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Need help formatting output to file
Am writing a program to keep track of a farms checkbook. Need to print out info to a file or screen that has a spread sheet look to it. Will print out date, code, discription, -w,+d,balance. That I can do, but I need all the items to line up and have a | between them. It needs to look like a spread sheet. Can anyone help me with formatting this please?
ou have to choices. I can kill you or drive you mad!

Well, at least I have choices
I would suggest you to look up the keywords LEN and SPACE$.
For more detailed help, show us how far you've got (code) and
which exact parts you need help with.
SUB create
INPUT "What is name of new register"; regnam$
OPEN regnam$ +".ckb FOR OUTPUT AS #1

press$ = INKEY$

INPUT "Please enter date of transaction: ", trdate$
INPUT "Please enter check number or tranaction code: ", trcode$
INPUT "Please enter transaction description: ",trdisc$
INPUT "Was this transaction a withdrawal or deposit (w/d)"; chc$
chc$ = ucase$(LEFT$(chc$, 1))
IF chc$ = "W" THEN INPUT "Amount:", w: b = b - w
IF chc$ = "D" THEN INPUT "Amount:", d: b = b + d

OPEN regnam$ + ".ckb" FOR APPEND AS #1
PRINT #1, trdate$, "|"; trcode$, "|"; trdisc$, "|"; w, "|"; d, "|"; b, "|"
LOOP UNTIL press$ = CHR$(027)


That's code. The first PRINT #1 is the way I want it formatted.
ou have to choices. I can kill you or drive you mad!

Well, at least I have choices
Sorry the code didn't post quite right.
|8 spaces|4spaces|24 spaces|10 spaces|10 spaces|10 spaces|
is the format. spaces includes data. So date would be 05/11/06 with no leftover spaces. The program is putting in spaces.
ou have to choices. I can kill you or drive you mad!

Well, at least I have choices
You're doing a good job of coding, and deserve some help.

To match your line of code:
PRINT #1, trdate$, "|"; trcode$, "|"; trdisc$, "|"; w, "|"; d, "|"; b, "|"
with your stated desired spacing:
Quote:8 spaces|4spaces|24 spaces|10 spaces|10 spaces|10 spaces|
I would use:
IF w = 0 THEN w$ = "" ELSE w$ = STR$(w)
IF d = 0 THEN d$ = "" ELSE d$ = STR$(d)
b$ = STR$(b)
PRINT #1, trdate$;SPACE$(8-LEN(trdate$));"|";trcode$;SPACE$(4-LEN(trcode$));"|";trdisc$;SPACE$(24-len(trdisc$));"|";w;SPACE$(10-len(w$));"|";d;SPACE$(10-LEN(d$));"|";b;SPACE$(10-LEN(b$));"|"
Since ther is no guarantee that dates such as 5/8/06 will actually be entered in the format 05/08/06, the SPACE$(8-len(trdate$)) will safeguard against this.[/code]
Ralph, using QuickBASIC 4.5 and Windows XP Home Edition and Service Pack 2, with HP LaserJet 4L printer.
nice candidate for a function, all those repetitive space calls. check this:

Function stringPad( stringOutput As String, padLength As Integer, padCode As Integer ) As String
  stringPad = stringOutput + String$( padLength - Len( stringOutput ), padCode )
End Function

Function stringPadSpaces( stringOutput As String, padLength As Integer ) As String
  stringPadSpaces = stringPad( stringOutput, padLength, Asc( " " ) )
End Function

Sub create
  Dim stringOutToFile As String
  Input "What is name of new register"; regnam$

  Open regnam$ +".ckb" For Output As #1
    Print #1, ""
    Print #1, "        |    |                        |          |          |          |"
    Print #1, "  DATE  |CODE|TRANSACTION  DESCRIPTION|    -W    |    +D    | BALANCE  |"
    Print #1, "        |    |                        |          |          |          |"

  Close #1
  press$ = Inkey$
  Input "Please enter date of transaction: ", trdate$
  Input "Please enter check number or tranaction code: ", trcode$
  Input "Please enter transaction description: ",trdisc$
  Input "Was this transaction a withdrawal or deposit (w/d)"; chc$

  chc$ = UCase$(Left$(chc$, 1))
  If chc$ = "W" Then Input "Amount: ", w: b = b - w
  If chc$ = "D" Then Input "Amount: ", d: b = b + d
  Open regnam$ + ".ckb" For Append As #1

    stringOutToFile = stringPadSpaces( trdate$, 8 ) + "|" + stringPadSpaces( trcode$, 4 ) + "|" + stringPadSpaces( trdisc$, 24 ) + "|" + stringPadSpaces( w$, 10 ) + "|" + stringPadSpaces( d$, 10 ) + "|" + stringPadSpaces( b$, 10 ) + "|"
    Print #1, stringOutToFile

    Print #1, ""

  Close #1

  Loop Until press$ = Chr$(027)

End Sub

all wrapped up :>
Wow. It's good to see some positive help with zero criticism. That's more like it. Keep it up guys!
Screwing with your reality since 1998.
Thanks for all the help. Sorry it took me so long to get back to y'all.
Life happened. I hope to be able to have a few working programs soon.
ou have to choices. I can kill you or drive you mad!

Well, at least I have choices

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