason I missed more releases from the arrow keys than from the numeric keypad, that's why I recalled it that way. If you try the code you will have a smoother movement using the numeric pad than with the arrow keys. Why?

DECLARE SUB raytrace ()
DIM SHARED map(9, 9) AS INTEGER, skylut(200) AS SINGLE
DIM SHARED tex(31, 31) AS INTEGER, foff(15) AS INTEGER
DIM SHARED frames%
DIM SHARED y99lut!(100 TO 199)

'read map,do sky lut
FOR i% = 0 TO 99
    READ map(i% \ 10, i% MOD 10)
    skylut(i%) = 25590 / (i% - 100)
'make texture maps
FOR i% = 0 TO 31
FOR j% = 0 TO 31
    tex(i%, j%) = 16 + (i% XOR j%)  'xor walls
    i1% = i% - 16: j1% = j% - 16
    tex1(i%, j%) = 64 + SQR((i1% * i1%) + (j1% * j1%)) 'concentric ground
    tex2(i%, j%) = 128 + RND * 63                      'rnd sky
NEXT j%, i%

'step-simulation vertical offset
CONST pioct! = 3.141592 / 8!
FOR i% = 0 TO 15
    foff(i%) = ABS(COS(i% * pioct!) * 64)

'set palette
OUT &H3C8, 0
FOR i% = 0 TO 63
    OUT &H3C9, i% + 16: OUT &H3C9, i% + 16: OUT &H3C9, i% + 16
FOR i% = 0 TO 63
    OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, 140 + 2 * i%: OUT &H3C9, 0
FOR i% = 0 TO 63
    OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, 140 + i%

tim! = TIMER
frames% = 0
LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT frames% / (TIMER - tim!)
a$ = INPUT$(1)

'map data
DATA 7 , 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8
DATA 7 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8
DATA 8 , 0, 9, 1, 0, 2,10, 2, 0, 7
DATA 7 , 0, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0,10, 0, 8
DATA 8 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7
DATA 7 , 0, 3,11, 3,11, 0, 0, 0, 8
DATA 8 , 0,11, 0, 0 ,3, 0 ,0, 0, 7
DATA 7 , 0, 3, 0, 0,11, 0, 0 ,0, 8
DATA 8 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7
DATA 8 , 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8

SUB raytrace
CONST rtf = 2048
CONST rtl = .0001
CONST inf = 3000000
CONST incu = .05
xpos = 1.5
ypos = 1.5
ini% = 1
'erase key buffer and set num lock off
DEF SEG = &H40: POKE &H1C, PEEK(&H1A): POKE &H17, PEEK(&H17) AND NOT 32
'frames loop
    frames% = frames% + 1
    'keyboard input
    k% = INP(&H60):
    IF k% THEN
      kbd(k% AND 127) = -((k% AND 128) = 0)
      DEF SEG = &H40: POKE &H1C, PEEK(&H1A)
      IF kbd(1) THEN EXIT DO
    END IF
    'calculate new position and angle
    turn% = kbd(&H4D) - kbd(&H4B): kbd(&H4D) = 0: kbd(&H4B) = 0
    mov% = kbd(80) - kbd(72) + ini%:kbd(80) = 0: kbd(72) = 0

