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starfield, my first 3d program!
i translated that other prog into 3d =)

click left mouse button to repel the stars, right click to attract them.
roll your mouse wheel up or down to resize your gray box
bigger gray box = closer to screen.

heres src

Option Explicit
#Include ""

Type Vector
  x As Double
  y As Double
End Type

Type VectorPair
  u As Vector
  v As Vector
End Type

Type Vector3D
  x As Double
  y As Double
  z As Double
End Type

Type VectorPair3D
  u As Vector3D
  v As Vector3D
End Type

Type victimlist_type

  v As vectorPair3d
  img As uShort Ptr

End Type  

Const max_victims = 20000

'' ==========================================================================

Function V2_Subtract( hi As Vector, lo As Vector ) As Vector
  Dim As Vector ret
  ret.x = hi.x - lo.x
  ret.y = hi.y - lo.y
  Function = ret
End Function

Function V3_Subtract( hi As Vector3D, lo As Vector3D ) As Vector3d
  Dim As Vector3D ret
  ret.x = hi.x - lo.x
  ret.y = hi.y - lo.y
  ret.z = hi.z - lo.z
  Function = ret
End Function

Function V2_Midpoint( m As VectorPair ) As Vector
  Dim ret As Vector
  ret.x = ( m.u.x + ( m.v.x * .5 ) )
  ret.y = ( m.u.y + ( m.v.y * .5 ) )
  Function = ret
End Function

Function V3_Midpoint( m As VectorPair3D ) As Vector3D
  Dim ret As Vector3D
  ret.x = ( m.u.x + ( m.v.x * .5 ) )
  ret.y = ( m.u.y + ( m.v.y * .5 ) )
  ret.z = ( m.u.z + ( m.v.z * .5 ) )
  Function = ret
End Function

Function V2_DotProduct( v As vector, v2 As vector ) As Double

  Return v.x * v2.x + v.y * v2.y
End Function

Function V3_DotProduct( v As vector3D, v2 As vector3D ) As Double

  Return v.x * v2.x + v.y * v2.y + v.z * v2.z
End Function

Function V2_CalcFlyback( cause As VectorPair, effect As VectorPair ) As Vector
  Dim As Vector ret
  Dim As Double d
  ret = V2_Subtract(V2_Midpoint(effect), V2_Midpoint(cause))

  '' Octagonal Flyback
  'if abs(dd.x) > abs(dd.y) then
  '  d = 1.0 / abs(dd.x)
  '  d = 1.0 / abs(dd.y)
  'end if

  '' Circular Flyback
  '' thanks to coderJeff at forums
  d = (Abs(ret.x) + Abs(ret.y)) / V2_DotProduct( ret, ret )

  ret.x *= d
  ret.y *= d

  Function = ret
End Function

Function V3_CalcFlyback( cause As VectorPair3D, effect As VectorPair3D ) As Vector3d
  Dim As Vector3D ret
  Dim As Double d
  ret = V3_Subtract(V3_Midpoint(effect), V3_Midpoint(cause))

  '' Octagonal Flyback
  'if abs(dd.x) > abs(dd.y) then
  '  d = 1.0 / abs(dd.x)
  '  d = 1.0 / abs(dd.y)
  'end if

  '' Circular Flyback
  '' thanks to coderJeff at forums
  d = (Abs(ret.x) + Abs(ret.y) + Abs(ret.z)) / V3_DotProduct( ret, ret )

  ret.x *= d
  ret.y *= d
  ret.z *= d

  Function = ret
End Function

'' ==========================================================================

Dim Shared As Integer mx, my, mb, mw, sx, sy, sz, victims, victim_i
Dim Shared As uByte Ptr scrn
Dim Shared As Double fps, fps_hold, fps_lock, run_control
Dim Shared As Any Ptr rbox
Dim Shared As vector3D flyback, distance
Dim Shared As VectorPair3D attacker
Redim Shared As victimlist_type victimList(0 To max_victims - 1)

