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Mode 7 in QB.
Hey guys, I just want to let ya know that RelLib has mode 7 already implemented.

there are actually two types.

1. A floormapper(single tile)

2. And a Map based one that you could make games with.

3. DDA sprite rotator.


*Windowed and preclipped so no crashes would occur.
> which means you could input x1,y1,x2,y2 for any windo size even if its outside the screen. ;*)
*Mapsize limited only by memory
*controllable Scalex,scaley, scalez and Lookat function which would make you able to look almost 90 degrees down.
* DDA texel accuracy using 16.16 Fixpoint math.
* You could make snes like games that uses this mode. ie. Mario Kart, PilotWings, Bastard, Rtype.
* You could walk, jump and fly with it. ;*)
* yeah its fast. ;*)
* and looks better than SNES mode 7 as it uses better sub-texel accuracy.

BTW, I need beta testers...

First five applicants. ;*)

Big Grin
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:

I simply wanna see this and make my own F-ZERO clone Wink
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
wow... :o qb sure has gone a long way...i'd join, but unfortunately my trig or calc isn't that great... i tried teaching it to myself but i can't seem to concentrate... oh well. that's what school's for. :lol:
Jumping Jahoolipers!
make sure to show us a demo of the possibilities :bounce: Sounds great!
I am now sending telepathic waves to Filipines to make Eric get up, log in an internet cafe, and upload the whole stuff NOW NOW NOW NOW Big Grin.

Hmm!!! Imagine a RPG with a mode7 plane map instead of a boring cenital view.
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
Mehost, but howtest? ;*)
Itest, Itest.

WhoReleases? REL REL REL!!!
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
To Richard Eric M. Lope:

I will be ***MOST*** happy to test your “Mode-7” thing for your newest release of RelLib, my man!! ;*) !!! In fact, I just __might__ be looking forward to adding some of that for the continued programming of Frantic Journey itself!!! Meanwhile, I am getting my new and original routines together for the newest release of RelLib **including** PP256-based Gamma fonts (plus another version of that routine that features adjustable spacing BETWEEN CHARACTERS, too!! Cool ! ), a PP256 font routine that lets the line of text simulate as if it was actually being typed on a typewriter, right-justified score-based font routines without commas (just like it was seen in **SO** many games in the arcades), circle and ellipse routines (both opaque and translucent!), and LOADS MORE!!! With all of that in mind, the RelLib project is NOW gonna be __A JOINT EFFORT__ by both you and me together!!! Big Grin !!

After all, I am flat plain glad to help you out in the success of your HOTTEST lib, Eric. God so utterly bless you and such righteous fortune to you now, you understand that? Wink !!


[Image: AAPMini.gif]
Adigun Azikiwe Polack
One of the Founders of “Aura Flow”
Webmaster of the AAP Official Homepage
Official Founder of the “QuickBASIC Caliber Programming Compo”

P.S. Could you please send me *all* of your rather latest routines (including your “Mode-7” one) for RelLib so that I can soon prepare to release the very latest version of my __PERSONAL__ favorite QB lib of yours? I would surely appreciate it!!! Wink !

P.P.S. Show me how to convert the routines from QuickBASIC to Assembly, please. I will be **MOST** fascinated at how this works, man! Big Grin !
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Your *official* home of the FreeBasic GFX Demo Central, now holding over 150 FB graphics demos so far!!! Big Grin !
To **all** of the QB45/QB71 community:

Hello once more!!! Wink !!

If the “Mode-7” thing for RelLib goes both well and smoothly when I test it out, then in the “QuickBasic Caliber Programming Compo (Summer & Autumn 2003)”, I WILL START ADDING A BRAND-NEW CATEGORY ENTIRELY DEVOTED TO “MODE-7”, just to see how AWESOMELY GOOD you most really and ***TRULY*** are at “Mode-7” programming for RelLib for QuickBASIC 4.5. LITERALLY. Big Grin !!!

To check out my recent thread about the possible awaiting of entrants for my current compo, please click here. Thank you so much and God’s **ALL-ETERNAL** righteous blessing to you all!!! Wink !!


[Image: AAPMini.gif]
Adigun Azikiwe Polack
One of the Founders of “Aura Flow”
Webmaster of the AAP Official Homepage
Official Founder of the “QuickBASIC Caliber Programming Compo”
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Your *official* home of the FreeBasic GFX Demo Central, now holding over 150 FB graphics demos so far!!! Big Grin !
What is Mode 7 anyway? Is it like Mode X?

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