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'balls by Antoni Gual
1  IF p% >= 16 THEN 3 ELSE IF p% = 0 THEN SCREEN 12 ELSE PALETTE p% - 1, b&
2  READ p%, b&
3  IF p% < 16 THEN GOTO 9 ELSE a$ = MKI$(RND * 640 + 1) + MKI$(RND * 480) + MKS$((RND * 60) + 20) + MKI$(INT(RND * 4) * 4) + MKS$(RND * 3.141592) + MKS$(RND * 3.141592 / 1.5)
4 FOR i% = -INT(CVS(MID$(a$, 5))) TO INT(CVS(MID$(a$, 5)))
5  FOR j% = -INT(SQR(CVS(MID$(a$, 5)) ^ 2 - i% ^ 2)) TO INT(SQR(CVS(MID$(a$, 5)) ^ 2 - i% ^ 2))
6   c! = 3 * (COS(CVS(MID$(a$, 11))) * SIN(CVS(MID$(a$, 15))) * i% / CVS(MID$(a$, 5)) + SIN(CVS(MID$(a$, 11))) * SIN(CVS(MID$(a$, 15))) * j% / CVS(MID$(a$, 5)) + COS(CVS(MID$(a$, 15))) * SQR(1.11 - (i% / CVS(MID$(a$, 5))) ^ 2 - (j% / CVS(MID$(a$, 5) _
)) ^ 2))
7   PSET (CVI(MID$(a$, 1)) + i%, CVI(MID$(a$, 3)) + j%), 1 + CVI(MID$(a$, 9)) + INT(c!) + (RND > (c! - INT(c!)))
8 NEXT j%, i%
9 IF LEN(INKEY$) = 0 THEN GOTO 1 ELSE DATA 1,&h5,2,&h10,3,&h20,4,&h30,5,&h500,6,&h1000,7,&h2000,8,&h3000,9,&h50000,10,&h100000,11,&h200000,12,&h300000,13,&h50505,14,&h101010,15,&h202020,16,&h303030,17,0
egad. this filler challenge has become quite a phenomena. i dont think toshi's had this many entry (well, after the fourth one that happened but you get the idea)
i]"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum ... you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"[/i] - Dirty Harry
2 DIM ballx(50), bally(50), ballxv(50), ballyv(50)
3 i = (i + 1) MOD 50
4 IF ballx(i) = 0 THEN ballx(i) = RND * 320 ELSE IF bally(i) = 0 THEN bally(i) = RND * 320
5 IF ballxv(i) = 0 THEN ballxv(i) = RND * 10 - 5 ELSE IF ballyv(i) = 0 THEN ballyv(i) = RND * 10 - 5
6 IF (ballx(i) >= 320 AND ballxv(i) > 0) OR (ballx(i) <= 1 AND ballxv(i) < 0) THEN ballxv(i) = -ballxv(i) ELSE ballx(i) = ballx(i) + ballxv(i)
7 IF (bally(i) >= 200 AND ballyv(i) > 0) OR (bally(i) <= 1 AND ballyv(i) < 0) THEN ballyv(i) = -ballyv(i) ELSE bally(i) = bally(i) + ballyv(i)
8 CIRCLE (ballx(i), bally(i)), (TIMER / 16) MOD (i + 1), i MOD 15 + 16
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

A cheap-o way to do a cheap-o fire effect in 8 lines.

1 FOR t = -1 TO 64
2   IF t = -1 THEN SCREEN 13 ELSE IF t = 64 THEN LINE (0, 189)-(319, 199), 60, BF ELSE PALETTE t, t
4 FOR y% = 169 TO 189
5 FOR x% = 0 TO 319
6 IF x% = 319 AND y% = 189 THEN GOTO 4 ELSE c% = POINT(x%, y%) - RND * 8
7 IF c% >= 0 THEN PSET (x%, y% - 1), c% ELSE IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN END
8 NEXT x%, y%

You could change it easy to fill up the screen, but it would soooo slow.

Change the 169 in line 4 to a lower number, and the * 8 in line 6 to a lower number as well.

- Dav
if/then/else is *such* a cheap hack Tongue but it's definately faster than mine...
i]"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum ... you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"[/i] - Dirty Harry
Ack, guys, I just couldn't help myself...

