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Array Not Dimensioned Problem
[syntax="qbasic"]DEFINT A-Z

Declare Function sig(x As Double) As Double
Declare Sub DoNet()
Declare Sub TrainNet()
Declare Sub RunNet()
Declare Sub InitNet()

Const MAX_NODES = 20 'Maximum number of nuerons in one layer
Const NUM_IL = MAX_NODES 'Number of Nodes in Input Layer
Const NUM_HL = MAX_NODES 'Number of Nodes in Hidden Layer
Const NUM_OL = 10
Const IMG_WIDTH = 12
Const IMG_HEIGHT = 12
Const LR = 0.025

Type Node
wt(1 To MAX_NODES) As Double 'Weights
act As Double 'Output of this Node
th As Double 'Threshold
e As Double 'Error
End Type

Dim Shared il(1 To NUM_IL) As Node 'Input Layer
Dim Shared hl(1 To NUM_HL) As Node 'Hidden Layer
Dim Shared ol(1 To NUM_OL) As Node 'Output Layer

'Digit Images
Dim Shared img(0 To 9,1 To 12, 1 To 12) As Byte
Dim Shared curImg(1 To IMG_TOTAL) As Byte
'Begin Main
'Load the Images
For i = 0 To 9
For y = 1 To 12
For x = 1 To 12
Read img(i,x,y)
Next x
Next y
Next i


Sub DoNet()
Dim sum As Double
'Run through nodes in IL
For i = 1 To NUM_IL
sum = 0
For j = 1 To IMG_TOTAL
sum = sum + il(i).wt(j) * curImg(j)
il(i).act = sigmoid(sum - il(i).th)
Next j
Next i

'Run through nodes in HL
For i = 1 To NUM_HL
sum = 0
For j = 1 To NUM_IL
sum = sum + hl(i).wt(j) * il(j).act
hl(i).act = sigmoid(sum - hl(i).th)
Next j
Next i

'Run through nodes in OL
For i = 1 To NUM_OL
sum = 0
For j = 1 To NUM_HL
sum = sum + ol(i).wt(j) * hl(j).act
ol(i).act = sigmoid(sum - ol(i).th)
Next j
Next i
End Function

Sub InitNet()
Dim rand As Double
Randomize Timer

'Input Layer
For i = 1 To NUM_IL
For j = 1 To IMG_TOTAL
il(i).wt(j) = (Rnd(1)/4)
Next j
Next i

'Hidden Layer
For i = 1 To NUM_HL
For j = 1 To NUM_IL
hl(i).wt(j) = (Rnd(1)/4)
Next j
Next i

'Output Layer
For i = 1 To NUM_OL
For j = 1 To NUM_HL
ol(i).wt(j) = (Rnd(1)/4)
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Sub TrainNet()
Dim numCycles As Integer
Dim current As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim sum As Double

Input "How many training cycles", numCycles
For i = 1 To numCycles
j = 1

current = Int(Rnd(1) * 10)

For y = 1 To IMG_WIDTH
For x = 1 To IMG_HEIGHT
curImg(j) = img(current, x, y)
j = j + 1
Next x
Next y


'Calculate OL Error
For j = 1 To NUM_OL
If j = current Then
ol(j).e = (1 - ol(j).a) * ol(j).a * (1 - ol(j).a)
ol(j).e = (0 - ol(j).a) * ol(j).a * (1 - ol(j).a)
End If
Next j

'Calculate HL Error

For j = 1 To NUM_HL
sum = 0
For k = 1 To NUM_OL
sum = sum + ol(k).e * ol(k).wt(j)
hl(j).e = hl(j).act * (1 - hl(j).act) * sum
Next k
Next j

'Adjust Weights
For j = 1 To NUM_OL
For k = 1 To NUM_HL
ol(j).wt(k) = ol(j).wt(k) + LR * ol(j).e * hl(k).act
ol(j).th = ol(j).th - LR * ol(j).e
Next k
Next j

For j = 1 To NUM_HL
For k = 1 To NUM_IL
hl(j).wt(k) = hl(j).wt(k) + LR * hl(j).e * il(k).act
hl(j).th = hl(j).th - LR * hl(j).e
Next k
Next j

Print ".";
Next i
End Sub

Sub RunNet()
Dim quit As Byte
Dim num As Byte

Input "Which number do you want to test?", num

For y = 1 To IMG_WIDTH
For x = 1 To IMG_HEIGHT
curImg(j) = img(num, x, y)
j = j + 1
Next x
Next y


For i = 1 To NUM_OL
If ol(i).act > 0.9 Then
Print "The number is: ";
Print i
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub

Function sig(x As Double)
sig = 1/(1 + Exp(-x))
End Function[/syntax]

I'm getting an error on line 51.

Array not dimensioned, before: '('
il(i).act = sigmoid(sum - il(i).th)

It should have been declared already. I have as a SHARED variable too. Why isn't it recognizing it?

P.S. I have removed the DATA statements. They would've add another 100 or so lines.
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
It isn't recognizing sigmoid, which isn't defined (as far as I can tell).
Sigmoid is a function. It's il() that it isn't recognizing.

