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i was curious how do people make rpgs without bitmaps, how do the make the sprite move how do they detect certain tiles?
With out bitmaps, lets see, like this


That would take forever, so we use bitmaps or load them onto the screen
with a bmp loader.

To move a charecter onto a different color you would,
take a note of the colour before the charecter moves onto it,
move the charecter onto it,
move the charecter of it,
put the color back in.

I think thats how you do it.
Maybe someone could post an example.
is that how most people do it bitmaps and then bsave and bload it?
I always use custom formats for all my projects

Easier that way as I get more controll over whats being done, and how to load them.

While editing I prefer to use BMPs

Drawing individual pixels (PSET) or lines/circles etc can be done for small games, with small characers.. but it quickly becomes too slow to be used realtime...

Using GET/PUT is way faster, and with BSAVE/BLOAD you have almost instant loading of your GFX into a ready to put array.
can we see an example of get/put...... :bounce: