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Put [Des],[x],[y],SRC,[xScale],[yScale],[Rotate],[ColorKey]
Thanx for testing and an happy new yeahr from germany.

' (c) D.J.Peters (Joshy)
' Source:
' PUT with scale, rotate, colorkey und clipping in 8 BPP
' 16 and 32 BPP  comes after tests in assembler.
' MultiPut [lpDes],[xmidpos],[ymidpos],lpSrc,[xScale],[yScale],[Rotate],[ColorKey]

option explicit

#define UseRad 'if not then Rotate are in degre

SUB MultiPut(byval lpTarget as any ptr= 0, _
             byval xMidPos  as integer= 0, _
             byval yMidPos  as integer= 0, _
             byval lpSource as any ptr   , _
             byval xScale   as single = 1, _
             byval yScale   as single = 1, _
             byval Rotate   as single = 0, _
             byval ColorKey as integer=-1)

  if (screenptr=0) or (lpSource=0) then exit sub

  if xScale < 0.001 then xScale=0.001
  if yScale < 0.001 then yScale=0.001

  dim as integer MustLock,MustRotate,MustKeying

  if lpTarget= 0 then MustLock  =1
  if Rotate  <>0 then MustRotate=1
  if ColorKey>-1 then MustKeying=1

  dim as byte  ptr TargetPtr,SourcePtr
  dim as short ptr ptr16
  dim as short     val16
  dim as byte      val8
  dim as integer   TargetWidth,TargetHeight,TargetBytes
  if MustLock then
    screeninfo TargetWidth,TargetHeight,TargetBytes
    TargetPtr=screenptr:TargetBytes=TargetBytes shr 3
    ptr16=cptr(short ptr,lpTarget):TargetPtr=cptr(byte ptr,lpTarget)
    val16=ptr16[0]:TargetBytes =val16 and &H0007:TargetWidth=val16 shr 3
  end if
  if (TargetWidth<4) or (TargetHeight<4) then exit sub

  dim as integer   SourceWidth,SourceHeight,SourceBytes
  ptr16=cptr(short ptr,lpSource):SourcePtr=cptr(byte ptr,lpSource)
  val16=ptr16[0]:SourceBytes =val16 and &H0007:SourceWidth=val16 shr 3
  if (SourceWidth<2) or (SourceHeight<2) then exit sub

  if TargetBytes<>SourceBytes then exit sub

#define xs 0 'screen
#define ys 1
#define xt 2 'texture
#define yt 3

#define xx 4 'integer part
#define yy 5
  dim as single Points(4,5)
  points(0,xs)=-SourceWidth/2 * xScale
  points(1,xs)= SourceWidth/2 * xScale
  points(2,xs)= points(1,xs)
  points(3,xs)= points(0,xs)

  points(0,ys)=-SourceHeight/2 * yScale
  points(1,ys)= points(0,ys)
  points(2,ys)= SourceHeight/2 * yScale
  points(3,ys)= points(2,ys)

  points(1,xt)= SourceWidth-1
  points(2,xt)= points(1,xt)
  points(2,yt)= SourceHeight-1
  points(3,yt)= points(2,yt)-1

  dim as uinteger i
  dim as single x,y
  if MustRotate then
    #ifndef UseRad
    Rotate*=0.017453292 'degre 2 rad
    while Rotate< 0        :rotate+=6.2831853:wend
    while Rotate>=6.2831853:rotate-=6.2831853:wend
    for i=0 to 3
      x=points(i,xs)*cos(Rotate) - points(i,ys)*sin(Rotate)
      y=points(i,xs)*sin(Rotate) + points(i,ys)*cos(Rotate)
  end if

  dim as integer yStart,yEnd,xStart,xEnd

#define LI 0   'LeftIndex
#define RI 1   'RightIndex
#define  IND 0 'Index
#define NIND 1 'NextIndex
  dim as integer CNS(2,2) 'Counters

  for i=0 to 3
    if points(i,yy)<yStart then yStart=points(i,yy):CNS(LI,IND)=i
    if points(i,yy)>yEnd   then yEnd  =points(i,yy)
    if points(i,xx)<xStart then xStart=points(i,xx)
    if points(i,xx)>xEnd   then xEnd  =points(i,xx)
  if yStart =yEnd         then exit sub
  if yStart>=TargetHeight then exit sub
  if yEnd   <0            then exit sub
  if xStart = xEnd        then exit sub
  if xStart>=TargetWidth  then exit sub
  if xEnd   <0            then exit sub

  dim as byte    ptr t1,s1
  dim as short   ptr t2,s2
  dim as integer ptr t4,s4

#define ADD 0
#define CMP 1
#define SET 2
  dim as integer ACS(2,3) 'add compare and set