Edit: Ah crap! I forgot that the function is sig not sigmoid.
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
Okay. So now any of you AI guys able to help me with my Neural Network? It's not giving correct results. I even ran 10,000 training cycles on it. Here is my code.

[syntax="qbasic"]DEFINT A-Z

Declare Function sig(x As Double) As Double
Declare Sub DoNet()
Declare Sub TrainNet()
Declare Sub RunNet()
Declare Sub InitNet()

Const MAX_NODES = 20 'Maximum number of nuerons in one layer
Const NUM_IL = MAX_NODES 'Number of Nodes in Input Layer
Const NUM_HL = MAX_NODES 'Number of Nodes in Hidden Layer
Const NUM_OL = 10
Const IMG_WIDTH = 12
Const IMG_HEIGHT = 12
Const LR = 0.025

Type Node
wt(1 To MAX_NODES) As Double 'Weights
act As Double 'Output of this Node
th As Double 'Threshold
e As Double 'Error
End Type

Dim Shared il(1 To NUM_IL) As Node 'Input Layer
Dim Shared hl(1 To NUM_HL) As Node 'Hidden Layer
Dim Shared ol(1 To NUM_OL) As Node 'Output Layer

'Digit Images
Dim Shared img(0 To 9,1 To 12, 1 To 12) As Byte
Dim Shared curImg(1 To IMG_TOTAL) As Byte
'Begin Main
'Load the Images
For i = 0 To 9
For y = 1 To 12
For x = 1 To 12
Read img(i,x,y)
Next x
Next y
Next i

Print "First, see how the NN performs before training"
Print "Now training network"
Print "Now see how the NN performs after training"

Sub DoNet()
Dim sum As Double
'Run through nodes in IL
For i = 1 To NUM_IL
sum = 0
For j = 1 To IMG_TOTAL
sum = sum + il(i).wt(j) * curImg(j)
il(i).act = sig(sum - il(i).th)
Next j
Next i

'Run through nodes in HL
For i = 1 To NUM_HL
sum = 0
For j = 1 To NUM_IL
sum = sum + hl(i).wt(j) * il(j).act
hl(i).act = sig(sum - hl(i).th)
Next j
Next i

'Run through nodes in OL
For i = 1 To NUM_OL
sum = 0
For j = 1 To NUM_HL
sum = sum + ol(i).wt(j) * hl(j).act
ol(i).act = sig(sum - ol(i).th)
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Sub InitNet()
Randomize Timer

'Input Layer
For i = 1 To NUM_IL
For j = 1 To IMG_TOTAL
il(i).wt(j) = (Rnd(1))
Next j
Next i

'Hidden Layer
For i = 1 To NUM_HL
For j = 1 To NUM_IL
hl(i).wt(j) = (Rnd(1))
Next j
Next i

'Output Layer
For i = 1 To NUM_OL
For j = 1 To NUM_HL
ol(i).wt(j) = (Rnd(1))
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Sub TrainNet()
Dim numCycles As Integer
Dim current As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim sum As Double

Input "How many training cycles", numCycles
For i = 1 To numCycles
j = 1

current = Int(Rnd(1) * 10)

For y = 1 To IMG_WIDTH
For x = 1 To IMG_HEIGHT
curImg(j) = img(current, x, y)
j = j + 1
Next x
Next y


'Calculate OL Error
For j = 1 To NUM_OL
If j = current Then
ol(j).e = (1 - ol(j).act) * ol(j).act * (1 - ol(j).act)
ol(j).e = (0 - ol(j).act) * ol(j).act * (1 - ol(j).act)
End If
Next j

'Calculate HL Error

For j = 1 To NUM_HL
sum = 0
For k = 1 To NUM_OL
sum = sum + ol(k).e * ol(k).wt(j)
hl(j).e = hl(j).act * (1 - hl(j).act) * sum
Next k
Next j

'Adjust Weights
For j = 1 To NUM_OL
For k = 1 To NUM_HL
ol(j).wt(k) = ol(j).wt(k) + LR * ol(j).e * hl(k).act
ol(j).th = ol(j).th - LR * ol(j).e
Next k
Next j

For j = 1 To NUM_HL
For k = 1 To NUM_IL
hl(j).wt(k) = hl(j).wt(k) + LR * hl(j).e * il(k).act
hl(j).th = hl(j).th - LR * hl(j).e
Next k
Next j

Print ".";
Next i
End Sub

Sub RunNet()
Dim quit As Byte
Dim num As Byte

Input "Which number do you want to test?", num

For y = 1 To IMG_WIDTH
For x = 1 To IMG_HEIGHT
curImg(j) = img(num, x, y)
j = j + 1
Next x
Next y


For i = 1 To NUM_OL
Print "Value of output node ";
Print i - 1
Print ol(i).act
Next i
End Sub

Function sig(x As Double) As Double
sig = 1/(1 + Exp(-x))
End Function

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Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0[/syntax]
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
You started out well, Torahteen, but:
what's your program supposed to do in the 1st place, and what output do we have to expect?
It looks like backpropagation to me - quite ambitious to take a bite on,
or to debug, for that matter. ( that old SOM really is much easier Wink )

Some remarks though:

Sub InitNet is never called.