6-line Rotozoomer:

1  ang = ang + .08725
scale = scale + (SGN(SIN(ang)) / 10)
2 p& = (p& + 1) AND 65535
PSET (p& MOD 320, (p& - (p& MOD 320)) \ 320), (((((p& MOD 320) - 160) * COS(ang) - (((p& - (p& MOD 320)) / 320) - 100) * SIN(ang)) * scale) AND 63) OR ((((((p& - (p& MOD 320)) / 320) - 100) * COS(ang) + ((p& MOD 320) - 160) * SIN(ang)) * scale) AND  _
IF p& = 65535 THEN GOTO 1 ELSE GOTO 2

Meh, could be a lot better. Maybe someone should do a text-mode version :)
text mode graphic demos are always fun Smile

here, i seriously cleaned up my fire demo, and it runs a bajillion (i've confirmed this with tests) times faster. no funky tricks either

2 FOR x% = 0 TO 127
3 PALETTE x%, x% \ 2
4 NEXT x%
5 DEF SEG = &HA7D0
6 FOR x% = 31999 TO 0 STEP -1
7 IF x% >= 31680 THEN POKE x%, CINT(RND * 127) ELSE POKE x%, (PEEK(x% + 320) + PEEK(x% + 319) + PEEK(x% + 321) + PEEK(x%) + PEEK(x% + 640)) \ 5
8 NEXT x%
i]"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum ... you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"[/i] - Dirty Harry
Cool one! Smile

- Dav
Im trying to make a decent one, my first one (7 lines) is funny lol, it sucks i think.. quite random.. im not gonna post it Wink.

(DAMNIT) Whats left to make? someone gimmi an idea?

(edit).. I decided to make a 3d rotating pyramid, LOL, here it (hopefully) is:
(edit).. Damnit i mistyped a number, oops, now it works.

2 LINE (160, 90)-((SIN(((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 150) / (COS(((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 160, 50 / (COS(((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 150)
3 LINE (160, 90)-((SIN(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 150) / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 160, 50 / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 150)
4 LINE (160, 90)-((SIN(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 240) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 150) / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 240) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 160, 50 / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 240) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 150)
5 LINE ((SIN(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 150) / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 160, 50 / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 150)-((SIN(((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 150) / (COS(((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 160, 50 / (COS(((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 150)
6 LINE -((SIN(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 240) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 150) / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 240) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 160, 50 / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 240) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 150)
7 LINE -((SIN(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 150) / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 160, 50 / (COS(((((TIMER * 10) MOD 360) + 120) MOD 360) * 3.1415 / 180) * 40 + 150) * 64 + 150)
9 GOTO 2

I have made 3 fx here last night.

1. A 3d(no hacks) rotating sphere

2. a rotozoomer(but Generic beat me to it)

3. A raycaster..... Yes, but its still 13 lines long. :*(

Here's the 3d rotator. I could add some camera action but its slow already...

'Relsoft presents.... The Sphere 2003
'Could've made this 7 lines but darn QB!!! it won't let me cut 'n paste
'properly... ;*(

1 IF RotX = 0 THEN SCREEN 12 ELSE A! = (A! + .04) * -(A! < 6.283186)
2 FOR S% = 1 TO 11
3 FOR P% = 1 TO 20
4 RotX! = (((140 * SIN(3.141593 / 11 * S%) * SIN(6.283186 / 20 * P%))) * (COS(A!) * COS(A!)) + ((140 * SIN(3.141593 / 11 * S%) * COS(6.283186 / 20 * P%))) * (COS(A!) * -SIN(A!) + SIN(A!) * SIN(A!) * COS(A!)) + ((140 * COS(3.141593 / 11 * S%))) * (- _
SIN(A!) * -SIN(A!) + COS(A!) * SIN(A!) * COS(A!)))
5 RotY! = (((140 * SIN(3.141593 / 11 * S%) * SIN(6.283186 / 20 * P%))) * (COS(A!) * SIN(A!)) + ((140 * SIN(3.141593 / 11 * S%) * COS(6.283186 / 20 * P%))) * (COS(A!) * COS(A!) + SIN(A!) * SIN(A!) * SIN(A!)) + ((140 * COS(3.141593 / 11 * S%))) * (- _
SIN(A!) * COS(A!) + COS(A!) * SIN(A!) * SIN(A!)))
6 IF ((((140 * SIN(3.141593 / 11 * S%) * SIN(6.283186 / 20 * P%))) * (-SIN(A!)) + ((140 * SIN(3.141593 / 11 * S%) * COS(6.283186 / 20 * P%))) * (SIN(A!) * COS(A!)) + ((140 * COS(3.141593 / 11 * S%))) * (COS(A!) * COS(A!)))) <= 0 THEN PSET ((256 *  _
RotX! / (256)) + 320, -(256 * RotY! / (256)) + 240), ((S% + P%) AND 15) + 1
7 NEXT P%, S%
8 LINE (0, 0)-(639, 479), 0, BF
9 IF INKEY$ = "" THEN 1

B4 I go, it has hidden face removal....

y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

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