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A Blast From The SNES Past
Here's my challenge to you all...

Make a game in QB, any library, that resembles the SNES game "Hyper Zone". For those who've never seen it, think of it as a "3D shooter"of sorts (well...dual floormapper and scaling sprites, it *looked* 3D at least!). I've never seen many attempts at this kind of game, so let's see if anyone can code one. Sound cool? Download the ROM and try it out if you don't own a copy of the cartridge (no, I don't know where to obtain it, sorry).

-nekrophidius :evil:
he Devil is the best friend the church ever had, for he has kept them in business for so long.
Dearest, DEAREST Nekrophidius,

Hello there! Right up front, I *must* say that your challenge idea is _very original_ here!!! Big Grin !! That reminds me......... in my current gala called the “QuickBASIC Caliber Programming Compo (Summer & Autumn 2003)”, I recently added two (2) additional categories, both of which *actually* pertain to Mode-7 Programming in QB using RelLib, which is a GROUND-BREAKING first in QB compo history, believe it or not. Wink ! Click on the following please: Bonus Category #1 and Bonus Category #2.

With your challenge idea like this, you _are_ an original, man! Keep it up!! :king: !

Thank you so much, Nekrophidius, for your wonderful time. :bounce:


[Image: AAPMini.gif]
Adigun Azikiwe Polack
One of the Founders of “Aura Flow”
Webmaster of the AAP Official Homepage
Official Founder of the “QuickBASIC Caliber Programming Compo”

P.S. Also, as you know, I am currently working on a series of posts on **ALL** of the nine (9) categories of my QB gala that is going on right now, including those two categories that I just got through writing to you on this post. That should get you up to speed on the important things to come, huh? Cool !!
url=][Image: file.php?id=194][/url]
Your *official* home of the FreeBasic GFX Demo Central, now holding over 150 FB graphics demos so far!!! Big Grin !
You mean like Star Fox, but with a minimal amount of textures?
dont forget wolfenstien
Hyper Zone used Mode7. I don't think they scaled sprites though.
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
Yes, it used scaled sprites...I've checked out the assembled graphics dump as well as some of the disassembled sourcecode and have found the original sprite patterns (they were pretty easy to assemble actually) as well as the enemy render function and yes, it appears to call upon the special blitters used only in Mode 7. There are a couple of variations for certain objects, and a few parts of the graphics dump are still encrypted but I doubt that those encrypted parts contain any pre-scaled graphics, especially considering the calls to the special blitters.

-nekrophidius :evil:
he Devil is the best friend the church ever had, for he has kept them in business for so long.

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