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Random Map Generators.
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Sorry... I spaced out. :lol: It's very interesting behavior, but the code seems a bit obfuscated to my eyes... it's probably because I've started using longer names for variables and I'm hooked on FBIDE's auto indenter. It's really nice though, and a hell of alot faster than what I posted. Wink

I changed this to use integers only, and it does a fade thing. It's kinda like a screen-saver now. Tongue

#Include ""
Option Explicit
Randomize Timer

Const False As Integer = 0
Const True As Integer = Not False
Const Cir_Cnt As Integer = 150
Const SCR_WIDTH As Integer = 320
Const SCR_HEIGHT As Integer = 240
Const BPP As Integer = 16

ScreenSet 0,1

Setmouse 0,0,0

Type Point2D
    X As Integer
    Y As Integer
End Type

Type Circles
    P As Point2d
    Rad As Integer
    Hill_Hole As Byte
End Type

Type Colors
    As Integer R, G, B
End Type

Declare Function Vec_2D_Dist(vA As Point2D, vB As Point2D) As Integer
Declare Sub Blur_Buffer( Byval Buffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, tBuffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, Strength As Integer )

Dim As Circles Cir(CIR_CNT)
Dim As Integer i, X, Y, R, G, B, All_Colors_Match, Dist
Dim As Colors Ptr Ptr Buffer, tBuffer, Scr_Buffer
Dim As Point2D tVec

Buffer  = CAllocate(SCR_WIDTH * Sizeof(Colors) )
tBuffer = CAllocate(SCR_WIDTH * Sizeof(Colors) )
Scr_Buffer = CAllocate(SCR_WIDTH * Sizeof(Colors) )

For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
    Buffer[X]  = CAllocate(SCR_Height * Sizeof(Colors) )
    tBuffer[X] = CAllocate(SCR_Height * Sizeof(Colors) )
    Scr_Buffer[X] = CAllocate(SCR_Height * Sizeof(Colors) )

    For i= 0 To Ubound(Cir)
        Cir(i).P.X = Rnd*SCR_WIDTH
        Cir(i).P.Y = Rnd*SCR_HEIGHT
        Cir(i).Rad = 25+(Rnd*100)        
        Select Case Int(Rnd*2)
        Case 0
            Cir(i).Hill_Hole = 1
        Case 1
            Cir(i).Hill_Hole = -1
        End Select
    For Y = 0 To SCR_HEIGHT-1
        For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
            tVec.Y = Y
            tVec.X = X
            R = 0
            G = 128
            B = 0
            For i = 0 To Ubound(Cir)
                Dist = Vec_2D_Dist( Cir(i).P, tVec )
                If Dist<=Cir(i).Rad Then
                    G += (((Cir(i).Rad-Dist))*Cir(i).Hill_Hole)
                End If
            If G<0 Then G=0
            If G>255 Then G=255
            If G<=68 And G>=64 Then
                R = 128
                G = 128
                B = 255
            End If
            If G<64 Then
                B = G+Int(Rnd*64)
                R = 0
                G = 0
            End If
            If Int(Rnd*2)=0 Then
                If B<G Then
                End If
            End If
            Scr_Buffer[X][Y].R = R
            Scr_Buffer[X][Y].G = G
            Scr_Buffer[X][Y].B = B
            If Multikey(Sc_Escape) Then End
    Blur_Buffer Scr_Buffer, tBuffer, 1
        All_Colors_Match = True
        For Y = 0 To SCR_HEIGHT-1
            For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1

                If tBuffer[X][Y].R<>Buffer[X][Y].R OR tBuffer[X][Y].G<>Buffer[X][Y].G OR tBuffer[X][Y].B<>Buffer[X][Y].B Then
                    All_Colors_Match = False
                End If
                Pset(X,Y), RGB(Buffer[X][Y].R, Buffer[X][Y].G, Buffer[X][Y].B)
                If Multikey(Sc_Escape) Then End
    Loop Until All_Colors_Match
Loop Until Multikey(Sc_Escape)

For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
    Deallocate Buffer[X]
    Deallocate tBuffer[X]
    Deallocate Scr_Buffer[X]
Deallocate Buffer
Deallocate tBuffer
Deallocate Scr_Buffer


Sub Blur_Buffer( Byval Buffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, tBuffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, Strength As Integer )
    Dim As Integer X, Y, X1, Y1, XBeg, XFin, YBeg, YFin, Hits, R, G, B
    For Y = 0 To SCR_HEIGHT-1
        For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
            Hits = 0
            XBeg = X-Strength
            If XBeg<0 Then XBeg=0
            YBeg = Y-Strength
            If YBeg<0 Then YBeg=0
            XFin = X+Strength
            If XFin>SCR_WIDTH-1 Then XFin=SCR_WIDTH-1
            YFin = Y+Strength
            If YFin>SCR_HEIGHT-1 Then YFin=SCR_HEIGHT-1
            For Y1 = YBeg To YFin
                For X1 = XBeg To XFin
                    R+= Buffer[X1][Y1].R
                    G+= Buffer[X1][Y1].G
                    B+= Buffer[X1][Y1].B
            If Hits=0 Then Hits=1
            tBuffer[X][Y].R = R
            tBuffer[X][Y].G = G
            tBuffer[X][Y].B = B
End Sub

Function Vec_2D_Dist(vA As Point2D, vB As Point2D) As Integer
    Dim DX As Integer, _
    DY As Integer ,_
    Dist As Integer
    DX = Va.X - Vb.X
    DY = Va.Y - Vb.Y
    Dist = Sqr(DX^2 + DY^2)
    Function = Dist
End Function
*looks at agas code*


you still dont indent your code!?