#define EX  0
#define EU  1
#define EV  2
#define EXS 3
#define EUS 4
#define EVS 5
  dim as single E(2,6),S(6),Length,uSlope,vSlope
  dim as integer U,UV,UA,UN,V,VV,VA,VN

  ' share the same highest point
If MustLock then ScreenLock
  ' loop from Top to Bottom
  while yStart<yEnd

    'Scan Left and Right sides together
    for i=LI to RI
      ' bad to read but fast and short ;-)
      if yStart=points(CNS(i,IND),yy) then
        if CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,CMP) then CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,SET)
        while points(CNS(i,IND),yy) = points(CNS(i,NIND),yy)
          CNS(i, IND)=CNS(i,NIND)
          CNS(i,NIND)=CNS(i, IND)+ACS(i,Add)
          if CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,CMP) then CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,SET)
        E(i,EX) = points(CNS(i, IND),xs)
        E(i,EU) = points(CNS(i, IND),xt)
        E(i,EV) = points(CNS(i, IND),yt)
        Length  = points(CNS(i,NIND),ys)
        Length -= points(CNS(i, IND),ys)
        If Length <> 0.0 Then
          E(i,EXS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),xs)-E(i,EX):E(i,EXS)/=Length
          E(i,EUS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),xt)-E(i,EU):E(i,EUS)/=Length
          E(i,EVS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),yt)-E(i,EV):E(i,EVS)/=Length
        End If
      end if

    if yStart<  0                          then goto SkipScanLine
    xStart=E(LI,EX):if xStart>=TargetWidth then goto SkipScanLine
    xEnd  =E(RI,EX):if xEnd  < 0           then goto SkipScanLine
    if xStart=xEnd                         then goto SkipScanLine
    'if xEnd  <xStart                       then goto SkipScanLine
    If Length<0.0 Then
      xStart = 0
    End If
    if xEnd>=TargetWidth then xEnd=TargetWidth-1
    select case TargetBytes
      case 1
        if MustKeying=0 then
          while xStart<xEnd
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000
          val8=ColorKey and &HFF
          while xStart<xEnd
            if s1[0]<>val8 then t1[xStart]=s1[0]
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000

        end if
    end select

    yStart+=1:if yStart=TargetHeight then yStart=yEnd 'exit loop
if MustLock then ScreenUnlock

' main
#define scr_w 640 'change it
#define scr_h 480

dim as any ptr Sprite
dim as single xZoom,yZoom,Rotate
dim as integer x,y,counter
#define wh scr_w\2
#define hh scr_h\2

screenres scr_w,scr_h,8
'create an sprite
line (0,0)-(99,99),1,BF 'blue rectangle
circle (50,50),48,14,,,,F
circle (25,30),12,15,,,,F
circle (75,30),12,15,,,,F
circle (25,30), 7, 0,,,,F
circle (75,30), 7, 0,,,,F
circle (50,50),28, 0,1.57*2,1.57*4
get (0,0)-(99,99),Sprite

for counter=0 to 200
  MultiPut ,wh,hh,Sprite,xZoom,xZoom
  sleep 50,1:cls
while xZoom>1.0
  MultiPut ,wh,hh,Sprite,xZoom,xZoom
  sleep 50,1:cls:xZoom-=0.1
for counter=0 to 200
  MultiPut ,wh,hh,Sprite,,,Rotate
  sleep 50,1:cls:Rotate+=0.1
for counter=0 to 500
  MultiPut ,wh,hh,Sprite,xZoom,yZoom
  sleep 50,1:cls:Rotate+=0.017453292
while len(inkey)=0
  MultiPut ,rnd*scr_w,rnd*scr_h,Sprite,xZoom,xZoom,rnd*6.28,1 'blue colorkey
  'sleep 50,1

sorry about my english
Now it works with 8,16,24,32 BPP too.

' (c) D.J.Peters (Joshy)
' an put, scale, rotate hack
' MultiPut [destination],[xmidpos],[ymidpos],source,[xScale],[yScale],[ColorKey]

option explicit

#define UseRad 'if not then Rotate are in degres

SUB MultiPut(byval lpTarget as any ptr= 0, _
             byval xMidPos  as integer= 0, _
             byval yMidPos  as integer= 0, _
             byval lpSource as any ptr   , _
             byval xScale   as single = 1, _
             byval yScale   as single = 1, _
             byval Rotate   as single = 0, _
             byval ColorKey as integer=-1)

