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These can be screensavers if they are renamed to scr (I think). I have however not done any fancy stuff with winapi and cli switches (since I'm on linux :p)
They do also not quit on mouse movement, but by pressing the any-key.
I've recently posted them on but i think this is a good reason to repost them (The versions might differ slightly)
Both requires cvs (for "FOR x AS INTEGER = ..." and transparent drawing primitives)
Enjoy Smile
' Bouncing circles, by red_Marvin/insomninja 061219 - edited 070101
' A number of points randomly bounces around on the screen and if point #n is close enough to point #0 a circle is drawn
' at the center of point #n with the distance as radius. If the point is even closer a filled circle is drawn in the
' same way with a slowly cycling color and the opacity depending on the distance.

type point2d
    x as single
    y as single
    xa as single
    ya as single
end type
dim as point2d p(0 to 199)
dim as single r,a
dim as double t
dim as integer ar,x,y,ox,oy,c,rc,gc,bc
randomize timer
for n as integer=0 to 199
    while abs(p(n).xa)<1 or abs(p(n).ya)<1
screenres 1024,768,32,1,&h41
setmouse ,,0
    if a>360 then a-=360
        if p(0).x<=0 then p(0).xa=rnd+1
        if p(0).y<=0 then p(0).ya=rnd+1
        if p(0).x>=1023 then p(0).xa=-rnd-1
        if p(0).y>=767 then p(0).ya=-rnd-1
        getmouse x, y
        if x<>ox or y<>oy or (timer<t and c=1) then
                if c=0 then
                end if
        end if
        for n as integer = 1 to 199
            if p(n).x<=-100 then p(n).xa=rnd+1
            if p(n).y<=-100 then p(n).ya=rnd+1
            if p(n).x>=1123 then p(n).xa=-rnd-1
            if p(n).y>=867 then p(n).ya=-rnd-1
            if ar<255 then
            end if
            if ar<32 then
            end if
    sleep 50
loop while inkey=""

' Bouncing triangles red_Marvin/insomninja 061219 - edited 070101
' A number of points randomly bounces around on the screen and if point the distance between point #n and #0 multiplied
' with the distance between point #0 and #n+60 a triangle is drawn between the three points. If the number is even smaller
' the triangle is filled with a cycling color and opacity depending on said number.

declare sub triangle(x1 as integer, y1 as integer, x2 as integer, y2 as integer, x3 as integer, y3 as integer, clr as integer)
declare sub swapi(a as integer ptr, b as integer ptr)

type point2d
    x as single
    y as single
    xa as single
    ya as single
end type

dim as point2d p(0 to 120)
dim as double t
dim as single a
dim as integer x,y,ox,oy,c,rc,gc,bc,px,py
dim as double s,ms
randomize timer
for n as integer=0 to 120
    while abs(p(n).xa)<1 or abs(p(n).ya)<1
screenres 1024,768,32,1,&h41
setmouse ,,0
    if a>360 then a-=360
        if p(0).x<=0 then p(0).xa=rnd+1
        if p(0).y<=0 then p(0).ya=rnd+1
        if p(0).x>=1023 then p(0).xa=-rnd-1
        if p(0).y>=767 then p(0).ya=-rnd-1
        getmouse x, y
        if x<>ox or y<>oy or (timer<t and c=1) then
                if c=0 then
                end if
        end if
        for n as integer = 1 to 60
            if p(n).x<=-100 then p(n).xa=rnd+1
            if p(n).y<=-100 then p(n).ya=rnd+1
            if p(n).x>=1123 then p(n).xa=-rnd-1
            if p(n).y>=867 then p(n).ya=-rnd-1
            if p(n+60).x<=-100 then p(n+60).xa=rnd+1
            if p(n+60).y<=-100 then p(n+60).ya=rnd+1
            if p(n+60).x>=1123 then p(n+60).xa=-rnd-1
            if p(n+60).y>=867 then p(n+60).ya=-rnd-1
            s=sqr(  ((p(0).x-p(n).x)^2  +  (p(0).y-p(n).y)^2  )* (  (p(0).x-p(n+60).x)^2  +  (p(0).y-p(n+60).y)^2  ))

            if ms<255 then
                triangle p(0).x, p(0).y, p(n).x, p(n).y, p(n+60).x, p(n+60).y, rgba(rc,gc,bc,255-ms)
                draw string (px,py), "("+str(px)+";"+str(py)+")",rgba(255,255,255,31)
                draw string (px,py), "("+str(px)+";"+str(py)+")",rgba(255,255,255,31)
            end if
            if ms<32 then
            end if
    draw string (p(0).x,p(0).y), "("+str(cint(p(0).x))+";"+str(cint(p(0).y))+")",rgba(255,255,255,127)
    sleep 50
loop while inkey=""

sub triangle(x1 as integer, y1 as integer, x2 as integer, y2 as integer, x3 as integer, y3 as integer, clr as integer)
    dim as single xm12, xm13, xm23
    dim as single xa,xb
    if y2<y1 then swapi @x1, @x2 : swapi @y1, @y2
    if y3<y1 then swapi @x1, @x3 : swapi @y1, @y3
    if y3<y2 then swapi @x2, @x3 : swapi @y2, @y3
    if cint(y2)>cint(y1) then
        for y as integer = cint(y1) to cint(y2)-1
            line (xa,y)-(xb,y),clr
    end if
    line (xa,y2)-(xb,y2),clr
    if cint(y2)<cint(y3) then
        for y as integer = cint(y2)+1 to cint(y3)
            line (xa,y)-(xb,y),clr
    end if
end sub

sub swapi(a as integer ptr, b as integer ptr)
    dim t as integer
end sub

EDIt: Come on! More entries!

Messages In This Thread
Screensaver - by Skyler - 01-01-2007, 03:06 AM
Screensaver - by red_Marvin - 01-02-2007, 03:25 AM
Screensaver - by Skyler - 01-02-2007, 06:42 AM
Screensaver - by Dr_Davenstein - 01-02-2007, 07:02 AM
Screensaver - by Skyler - 01-02-2007, 07:36 PM
Screensaver - by Skyler - 01-06-2007, 03:02 AM
Screensaver - by red_Marvin - 01-08-2007, 04:27 AM
Screensaver - by Skyler - 01-08-2007, 06:11 AM
Screensaver - by Dr_Davenstein - 01-08-2007, 06:31 AM
Screensaver - by Skyler - 01-08-2007, 07:54 PM
Screensaver - by Skyler - 02-01-2007, 06:59 PM

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