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Make the BEST simulation EVER!! :D !!!SUPER CHALLENGE!!!
Quote:you're quite deft at proggin, er.. def_ho.

Thanks. You're quite ...dark... umm... at prevailing... No, wait. NM :lol:
hat were we arguing about again?
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o (I couldn't get any more smileys. my cicking finger got sore)


that made mine look like it was made by a two-year-old!!!!
you are an awesome programmer. got any demos I could see?
Well, thank you. Here's a demo by Relsoft: I don't really have much else right now. I may release another demo eventually. And, BTW, that would have to one hell of a two year old! Smile
hat were we arguing about again?
LOL!!! yeah, that would be a very awesome 2 yearold. Oh, and all my games (or most of them) and sims, I have to use INKEY$, and I hate it. got any better keyboard input codes I can use?

New mini contest
Who can create the best user interface? I mean a better way then INKEY$.... like a joystick thing or a mouse program... or just a simple keyboard thing.
Quote:I have to use INKEY$, and I hate it. got any better keyboard input codes I can use?

Use it in the same way as INKEY$, but you have to use scancodes instead of letters or numbers.
scan codes? do you mean like CHR$(1)? sorry If I sound like a newbie, but I have only been working on qbasic for about a year.
no not CHR$(1).

scan codes

just a different form of keyboard input. in no relation to INKEY$
[Image: sig.php]
Back by popular demand!
I will byte and nibble you bit by bit until nothing remains but crumbs.
This list is a little better layed out:

Quote:1 = ESC
2 = 1
3 = 2
4 = 3
5 = 4
6 = 5
7 = 6
8 = 7
9 = 9
10 = 0
11 = - or _
12 = = or +
13 = Backspace
14 = Tab
15 = Q
17 = W
18 = E
19 = R
20 = T
21 = Y
22 = U
23 = I
24 = O
25 = P
26 = [ OR {
27 = ] OR }
28 = Enter
29 = Control
30 = A
31 = S
32 = D
33 = F
34 = G
35 = H
36 = J
37 = K
38 = L
39 = ; OR :
40 = ' OR "
41 = \ OR ~
42 = Left Shift
44 = Z
45 = X
46 = C
47 = V
48 = B
49 = N
50 = M
51 = , OR <
52 = . OR >
53 = / OR ?
54 = Right Shift
55 = * or PrintScreen
56 = ALT
57 = Space
58 = Caps Lock
59 = F1
60 = F2
61 = F3
62 = F4
63 = F5
64 = F6
65 = F7
66 = F8
67 = F9
68 = F10
69 = Num lock
70 = Scroll lock
71 = 7 or Home
72 = 8 or up
73 = 9 or Page up
74 = -
75 = 4 or left
76 = 5
77 = 6 or right
78 = +
79 = 1 ot END
80 = 2 or down
81 = 3 or page down
82 = 0 or Insert
83 = . or del
87 = F11
88 = F12
thanks. I REALY needed something like that. I will test it and see how well it works. oh, does it do muilty-key input? so I could have two or threee people playing a game at once? :bounce:
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

WOW!!!! I looked at the scan-codes, and I think I am going to like this. by the way, do I go like:

IF (INP(1) = "Y") THEN

would that make a program that beeps when I press (ESC)?[/code]

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