  if (screenptr=0) or (lpSource=0) then exit sub

  if xScale < 0.001 then xScale=0.001
  if yScale < 0.001 then yScale=0.001

  dim as integer MustLock,MustRotate,MustKeying

  if lpTarget= 0 then MustLock  =1
  if Rotate  <>0 then MustRotate=1
  if ColorKey>-1 then MustKeying=1

  dim as byte  ptr TargetPtr,SourcePtr
  dim as byte      val8
  dim as short ptr ptr16
  dim as short     val16
  dim as integer   val32,TargetWidth,TargetHeight,TargetBytes
  if MustLock then
    screeninfo TargetWidth,TargetHeight,TargetBytes
    TargetPtr=screenptr:TargetBytes=TargetBytes shr 3
    ptr16=cptr(short ptr,lpTarget):TargetPtr=cptr(byte ptr,lpTarget)
    val16=ptr16[0]:TargetBytes =val16 and &H0007:TargetWidth=val16 shr 3
  end if
  if (TargetWidth<4) or (TargetHeight<4) then exit sub

  dim as integer   SourceWidth,SourceHeight,SourceBytes
  ptr16=cptr(short ptr,lpSource):SourcePtr=cptr(byte ptr,lpSource)
  val16=ptr16[0]:SourceBytes =val16 and &H0007:SourceWidth=val16 shr 3
  if (SourceWidth<2) or (SourceHeight<2) then exit sub

  if TargetBytes<>SourceBytes then exit sub

#define xs 0 'screen
#define ys 1
#define xt 2 'texture
#define yt 3
  dim as single Points(4,5)
  points(0,xs)=-SourceWidth/2 * xScale
  points(1,xs)= SourceWidth/2 * xScale
  points(2,xs)= points(1,xs)
  points(3,xs)= points(0,xs)

  points(0,ys)=-SourceHeight/2 * yScale
  points(1,ys)= points(0,ys)
  points(2,ys)= SourceHeight/2 * yScale
  points(3,ys)= points(2,ys)

  points(1,xt)= SourceWidth-1
  points(2,xt)= points(1,xt)
  points(2,yt)= SourceHeight-1
  points(3,yt)= points(2,yt)

  dim as uinteger i
  dim as single x,y
  if MustRotate then
    #ifndef UseRad
    Rotate*=0.017453292 'degre 2 rad
    while Rotate< 0        :rotate+=6.2831853:wend
    while Rotate>=6.2831853:rotate-=6.2831853:wend
    for i=0 to 3
      x=points(i,xs)*cos(Rotate) - points(i,ys)*sin(Rotate)
      y=points(i,xs)*sin(Rotate) + points(i,ys)*cos(Rotate)
  end if

  dim as integer yStart,yEnd,xStart,xEnd

#define LI 0   'LeftIndex
#define RI 1   'RightIndex
#define  IND 0 'Index
#define NIND 1 'NextIndex
  dim as integer CNS(2,2) 'Counters

  for i=0 to 3
    if points(i,ys)<yStart then yStart=points(i,ys):CNS(LI,IND)=i
    if points(i,ys)>yEnd   then yEnd  =points(i,ys)
    if points(i,xs)<xStart then xStart=points(i,xs)
    if points(i,xs)>xEnd   then xEnd  =points(i,xs)
  if yStart =yEnd         then exit sub
  if yStart>=TargetHeight then exit sub
  if yEnd   <0            then exit sub
  if xStart = xEnd        then exit sub
  if xStart>=TargetWidth  then exit sub
  if xEnd   <0            then exit sub

  dim as byte    ptr t1,s1
  dim as short   ptr t2,s2
  dim as integer ptr t4,s4

#define ADD 0
#define CMP 1
#define SET 2
  dim as integer ACS(2,3) 'add compare and set

#define EX  0
#define EU  1
#define EV  2
#define EXS 3
#define EUS 4
#define EVS 5
  dim as single E(2,6),S(6),Length,uSlope,vSlope
  dim as integer U,UV,UA,UN,V,VV,VA,VN

  ' share the same highest point
If MustLock then ScreenLock
  ' loop from Top to Bottom
  while yStart<yEnd