You're probably misusing the 'sum'-result in sub DoNet,
i'd put it like this:

        sum = 0
        FOR j = 1 TO IMG_TOTAL
            sum = sum + il(i).wt(j) * curImg(j)
        NEXT j
        il(i).act = sig(sum - il(i).th)
    NEXT i
etc. (Tip: reduce code by passing each layer as a subroutine argument.)

The size of the "input layer" (20) doesn't match your input (12 * 12)
In fact, the input layer reduces to activations only, you can strip
DIM SHARED il(1 TO NUM_IL) AS Node 'Input Layer
because three net layers are connected by two sets of weights only.
(144 -> 20 and 20 -> 10 in this case.)

This var is never used in sub RunNet:
DIM quit AS Byte
Though it might be important somehow.

I've compiled w/FB 016b, and This doesn't show:
INPUT "How many training cycles", numCycles
Though it should. A compiler bug, i suppose.
Quick patch:
print "How many training cycles";
INPUT ; numCycles

I'm sure you can work this out,
Thanks for the reply. You're correct, it is a backprop NN. I am trying to recognize the digits from 0-9. The goal is to have 10 outputs, each representing one of the digits. If the answer is... say 7, then the output for that node should be a decent amount larger than the others. Make sense?

I forgot to call InitNet. No wonder my weights weren't getting set up.

I'm confused about this:

Quote:The size of the "input layer" (20) doesn't match your input (12 * 12)
In fact, the input layer reduces to activations only, you can strip
DIM SHARED il(1 TO NUM_IL) AS Node 'Input Layer
because three net layers are connected by two sets of weights only.
(144 -> 20 and 20 -> 10 in this case.)

Aren't I supposed to have 3 layers? Input, Hidden, and Ouput? I feed all of the information into input layer, which get's calculated using the Sigmoid activation function, and that becomes the weights for the Hidden layer, and so on. What exactly am I misunderstanding here?

It doesn't work in v0.16b eh? Hmm... I don't know why that is. Check the changes log to see if there is some new feature I don't know about.
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
Quote:It doesn't work in v0.16b eh? Hmm... I don't know why that is. Check the changes log to see if there is some new feature I don't know about.

No, it is a bug in the 0.16 cvs. Vic has found and addressed the problem, with the help of Antoni.
Here is an example of my output:

First, see how the NN performs before training
Which number do you want to test? [color=red]3[/color]

Value of output node  0
Value of output node  1
Value of output node  2
Value of output node  3
Value of output node  4
Value of output node  5
Value of output node  6
Value of output node  7
Value of output node  8
Value of output node  9
Now training network
How many training cycles [color=red]10000[/color]
Now see how the NN performs after training
Which number do you want to test? [color=red]3[/color]

Value of output node  0
Value of output node  1
Value of output node  2
Value of output node  3
Value of output node  4
Value of output node  5
Value of output node  6
Value of output node  7
Value of output node  8
Value of output node  9

Red = Input

Anyway, there are a few problems. As far as I know, the output should always be a number between 0 and 1 because of the sigmoid function. The sigmoid function looks fine to me, so what's the problem?

In the above situation, the output of node 3 should have been quite a bit higher (relatively speaking) than the others, signifying that 3 is what the NN chose.
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
Quote:Aren't I supposed to have 3 layers? Input, Hidden, and Ouput?
Compare it with this:

1 -> 2 -> 3

That's three layers, and two sets of weights (->) to connect them.

But the first layer is implied, so to say: it's your curimg() byte array, that's all you need there.

Now attach the connections between input and hidden layer to the latter,
DIM SHARED hl(1 TO NUM_HL) AS Node             'Hidden Layer
idem for the connections between hidden and output layer,
DIM SHARED ol(1 TO NUM_OL) AS Node             'Output Layer
that's only two shared Node-structures, and not three.

Your feedforward routine now becomes:
SUB DoNet()
    DIM sum AS single
    'Run through nodes in HL
    FOR i = 1 TO NUM_HL
        sum = 0
        FOR j = 1 TO IMG_TOTAL
            sum = sum + hl(i).wt(j) * curImg(j)
        NEXT j
        hl(i).act = sig(sum - hl(i).th)
    NEXT i
    'Run through nodes in OL
    FOR i = 1 TO NUM_OL
        sum = 0
        FOR j = 1 TO NUM_HL
            sum = sum + ol(i).wt(j) * hl(j).act
        NEXT j
        ol(i).act = sig(sum - ol(i).th)
    NEXT i

I almost forgot:
Since your input is binary, you need a constant GAIN factor, like
sig = 1/(1 + EXP(-GAIN * x))
to make the sigmoid steeper, else the output won't separate.
This gain also enters the derivatives of the sig-function.
I just got a stripped-down version of your program working fine with
GAIN = 5 and LR = 0.1

Giving away all changes will of course spoil your fun, so I won't.
But how do I do BackPropagation for the hidden layer?
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]

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