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Cat racing under the influence of catnip
So here's what I figure three cats high on catnip might look like if they were in a race...fine, I was trying to make a horse-racing game but I got bored and stopped half-way through. So shoot me. It was the morning of January 1st, not the best time to do anything that involves thinking.
screenres 640,480,8
paint (100,100),7
for x=0 to 64
    if x/2=x\2 then
    end if
line (0,471)-(640,471),15
type horse
    x as integer
    y as integer
    speed as integer
    clr as integer
end type
dim horses(1 to 3) as horse
for i=1 to 3
    line (horses(i).x,horses(i).y)-(horses(i).x+5,horses(i).y-10),horses(i).clr,bf
randomize timer
    if k$=chr(27) then end
    for i=1 to 3
        if cint(rnd)=1 then
        end if
        line (horses(i).x,horses(i).y)-(horses(i).x+5,horses(i).y-10),7,bf
        line (horses(i).x,horses(i).y)-(horses(i).x+5,horses(i).y-10),horses(i).clr,bf
        if horses(i).y<=10 then exit do
    sleep 50
Yeah, I still code. Not very well.
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
Haha! Looks like me after leaving a pub... trying to get back in.
Screwing with your reality since 1998.
Awesome program, short and sweet Smile. Here's a version that will work with the latest CVS compiler, for anyone interested.

type horse
    as integer    x, y, speed, clr
end type

dim horses(1 to 3) as horse = _
{ /' x, y, speed, color '/ _
    (100, 470, 1, 4), _
    (315, 470, 1, 2), _
    (540, 470, 1, 1) _

'' setup screen, draw start and finish lines
screenres 640, 480, 8
paint (100, 100), 7
randomize timer

for x as integer = 0 to 64
    line(x * 10, 10)-(x * 10 + 10, 15), iif (0 = x mod 2, 0, 15), bf
line (0, 471)-(640, 471), 15

'' race the horses
    dim key as string = inkey
    if (chr(27) = key) then exit do
    for i as integer = 1 to 3
        '' erase
        line (horses(i).x, horses(i).y)-(horses(i).x + 5, horses(i).y - 10), 7, bf

        '' update position and redraw
        horses(i).speed += iif(cint(rnd) = 1, rnd / 1.5, -rnd / 1.5)
        horses(i).y -= horses(i).speed
        line (horses(i).x, horses(i).y)-(horses(i).x + 5, horses(i).y - 10), horses(i).clr, bf

        '' are we there yet ? :)
        if (horses(i).y <= 10) then exit do
    sleep 50

I'm way out of the loop. What is this new CVS compiler? What's CVS, for that matter? (It sound familiar...)
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
It's a constantly updated version of FreeBASIC, I think. I forget where I found it.
In the beginning, there is darkness – the emptiness of a matrix waiting for the light. Then a single photon flares into existence. Then another. Soon, thousands more. Optronic pathways connect, subroutines emerge from the chaos, and a holographic consciousness is born." -The Doctor
CVS [ ] helps people coordinate development of a project. FreeBASIC - the compiler and all runtime libraries that go along with it - is open sourced, so anyone can download it and build it themselves and have the latest (and greatest) version to play with. CVS builds typically can have bugs or are otherwise less polished than official releases, but they let you see what direction the language is moving in (notably, toward supporting object orientated programming constructs).

To build the FreeBASIC sources on your own you need the right environment set up. Linux users are pretty much set to go, a few dev libraries is all that is usually needed. Windows users have a little bit harder time, but the wiki provides the information you need:

Some people have set up sites to download daily or weekly compiler packages that are either pre-built or use scripts to build automagically These are listed below in no particular order:

For Windows:
For Linux:
For DOS:

Cheers, and happy hacking ! Smile
Ah, who needs OOP, anyway. I like FB as it is. Besides, my level of programming isn't exactly sensitive to small changes in compilers.
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
Well, as the compiler progresses, bugs will be fixed, and other things may/will change from the last official release (version .17b already has loads of changes/additions from .16b). If you don't keep up with these changes, the code you write may not work properly in future official releases (FreeBASIC is still in beta, after all). For example, a few changes in .17b break code written for .16b; if you have alot of it, it's that much more code you have to rewrite/maintain (one of the reasons why the new -lang compiler switch was created). So in the end, it's a benefit to try and write code that will work with future versions.

OOP isn't about new FreeBASIC language constructs, it's just a method of programming. The new features being added to FreeBASIC can help with OOP, but in no way does using them mean that you are writing object-orientated code. Conversely, object-orientated code can be written without using these features, like in QuickBASIC or C.

OOP is not a silver bullet by any means, but there are some situations that greatly benefit from it, and by definition OO code is inherently more robust and easier to extend/modify than non-OO code (so just by following it do you gain more options in the code you design, because the principles of OOP force those options to be there). For more imformation, read this thread:

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