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Get-Put Sprite Erasing
I can't get the GET-PUT to work. I have a randomly generated pixel background, and I'm trying to GET a block of it where some lines will be drawn so I can PUT it back over to erase the sprite before drawing the next frame. Instead, it draws black! I'll include the relevant code.

dim sprite(150, 150) as integer
screen 20
for x = 0 to 1024
    for y = 0 to 768
        c = rnd * 15 + 16
        pset (x, y), c
next: next
for c = 1 to frames
    get (0,0)-(101, c+1), sprite
    phaser(100, c)
    sleep 10
    put (0, 0), sprite
    brush(100, c, 0)
next i
Phaser is a sub which draws lines from (1,1) to (x,y). Brush draws a thick spot on the screen.
In the beginning, there is darkness – the emptiness of a matrix waiting for the light. Then a single photon flares into existence. Then another. Soon, thousands more. Optronic pathways connect, subroutines emerge from the chaos, and a holographic consciousness is born." -The Doctor
put (0, 0), sprite, pset
Thanks Plasma, it works!
In the beginning, there is darkness – the emptiness of a matrix waiting for the light. Then a single photon flares into existence. Then another. Soon, thousands more. Optronic pathways connect, subroutines emerge from the chaos, and a holographic consciousness is born." -The Doctor

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