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Fractal Challenge
Make a fractal image either one of these two ways:

1. hand-draw (or with a graphics editor) at least a level-7 fractal. YOU CAN NOT USE A FRACTAL GENERATOR! Any that use one will be disqualified.

2. Create a BASIC program that generates fractals. It must be YOUR code, and the number of stages must be changeable. In this case, the more complex and fastest (combo of 2) will be chosen

1 of each category will be chosen for winning.
Quote:Make a fractal image either one of these two ways:

1. hand-draw (or with a graphics editor) at least a level-7 fractal. YOU CAN NOT USE A FRACTAL GENERATOR! Any that use one will be disqualified.

2. Create a BASIC program that generates fractals. It must be YOUR code, and the number of stages must be changeable. In this case, the more complex and fastest (combo of 2) will be chosen

1 of each category will be chosen for winning.

I accept part 1 your challenge! Prepare to see a crappy Sierpinski Triangle!!!
quote="Bruce Raeman"]Anatomy (n): something everyone has, but which looks better on a girl[/quote]
Wow, someone actually replied! I wasn't expecting this...
For #2, can I make a plasma style fractal generator?
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
I'm working on a Julia/Mandelbrot explorer with advanced features designed to make good-looking wallpapers.

Some of them are in here:
url=]Recycled CompoST[/url] - Best of 2005 Album by Xerol.
I can't get the photo posted! I'll keep on trying.
quote="Bruce Raeman"]Anatomy (n): something everyone has, but which looks better on a girl[/quote]
Quote:I can't get the photo posted! I'll keep on trying.

You drew a Sierpinski triangle to level SEVEN?
url=]Recycled CompoST[/url] - Best of 2005 Album by Xerol.
Quote:You drew a Sierpinski triangle to level SEVEN?

No, just 3rd iteration. I could go to 7th iteration if I wanted to, though. In fact, I think I will.
quote="Bruce Raeman"]Anatomy (n): something everyone has, but which looks better on a girl[/quote]
Xerol Wrote:You drew a Sierpinski triangle to level SEVEN?

No, just 3rd iteration. I could go to 7th iteration if I wanted to, though. In fact, I think I will.

Well, considering that:
Quote:1. hand-draw (or with a graphics editor) at least a level-7 fractal. YOU CAN NOT USE A FRACTAL GENERATOR! Any that use one will be disqualified.
(Emphasis added)

I think you'd kinda have to Tongue
url=]Recycled CompoST[/url] - Best of 2005 Album by Xerol.
Try to track the levels this psychedelic CA machine traverses before returning to its initial state:

'Subject: A cellular automaton kaleidoscope.
'         You'll find the full version of this fascinating
'         Fredkin fractal machine in the at
'Author : vspickelen
'Date   : 02-08-2006
'Code   : all Q-Basic's, FreeBasic extendable
'Keys   : [Esc] quit program
'         Any other key to restart
CONST TMX = .2 ' set delay in s.

CONST MODE = 12, dW = 640, dH = 480
' set screenmode, width, height
'CONST MODE = 20, dW = 1024, dH = 768 ' FreeBasic only

CONST MAX = 256 ' * Must be a power-of-two! *
' (unless you wanta freaked out machine)
' Maximum grid size is 128 for Q-Basic's

CONST n1 = MAX - 1
PALETTE 0, &H40406: PALETTE 1, &H70F00
PALETTE 2, &HA0009: PALETTE 3, &H121E
r = (dW - dH) \ 2
VIEW (r, 1)-(dW - r, dH - 2), , 3
WINDOW SCREEN (-.5, -.5)-(n1 + .5, n1 + .5)
sw = 0

REDIM c(n1, n1, 1)
x = n1 \ 2
y = 1 + INT(RND * x)
FOR r = x - y TO x + y
   FOR s = x - y TO x + y
      c(s, r, sw) = 1
   NEXT s
CLS : RR = INT(RND * 2)

   dt! = TIMER

   FOR r = 0 TO n1
      FOR s = 0 TO n1

         t = 0: IF RR THEN t = -c(s, r, sw)
         FOR rn = r - 1 TO r + 1
            ds = 1 - ABS(rn - r)

            FOR sn = s - ds TO s + ds
               x = (sn + MAX) AND n1
               y = (rn + MAX) AND n1
               t = t + c(x, y, sw)
            NEXT sn
         NEXT rn

         IF RR THEN t = t XOR c(s, r, 1 - sw)
         i = c(s, r, sw) * 2 AND 2
         c(s, r, 1 - sw) = i OR (t AND 1)
      NEXT s
   NEXT r
   sw = 1 - sw

   d! = .491
   FOR y = 0 TO n1
      FOR x = 0 TO n1
         IF c(x, y, sw) XOR c(x, y, 1 - sw) THEN
            LINE (x - d!, y - d!)-(x + d!, y + d!), c(x, y, sw), BF
         END IF
      NEXT x
   NEXT y

   g$ = INKEY$
   IF g$ <> "" THEN
      IF ASC(g$) = 27 THEN
         EXIT DO
         GOTO begin
      END IF
      WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND


-You'll soon lose count.

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