    'a movement has happened, update and collision detect
    IF turn% OR mov% THEN
        angle = angle + turn% * .06
        xpos2 = mov% * COS(angle) * incu
        ypos2 = mov% * SIN(angle) * incu
        xpos32 = xpos * 32
        ypos32 = ypos * 32
        'calculate walk offsets
        f% = f% + mov%
        foff% = foff(f% AND 15)
        calc = 25600 - 32 * foff%
        FOR y% = 100 TO 199: y99lut!(y%) = calc / (y% - 99): NEXT
        IF ini% THEN ini% = 0
        dxc = COS(angle) * incu: dxs = SIN(angle) * incu / 160
        dyc = COS(angle) * incu / 160: dys = SIN(angle) * incu
        'colision detector
        xp22 = xpos - xpos2 - xpos2
        IF map(INT(ypos - incu), INT(xp22 - incu)) = 0 THEN
            IF map(INT(ypos - incu), INT(xp22 + incu)) = 0 THEN
                IF map(INT(ypos + incu), INT(xp22 - incu)) = 0 THEN
                    IF map(INT(ypos + incu), INT(xp22 + incu)) = 0 THEN
                        xpos = xpos - xpos2
                    END IF
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
        yp22 = ypos - ypos2 - ypos2
        IF map(INT(yp22 - incu), INT(xpos - incu)) = 0 THEN
            IF map(INT(yp22 + incu), INT(xpos - incu)) = 0 THEN
                IF map(INT(yp22 - incu), INT(xpos + incu)) = 0 THEN
                    IF map(INT(yp22 + incu), INT(xpos + incu)) = 0 THEN
                        ypos = ypos - ypos2
                    END IF
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
        xp1! = (xpos - INT(xpos)) * rtf
        yp1! = (ypos - INT(ypos)) * rtf
    END IF
    'screen sweep loop
    DEF SEG = &HA000:
    FOR x% = 0 TO 319
        dx = dxc - (x% - 160) * dxs
        dy = (x% - 160) * dyc + dys
        SELECT CASE dx
        CASE IS < -rtl
            nextxt& = -xp1! / dx
            dxt& = -rtf / dx
        CASE IS > rtl
            nextxt& = (rtf - xp1!) / dx
            dxt& = rtf / dx
        CASE ELSE
            nextxt& = inf
        END SELECT
        SELECT CASE dy
        CASE IS < -rtl
            nextyt& = -yp1! / dy
            dyt& = -rtf / dy
        CASE IS > rtl
            nextyt& = (rtf - yp1!) / dy
            dyt& = rtf / dy
        CASE ELSE
            nextyt& = inf
        END SELECT
        sdx% = SGN(dx): sdy% = SGN(dy)
        xm% = INT(xpos): ym% = INT(ypos)
        'raycast until wall hit
            IF nextxt& < nextyt& THEN
                xm% = xm% + sdx%
                IF map(ym%, xm%) THEN ti = rtf / nextxt&: EXIT DO
                nextxt& = nextxt& + dxt&
                ym% = ym% + sdy%
                IF map(ym%, xm%) THEN ti = rtf / nextyt&: EXIT DO
                nextyt& = nextyt& + dyt&
            END IF
        d1% = 99 - CINT((800 + foff%) * ti)
        d2% = 102 + CINT((800 - foff%) * ti)
        d21% = d2% - d1%
        'draw a vertical slice.
        tx% = ((xpos + ypos + (dx + dy) / ti) * 32) AND 31
        p& = x%
        FOR y% = 0 TO 199
            SELECT CASE y%
            CASE IS < d1%
            'tt% = 1
            tt% = tex2(dx * skylut(y%) AND 31, dy * skylut(y%) AND 31)
            'tt% = tex2(skx(y%), sky(y%))
            CASE IS < d2%
            tt% = tex((32 * (y% - d1%) \ d21%) AND 31, tx%)
            CASE ELSE
            'tt% = 2
            tt% = tex1(xpos32 + dx * y99lut!(y%) AND 31, ypos32 + dy * y99lut!(y%) AND 31)
            'tt% = tex1(y99x(y%), y99y(y%))
            END SELECT
            POKE p&, tt%
            p& = p& + 320
    NEXT x%
It seems that you don't check for the &HE0 key code (introduces an enhanced key code). This also was the problem when I wrote my first IRQ1 handler.

When you "forget" to look for &HE0, you'll get some very strange results when you query keys like SHIFT directly.

...and that's why so many people switched to FB. You developers sort out that odd stuff for us. Big Grin
Reason I asked is because I was looking in the FreeBasic documentation and stumbled upon a multikey routine with scan codes. I noticed some of them were missing and some didn't look quite right so I checked what I put in the FAQ. Some of my own mappings from numbers to keys were wrong, and I decided to check it. It turns out that things were quite a bit more complicated...

I think several keys, like arrow keys, produce an alternating pattern, but the rest have a pressed/recently pressed number. Just wanted to figure out what was going on.

Thanks for the replies..
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Hmm ... does that mean that you've found an error in the FreeBASIC sources? If so, please tell me what's the problem and what key codes cause troubles.

BTW: Please take a look at the CVS source of the DOS port to see the direct I/O access to 0x60 (dead code removed):

static int fb_MultikeyHandler(unsigned irq_number)
    unsigned char scancode_raw;

    fb_hWriteControlCommand( 0xAD );    /* Lock keyboard */

    /* read the raw scancode from the keyboard */
    scancode_raw = inportb(0x60);           /* read scancode */

        size_t scancode = scancode_raw;
        if( scancode==0xE0 ) {
            got_extended_key = TRUE;
        } else {
            int release_code = (scancode & 0x80)!=0;
            scancode &= 0x7F;
            if( got_extended_key ) {
                got_extended_key = FALSE;
                switch( scancode ) {
                case 0x2A:
                    /* Ignore this extended key code, otherwise you'll
                     * get spurious SHIFT presses/releases */
                    scancode = 0;
            if( scancode!=0 ) {
                /* Remeber scancode status */
                key[scancode] = !release_code;

    fb_hWriteControlCommand( 0xAE );    /* Unlock keyboard */

    return FALSE;

INP(96) also goes through the keyboard's driver before ever reaching Qbasic, sometimes things can get changed, thats also why the windows key, or any extra keys never will give you a scancode.
f you play a Microsoft CD backwards you can hear demonic voices. The scary part is that if you play it forwards it installs Windows.

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