It really helps with following program flow.

I would comment on the result.. but It wouldnt work on my laptop (which is totally not your fault.. just my crappy laptop >:X)

Dr_D: nice map generator! very sweet. It reminded me of a map generator I made many moons ago. I will dig it out of the archives :)
Cool! I can't wait to see it. I really liked that tree-maker-algo thing you made back at qbtk. :wtnod: Does anyone else remeber that?
Quote:Cool! I can't wait to see it. I really liked that tree-maker-algo thing you made back at qbtk. :wtnod: Does anyone else remeber that?

hehe that was fun. For a mod competition. QBTK, ahh, those were the funny days ^^

Anyway, I would get the thingy out of my archive CD right now, but my laptop refuses to read certain brands of CD -__-;
Dr_Davenstein, that looks very nice. If you change the colors you can rename it "Fingernail Cell Cultures" or something... :lol:
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
I finally found my long lost terrain generator.

Originally QB code, I hacked it up quickly to work with FB, and changed some of the settings around to take advantage of FB's high speed. Please excuse any poor coding techniques, yucky structure and old methods.

It generates fairly tropical hilly terrain with random lakes and stuff. The only problem is the overall island shape is completely rectangular.

It works by making many, many small patches of random height terrain, then averaging it out.

Back in the day, I had a little voxel engine that you could walk around the island in, which was quite nice. It really reminded me of a tropical island. Ahh. Relaxing :)

defsng a-z
DECLARE SUB writepal (red, grn, blu, palp)

type rgbtype
   r as integer
   g as integer
   b as integer
end type

dim shared ci(255) as rgbtype

SCREEN 14, 24
sizex = 320
sizey = 200
b = 60
FOR i = 1 TO 8
   writepal 0, 0, 60, i
FOR i = 9 TO 12
   r = r + 60 / 4
   g = g + 50 / 4
   B = B - 60 / 4
   writepal r, g, B, i
FOR i = 13 TO 30
   writepal 60, 50, 0, i
r = 60
g = 50
FOR i = 31 TO 64
   r = r - 40 / 33
   g = g - 40 / 33
   writepal r, g, 0, i
r = 20
g = 10
FOR i = 65 TO 192
   r = r - 20 / 128
   g = g + 50 / 128
   writepal r, g, 0, i
r = 0
g = 60
B = 0
FOR i = 193 TO 255
   r = r + 45 / 63
   g = g - 15 / 63
   B = B + 45 / 63
   writepal r, g, B, i
DIM buffer(sizex, sizey)

FOR x = 1 TO sizex
  FOR y = 1 TO sizey
    buffer(x, y) = 1
FOR i = 1 TO 800
  posx = INT(RND * (sizex - 40)) + 20
  posy = INT(RND * (sizey - 40)) + 20
  height = INT(RND * 350) + 1
  FOR j = 1 TO 50
    posx2 = (INT(RND * 16) - 8) + posx
    posy2 = (INT(RND * 16) - 8) + posy
    IF posx2 > 1 AND posx2 < sizex AND posy2 > 1 AND posy2 < sizey THEN buffer(posx2, posy2) = height
LOCATE 1, 24: PRINT "]"
FOR smth = 1 TO 4
  FOR x = 1 TO sizex - 1
    FOR y = 1 TO sizey - 1
      av = 0
      av = av + buffer(x - 1, y - 1)
      av = av + buffer(x + 1, y - 1)
      av = av + buffer(x - 1, y + 1)
      av = av + buffer(x + 1, y + 1)
      av = av + buffer(x, y + 1)
      av = av + buffer(x, y - 1)
      av = av + buffer(x + 1, y)
      av = av + buffer(x - 1, y)
      av = av + buffer(x, y)
      av = av / 9
      IF av > 255 THEN av = 255
      IF av < 1 THEN av = 1
      buffer(x, y) = av
    LOCATE 1, 1
    a = a + 1
    'PRINT "Generating: [" + STRING$((a / ((sizex - 1) * 4)) * 10, "þ")
for x = 1 to sizex
   for y = 1 to sizey
      h = buffer(x, y)
      if h > 255 then h = 255
      PSET (x, y), rgb(ci(h).r, ci(h).g, ci(h).b)
'FOR x = sizex - 1 TO 1 STEP -1
'  FOR y = 10 TO sizey + 9
'    'PSET (x, y), buffer(x, y - 10)
'    LINE (x * 2 - 2 + y, y * 2 - 2)-(x * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x, y - 10) / 8), buffer(x, y - 10), BF
'FOR x = sizex - 1 TO 2 STEP -2
'  FOR y = 12 TO sizey + 9 STEP 2
'     LINE (x * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x, y - 10) / 8)-((x - 2) * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x - 2, y - 10) / 8), buffer(x, y - 10)
'     LINE (x * 2 + y, y * 2 - buffer(x, y - 10) / 8)-(x * 2 + (y - 2), (y - 2) * 2 - buffer(x, y - 12) / 8), buffer(x, y - 10)

SUB writepal (red, grn, blu, palp)
   ci(palp).r = (red / 60) * 255
   ci(palp).g = (grn / 60) * 255
   ci(palp).b = (blu / 60) * 255
Cool. It does remind me of tropical islands. I can taste the pina-coladas already. :lol:
Nice. It's cool.
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.

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