Vic's QBasic Programming Tutorial Basic Tutorial VI BIT BLT (Bit Block) How to place a sprite without writing over the background... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have ever made a game using Get And Put You might notice how when you put a sprite on the background it erases part of the Background in the shape of a square. Heres an example, (Skip if you don't need an example...) '---- DIM circ(1000) SCREEN 13 CIRCLE (10, 10), 10 GET (0, 0)-(20, 20), circ CLS LINE (0, 0)-(320, 200), 7, BF FOR i = 1 TO 500 LINE (RND * 320, RND * 200)-(RND * 320, RND * 200), (RND * 256) NEXT SLEEP 1 PUT (100, 100), circ, PSET '--- stop copying! How many times has this happend to you? When I was just starting out using Get and put I couldn't stand it, I thought that there would never be a solution to this problem... Guess what, There is! After searching many many Useless Qbasic websites I found absolutely nothing on the subject. I actually gave up Qbasic programming for a while, thinking that it was a totally useless and not worth the effort... Then, one day I went searching around the internet for nothing in particular and came accross a programm that was obviously programmed by a genuis (That means that it came with commented source code). It was an RPG and it had exactly what I was looking for. Since then there has been several programs that use this tequnique, but not when I tried to learn it... This is something that you would most likely not come accross on your own, What you actually to Is place a mask on the screen and the put your image down. If you are just learning this you most likely have no Idea what the heck I'm Talking about. This requires Two images of the same object... 1. The Mask 2. The actual Image --- What a mask is... A mask Is an exact copy of the actual image only that everything that is supposed to be the background is put as the color 255... Think of the color 0 (Black) as The Images Background and color 255 as the Masks background... Look at it like this... Remember what a bitmap is?? This is the image 004,000,000,000,004 000,004,000,004,000 000,000,004,000,000 Bitmap = 5 x 5 000,004,000,004,000 004,000,000,000,004 If you PSET this to the screen it would look like a red (004 = 4) X... Heres what Its Mask would look like... 004,255,255,255,004 255,004,255,004,255 255,255,004,255,255 Bitmap = 5 x 5 255,004,255,004,255 004,255,255,255,004 Notice: Everything that was Black (the number 000) is now the color 255... Everything that was Black is considered the background, same as the color 255 (We will call this the invisible color...) Great, Now what do we do with this? First, We must use the command Get to get both images. It would be a good Idea to save one as Image and the other as ImageMask Or ImageSH (SH is for Shadow)... Once we have both images in an array or whatever, you have to put them on the screen in a special way. Do it like this... PUT (X,Y), ImageMask, AND PUT (X,Y), Image, OR OR you could do it like this PUT (X,Y), ImageMask, AND PUT (X,Y), Image, XOR (Big difference huh?) That is how you do it, Now it is time for an example! '---- Start Copying 'First Dim The sprites that will be made 'It could be less than 1000, but why not... DIM circsh(1000), circ(1000) SCREEN 13 'This draws the IMAGE CIRCLE (10, 10), 10, 4 PAINT (10, 10), 4, 4 GET (0, 0)-(20, 20), circ 'This bottom command draws the entire background as the 'Color 255 (Invisible Color) so the sprite can be drawn 'Over IT. This Draws the Mask... LINE (0, 0)-(20, 20), 255, BF CIRCLE (10, 10), 10, 4 PAINT (10, 10), 4, 4 GET (0, 0)-(20, 20), circsh 'The rest of the crap below just draws the screen... CLS LINE (0, 0)-(320, 200), 7, BF FOR i = 1 TO 500 LINE (RND * 320, RND * 200)-(RND * 320, RND * 200), (RND * 256) NEXT SLEEP 1 'This just stops the program for a second... 'This is where the Mask Is put Down and then The actual 'Image is put down over it. PUT (100, 100), circsh, AND PUT (100, 100), circ, OR '--- STOP!!! Amazing huh, Well, Maybe not, but If you have been going nuts trying to figure it out then this could be a life saver... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't understand it at first, Just look through it over and over, If you still don't get it after that, just copy the code and pretend you know how it works, I won't tell... If you only want to program in something that has 256 colors then this works fine... But if you want to program in a screen mode that only has 16 colors then you have to do something different. Why would you want to program in another screen mode you may ask... In screen 7 you have many pages to work with, I havn't explained pages yet, but if you know what they are then you know how great they are to programming... Here is what you do in screen mode 7... Instead of having the color 0 = 255 have 0 = 15 (white) Then, Instead of having the sprite in the mask the same color use the color 0. Heres what it would look like in bitmap form... This is the image 04,00,00,00,04 00,04,00,04,00 00,00,04,00,00 Bitmap = 5 x 5 00,04,00,04,00 04,00,00,00,04 If you PSET this to the screen it would look like a red (04 = 4) X... Heres what Its Mask would look like... 00,15,15,15,00 15,00,15,00,15 15,15,00,15,15 Bitmap = 5 x 5 15,00,15,00,15 00,15,15,15,00 Look at that, None of the colors go over 15 (maximum color)! To prove that this will work here is the same example, only in screen 7 (16 colors (0-15)) '----- Begin DIM circsh(1000), circ(1000) SCREEN 7 CIRCLE (10, 10), 10, 4 PAINT (10, 10), 4, 4 GET (0, 0)-(20, 20), circ LINE (0, 0)-(20, 20), 15, BF CIRCLE (10, 10), 10, 0 PAINT (10, 10), 0, 0 GET (0, 0)-(20, 20), circsh CLS LINE (0, 0)-(320, 200), 7, BF FOR i = 1 TO 500 LINE (RND * 320, RND * 200)-(RND * 320, RND * 200), (RND * 16) NEXT SLEEP 1 PUT (100, 100), circsh, AND PUT (100, 100), circ, OR '---- END You could do this the exact same way in screen 13, but that seems to be a more complicated way to do it... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is not the only way to get the sprite on the screen without covering the background. One way that I use a lot is to use a bitmap. With this technique you only PSET Pixels that are not the color that you want to use for the background, (0)... Maybe I'll Talk about this in a later tutorial... I hope this helps any of you who have had this question... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats it for this tutorial, If I didn't get into enough detail in the explanations then just look at the source code and try to figure it out on your own. All else fails E-Mail Me... My current E-Mail address is If you are using this tutorial on your page, please leave the tutorial exactly as it is... please don't change anything, unless its spelling errors... Theres alot of them! I don't like using the backspace key... The original website that these were on is Thank you Vic Luce Finished November 8 1999 If you want to be notified when a new tutorial is out.. Send An E-mail to with the subject saying VQBLIST and then your E-mail address(check website)