Randomize Timer

Screen 14, 24, 2, 1
ScreenInfo sx, sy
sz = 200

scrn = ScreenPtr

For victim_i = 0 To max_victims - 1
  With victimlist(victim_i).v
    .u.x = Rnd * sx
    .u.y = Rnd * sy
    .u.z = Rnd * sz
    .v.x = 2
    .v.y = 2
    .v.z = 2
  End With
  With victimlist(victim_i)
    .img = ImageCreate( .v.v.x, .v.v.y )
    Line .img, ( 0, 0 )-( .v.v.x - 1, .v.v.y - 1 ), Rgb( 255, 255, 255 ), bf
  End With


attacker.v.x = 16
attacker.v.y = 16
attacker.v.z = 16

ScreenSet 0, 1

SetMouse 160, 100

Open cons For Output As #1
victims = 1000


  If fps_hold > 15 Then
    If victims < max_victims Then
      victims += 10
    End If
  End If

  If fps_hold < 5 Then
    If victims > 0 Then
      victims -= 10
    End If
  End If

  GetMouse mx, my, mw, mb
  If mb = -1 Then mb = 0

  For victim_i = 0 To victims - 1
    With victimlist(victim_i)
      memset( @.img[2],  0, .v.v.x * .v.v.y )
      .img[0] = Int( ( .v.v.x / sz ) * .v.u.z ) Shl 3
      .img[1] = Int( ( .v.v.y / sz ) * .v.u.z )
      Line .img, (0,0)-( Int( ( .v.v.x / sz ) * .v.u.z ) - 1, Int( ( .v.v.y / sz ) * .v.u.z ) - 1 ), Rgb( 255, 255, 255 ), bf
      If .v.v.x And .v.v.y Then
        Put( .v.u.x, .v.u.y ), .img, Alpha, ( ( .v.u.z / sz ) ) * 196
      End If

    End With

  If mb Then SetMouse , , 0 Else SetMouse , , 1

  If mb And (1 Or 2) Then
    With attacker
      .u.x = mx - .v.x * .5
      .u.y = my - .v.y * .5
      .u.z = Abs( mw Mod 20 ) * sz / 20

      Line (.u.x,.u.y)-(.u.x+ Int( ( .v.x / sz ) * .u.z ) - 1,.u.y+ Int( ( .v.y / sz ) * .u.z ) - 1 ), Rgb( 196, 196, 196 ), bf

    End With

    With attacker
      .u.x = sx /2
      .u.y = sy /2
      .u.z = sz /2
    End With
  End If

  If run_control = 0 Then
    For victim_i = 0 To victims - 1

      With victimlist(victim_i).v
        distance.x = Abs( attacker.u.x - .u.x )
        distance.y = Abs( attacker.u.y - .u.y )
        distance.z = Abs( attacker.u.z - .u.z )

        flyback = V3_CalcFlyback( attacker, victimlist(victim_i).v )
        If mb And (1 Or 4) Then                                                                          
          .u.x += ( flyback.x * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * 1
          .u.y += ( flyback.y * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * 1
          .u.z += ( flyback.z * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * 1
        ElseIf mb And 2 Then                                                                                      
          .u.x += ( flyback.x * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * -1
          .u.y += ( flyback.y * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * -1
          .u.z += ( flyback.z * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * -1
          .u.x += ( flyback.x * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * 1
          .u.y += ( flyback.y * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * 1
          .u.z += ( flyback.z * 2 ) * ( 1 / ( distance.x + distance.y + distance.z ) ) * 128 * 1
        End If
      End With

      If Timer > run_control Then run_control = 0
  End If

  For victim_i = 0 To victims - 1
    With victimlist(victim_i).v
      If .u.x + .v.x < 0 Or _
        .u.y + .v.y < 0 Or _
        .u.z < 0 Or _
        .u.x > sx Or _
        .u.y > sy Or _
        .u.z > sz Then
          .u.x = Rnd * sx
          .u.y = Rnd * sy
          .u.z = Rnd * sz
      End If
    End With  

  If fps_lock = 0 Then
    fps_hold = fps
    fps = 0
    fps_lock = Timer + 1
    ? #1, fps_hold
    WindowTitle "StarField - cha0s"
    If Timer > fps_lock Then fps_lock = 0
    If Timer > fps_lock Then fps_lock = 0
  End If

  fps += 1


  If MultiKey( 1 ) Then Exit Do


For victim_i = 0 To max_victims - 1
  With victimlist(victim_i)
    ImageDestroy( .img )
  End With



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