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Challenge: ScanCode() routine
You know the ASC() function? well this challenge is to make a ScanCode() function, more points for small code, code clarity, and speed.

example useage:

Scancode.A = ScanCode("A")
Print Scancode.A

should output 30 or &H1E.

The contest will end, the 23rd at 12am (your timezone).
this should be more then enuff time.

Either PM your entrys to me or wait until the 23rd and post em.
very F***ing song remains the same
To everyone who sucks-up for the fame
Out of strength you know we speak the truth
Every trend that dies is living proof

MasterMinds Software
...So basically make your own ASC() function?
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
there is a slightly buggy reverse scancode function here.
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Quote:...So basically make your own ASC() function?
Not exactly. All the keys on your keyboard have scan codes, but only some of then have ascii codes. Like shift, for example. Shift has a scan code but no ascii code.
Hmm.. a use for my string btree searcher? Big Grin
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
What exactly did the string btree searcher do, i neva ran the code?
very F***ing song remains the same
To everyone who sucks-up for the fame
Out of strength you know we speak the truth
Every trend that dies is living proof

MasterMinds Software
wel ll you should.
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Zack Wrote:...So basically make your own ASC() function?
Not exactly. All the keys on your keyboard have scan codes, but only some of then have ascii codes. Like shift, for example. Shift has a scan code but no ascii code.
*Zack runs with tail between legs*
Beyond the scope of my skills.. Smile
f only life let you press CTRL-Z.
Freebasic is like QB, except it doesn't suck.
I was making one with the btree searcher but unfortunately it takes some modification. The biggest problem is that the scancode repeats strings but the btree doesn't and i'll need to add another array to it..
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Zack, This is the list of scan codes from the help file in QB 7.1:
File  Edit  View  Search  Run  Debug  Calls  Utility  Options          Help
+------------------------- HELP: Keyboard Scan Codes ----------------------¦+-+
¦                                                 Contents  Index  Back  
¦      Key     Code      Â¦    Key         Code    Â¦     Key       Code         _
¦                        Â¦                        Â¦
¦      Esc        1      Â¦    A           30      Â¦     F1          59         _
¦      ! or 1     2      Â¦    S           31      Â¦     F2          60         _
¦      @ or 2     3      Â¦    D           32      Â¦     F3          61         _
¦      # or 3     4      Â¦    F           33      Â¦     F4          62         _
¦      $ or 4     5      Â¦    G           34      Â¦     F5          63         _
¦      % or 5     6      Â¦    H           35      Â¦     F6          64         _
¦      ^ or 6     7      Â¦    J           36      Â¦     F7          65         _
¦      & or 7     8      Â¦    K           37      Â¦     F8          66         _
¦      * or 8     9      Â¦    L           38      Â¦     F9          67         _
¦      ( or 9    10      Â¦    : or ;      39      Â¦     F10         68         _
¦      ) or 0    11      Â¦    " or '      40      Â¦     F11        133         _
¦      _ or -    12      Â¦    ~ or `      41      Â¦     F12        134         _
¦      + or =    13      Â¦    Left Shift  42      Â¦     NumLock     69         _
¦      Bksp      14      Â¦    | or \      43      Â¦     Scroll Lock 70         _
¦      Tab       15      Â¦    Z           44      Â¦     Home or 7   71         _
¦      Q         16      Â¦    X           45      Â¦     Up or 8     72         _
¦      W         17      Â¦    C           46      Â¦     PgUp or 9   73         _
¦      E         18      Â¦    V           47      Â¦     Gray -      74         _
¦      R         19      Â¦    B           48      Â¦     Left or 4   75         _
¦      T         20      Â¦    N           49      Â¦     Center or 5 76         _
¦      Y         21      Â¦    M           50      Â¦     Right or 6  77         _
¦      U         22      Â¦    < or ,      51      Â¦     Gray +      78         _
¦      I         23      Â¦    > or .      52      Â¦     End or 1    79         _
¦      O         24      Â¦    ? or /      53      Â¦     Down or 2   80         _
¦      P         25      Â¦    Right Shift 54      Â¦     PgDn or 3   81         _
¦      { or [    26      Â¦    Prt Sc or * 55      Â¦     Ins or 0    82         _
¦      } or ]    27      Â¦    Alt         56      Â¦     Del or .    83         _
¦      Enter     28      Â¦    Spacebar    57      Â¦                            _
¦      Ctrl      29      Â¦    Caps Lock   58      Â¦                            _
¦                                                                              _

your input to the function appears to be a string. If this is correct, what strings should be used for non-character keys.
hrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first.(I Timothy 1:15)

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.(John 3:16)

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