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Differences Between QBasic and QuickBasic?

I'm using the QuickBasic 4.5 compiler, but I'm studying a QBasic Book. The QBasic works without any problems on the QuickBasic compiler, so I was hoping someone could tell me what the basic differences are between QBasic and QuickBasic.

Are there commands, or something else that I'm missing because I'm reading the QBasic book? Is there something more to QuickBasic than there is in just QBasic?

Oh, by the way, I'm sure you can already guess that I'm new to programming. The QBasic book is very good for a start, but does QuickBasic support a better way to code graphics? I'm still stuck on the graphics issue. I have a game that I've designed (a very simple game), but the QBasic book that I bought doesn't have enough information to get me started in coding the simple graphics that I need.

Thank you,
John 1-1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Qbasic is QuickBasic. the "Q" in "QBasic" stands for "Quick". so you won't have any problems with the compiler if your using a "QBasic" book.

Check out some of the tutorials on this site to get some good general information about programming and Graphics with QB (Means QBasic (QuickBasic)). here is the link to the tutorials.

the mind is a beautiful thing, use it and make the world a more beautiful place.
Great! Thanks a lot. I'll check out that link right now!

I appreciate your help.

John 1-1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Hey... Nice to see ya here! :bounce:

Qbasic is QuickBasic. the "Q" in "QBasic" stands for "Quick". so you won't have any problems with the compiler if your using a "QBasic" book.

Not true. QuickBasic and QBasic are different product lines. QBasic 1.0 came after QuickBasic 4.5.

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Yeah, that's what I thought at first, too, mech... but apparently they ARE different. All I know is I have QB.exe and it says BASIC at the end and that's all I need to know.

I guess I have QUICKBasic, but I never knew that QBasic 1.1 was actually "better" than QUICKBasic 4.5?

One night I had a dream where I was breaking balls. The next morning, BALLSBREAKER was born.

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A Severe Error has crippled BB2 for the time being... I have to figure it out, but until then you won't see much of it Sad.
Quote:I guess I have QUICKBasic, but I never knew that QBasic 1.1 was actually "better" than QUICKBasic 4.5?

I think you may have that backwards. V4.5 ihas a built in compiler, where V1.1 doesn't. Wink
Here's how it goes:
Quickbasic came first, starting at version 2.0. then came 3.0, then 4.0, then 4.5. Now at 4.5, they decided to release a "free" version that comes with dos. So they make QBasic. The runtime library for this is brun50, so this is actually 5.0. But they just called it "qbasic" and release it as qbasic 1.1. It's pretty much 4.5, only you can use call absolute, there's no support for qlb libraries and it doesnt compile into .exe files. Then comes the nonexistant 6.0 (it might exist, but I've never seen it), then 7.1. At version 7.1, they rename it to "Personal Develop System" or something like that. After which comes VBDOS in 1992. By then, (in 1991) they'd already come wout with Visual Basic, so they just renamed it to "visual basic for dos." The IDE is not the classic one we know and love, but it's probably got the most efficient compiler, if efficient is even a word you use to describe qb.

In short:
QBasic is really Quickbasic 5.0 with no library support and compiling.
Quickbasic has been around since 1987, and you prefer it over qbasic. Just trust me.
Thanks for clearing this up, everyone! It looks like I wasn't the only one confused about the issue.

One more question: You mentioned QuickBasic 7 (I think it's 7.1?, but not sure). How does that compare with the 4.5 compiler? Is it worth checking it out?

Thanks again,
John 1-1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Well, the thing is, I can only think of one library that's compatible with PDS...Future.Lib....which just happens to be my favorite.Wink When you go to messing with expanded memory, QBX has alot of problems... Well, maybe I have problems with it! :lol: I'd just stick with QuickBasic v4.5 if I were you. Wink It's usually pretty sweet.

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