    'Scan Left and Right sides together
    for i=LI to RI
      ' bad to read but fast and short ;-)
      if yStart=points(CNS(i,IND),ys) then
        if CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,CMP) then CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,SET)
        while points(CNS(i,IND),ys) = points(CNS(i,NIND),ys)
          CNS(i, IND)=CNS(i,NIND)
          CNS(i,NIND)=CNS(i, IND)+ACS(i,Add)
          if CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,CMP) then CNS(i,NIND)=ACS(i,SET)
        E(i,EX) = points(CNS(i, IND),xs)
        E(i,EU) = points(CNS(i, IND),xt)
        E(i,EV) = points(CNS(i, IND),yt)
        Length  = points(CNS(i,NIND),ys)
        Length -= points(CNS(i, IND),ys)
        If Length <> 0.0 Then
          E(i,EXS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),xs)-E(i,EX):E(i,EXS)/=Length
          E(i,EUS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),xt)-E(i,EU):E(i,EUS)/=Length
          E(i,EVS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),yt)-E(i,EV):E(i,EVS)/=Length
        End If
      end if

    if yStart<  0                          then goto SkipScanLine
    xStart=E(LI,EX)+0.5:if xStart>=TargetWidth then goto SkipScanLine
    xEnd  =E(RI,EX)-0.5:if xEnd  < 0           then goto SkipScanLine
    if xStart=xEnd                         then goto SkipScanLine
    'if xEnd  <xStart                       then goto SkipScanLine
    If xstart<0 Then
      xStart = 0
    End If
    if xEnd>=TargetWidth then xEnd=TargetWidth-1
    select case TargetBytes
      case 1
        if MustKeying=0 then
          while xStart<xEnd
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>=10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>=10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000
            if u<0 then u=0
            if v<0 then v=0
          val8=ColorKey and &HFF
          while xStart<xEnd
            if s1[0]<>val8 then t1[xStart]=s1[0]
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>=10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>=10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000
            if u<0 then u=0
            if v<0 then v=0

        end if
      case 2
        t2=cptr(short ptr,TargetPtr)
        if MustKeying=0 then
          while xStart<xEnd
            s2=cptr(short ptr,SourcePtr):s2+=V*SourceWidth:s2+=U
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>=10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>=10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000
            if u<0 then u=0
            if v<0 then v=0
          val16=ColorKey and &HFFFF
          while xStart<xEnd
            s2=cptr(short ptr,SourcePtr):s2+=V*SourceWidth:s2+=U
            if s2[0]<>val16 then t2[xStart]=s2[0]
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>=10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>=10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000
            if u<0 then u=0
            if v<0 then v=0
        end if
      case 4
        t4=cptr(integer ptr,TargetPtr)
        if MustKeying=0 then
          while xStart<xEnd
            s4=cptr(integer ptr,SourcePtr):s4+=V*SourceWidth:s4+=U
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>=10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>=10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000
            if u<0 then u=0
            if v<0 then v=0
          val32=ColorKey and &HFFFFFF
          while xStart<xEnd
            s4=cptr(integer ptr,SourcePtr):s4+=V*SourceWidth:s4+=U
            if s4[0]<>val32 then t4[xStart]=s4[0]
            U+=UV:UN+=UA:if UN>=10000 then U+=1:UN-=10000
            V+=VV:VN+=VA:if VN>=10000 then V+=1:VN-=10000
            if u<0 then u=0
            if v<0 then v=0
        end if
    end select

    yStart+=1:if yStart=TargetHeight then yStart=yEnd 'exit loop
if MustLock then ScreenUnlock

' main
#define scr_w 320 'change it
#define scr_h 240

dim as any ptr Sprite
dim as single xZoom,yZoom,Rotate
dim as integer x,y,b,counter
#define wh scr_w\2
#define hh scr_h\2

screenres scr_w,scr_h,8
'screenres scr_w,scr_h,16
'screenres scr_w,scr_h,24
'screenres scr_w,scr_h,32

'create an sprite
screeninfo ,,b
if b=8 then
  line (0,0)-(100,100),1,BF 'blue rectangle
  circle (50,50),50,14,,,,F
  circle (25,30),12,15,,,,F
  circle (75,30),12,15,,,,F
  circle (25,30), 7, 0,,,,F
  circle (75,30), 7, 0,,,,F
  circle (50,50),28, 0,1.57*2,1.57*4
  line (0,0)-(100,100),rgb(  0,0,128),BF 'blue rectangle
  circle (50,50),50,rgb(255,255,  0),,,,F
  circle (25,30),12,rgb(255,255,255),,,,F
  circle (75,30),12,rgb(255,255,255),,,,F
  circle (25,30), 7,rgb(  0,  0,  0),,,,F
  circle (75,30), 7,rgb(  0,  0,  0),,,,F
  circle (50,50),28,rgb(  0,  0,  0),1.57*2,1.57*4
end if
get (0,0)-(100,100),Sprite
while len(inkey)=0
  MultiPut ,wh,hh,Sprite,xZoom,yZoom,Rotate ',1 or rgb(  0,0,128)
  sleep 50:cls:Rotate+=0.01
sorry about my english
for 32-bit screenmodes with a resolution higher then 320x200 probably yes
[Image: yagl1.png]

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