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need help (dates and lines
hi i am writting a program and would like the date to be displayed in the form for example

i want 03/21/2006
to read 21st march 2006

another problem i am having is that when i try put in a line it say illegal function call can anyone tell me what this means?

can any one help me at all
For the first question, you must know about STR$() and SELECT CASE.. you should get each of the different elements "3", "21", "2006" into different variables, i.e. month1%, day1%, year1%. Then you use SELECT CASE to add in the appropriate string pieces to make a different string, e.g.:
case 1: day2$ = "1st"
case 2: day2$ = "2nd"

date$ = day2$+month2$+STR$(year1%)

Can you put up the code that you got with "illegal function call"? That just means you didn't type it as it should be..
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Here ya go, it's of use to me so I don't mind posting it:

' Date converter
' By Axipher

DIM months$(1 TO 12)
months$(1) = "January"
months$(2) = "Febuary"
months$(3) = "March"
months$(4) = "April"
months$(5) = "May"
months$(6) = "June"
months$(7) = "July"
months$(8) = "August"
months$(9) = "September"
months$(10) = "October"
months$(11) = "November"
months$(12) = "December"

DIM days$(1 TO 31)
days$(1) = "1st"
days$(2) = "2nd"
days$(3) = "3rd"
days$(4) = "4th"
days$(5) = "5th"
days$(6) = "6th"
days$(7) = "7th"
days$(8) = "8th"
days$(9) = "9th"
days$(10) = "10th"
days$(11) = "11th"
days$(12) = "12th"
days$(13) = "13th"
days$(14) = "14th"
days$(15) = "15th"
days$(16) = "16th"
days$(17) = "17th"
days$(18) = "18th"
days$(19) = "19th"
days$(20) = "20th"
days$(21) = "21st"
days$(22) = "22nd"
days$(23) = "23rd"
days$(24) = "24th"
days$(25) = "25th"
days$(26) = "26th"
days$(27) = "27th"
days$(28) = "28th"
days$(29) = "29th"
days$(30) = "30th"
days$(31) = "31st"

date1$ = DATE$
month1% = VAL(MID$(date1$, 1, 2))
month2$ = months$(month1%)
day1% = VAL(MID$(date1$, 4, 2))
day2$ = days$(day1%)
year1% = VAL(MID$(date1$, 7, 4))
year2$ = STR$(year1%)
date2$ = day2$ + " " + month2$ + " " + year2$
PRINT date2$

Quote:Example Output

28th March 2006

It works fine in QBasic 4.5 and also in FreeBasic.
I'll supply a "Thank you" to you, axipher.
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
so does staz's teacher
Aha, yes. That's right. Double standards. Ahem.

*clears throat*

Bad, bad axipher! It should not have been a 100% working program.

Big Grin
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Sorry, but I would have posted it any way, once I see a problem, I take a crack at it, if I get it I show the forum that I have changed from a useless spam posting know-it-all jerk to someone who submits answers to problems. He would have got it either way, and I'm sorry I posted the working code, I could have posted the original FB code which has
dim as string
dim months(1 to 12) as string * 9 => {[list here]}
, then he would to have done alot of work.
Yeah that's ok... he probably won't even read this again, anyway.
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
The thingo is that someone registers and its only post is asking for some homework to be done, and you do it for him, it's wrong.

Imagine that some guy is asked to solve 10 equations at school and his dad does them for him, instead of explaining him how to solve equations. Same thing.

Btw, the cardinal to ordinal conversion can be done in quite fewer lines:

Function card2ord (number As Integer) As String
   Dim res As String
   Dim last As String
   res = Str$(number)
   last = Right$(res, 1)
   Select Case last
      Case "1": res = res + "st"
      Case "2": res = res + "nd"
      Case "3": res = res + "rd"
      Case Else: res = res + "th"
   End Select
   card2ord = res
End Function

Wink And it works for every number.
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
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not really, think of 11 to 19, they all have "th" at the end and 111 to 119 and 211 to 219...

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