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QB Express Issue #4 needs submission!
Hey everybody -- QB Express Issue #4 is due out in less than a week, and right now I have next to nothing for it. There have been very few submissions this time around -- the fewest that I've had so far. So I definitely need YOUR help to put out another good issue this month.

Here's what I have so far:
  • *A "lost" tutorial by DarkDread on Pixel*Tile Scrolling Engines
    *Two interviews by Piptol (If I get enough submissions I will only run one this month and save the second for a future issue)
    *QBNow! Vol. 1 Chapter 5 by Neo Deus Ex Machina
    *"Bobby The QBasic Maniac" Comics by Matt2Jones

Here's what people have said they would write (but haven't submitted yet):
  • *Chaoticmass: Part 2 of his scripting tutorial
    *VonGodric: Part 2 of his GUI series
    *Relsoft: Tutorial on lens flares
    *Levi: A "Character creation tutorial"
    *Oz: A game review

Several people have expressed interest in writing articles for this magazine, including Nekrophidius, Barok, Lurah, Terry Cavanagh, Nathan1993 and a few others, but none of them have confirmed / promised an article. They just said that they eventually hoped to contribute something.

Additionally, I have not received a single good "letter to the editor" this time around that I'm planning on printing.

By now, you all should have a pretty good idea of what this magazine is about and what kind of stuff I run in it. If you have some free time, I would really appreciate it if you would send something in. I'm especially looking for reviews, rants, editorials and articles on QB history, since they seem to be especially popular. (The most popular articles in the first few issues have been the "Blast from the Past" and the "Gallery," and some of the more interesting tutorials.) But honestly, anything that you submit would be greatly appreciated. I'm also looking for news items to run in the "News Briefs" section, so let me know if you've got any announcements.

Oh, and one more thing: Issue #4 has a very high likelihood of being postoponed a day or two from its original deadline of Monday, November 15th. Over the next week, I have an absolutely tremendous amount of work to get done, especially on Monday. All day Sunday I have a TV shoot (I'm the director of photography), and on Monday I've got a major term paper due as well as a script / storyboard for a final project in one of my video production classes. I also have 7 hours of class to attend on chances are quite high that I'll end up delaying Issue #4 until Tuesday or Wednesday.

So... Help me make Issue #4 great like the first three!
Pete's QB Site:
Damn FB! I forgot the tute!!!

Will do it tonight pete. sorry
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
I'm very sorry Pete, but I can't fit anything in between homework, hockey, refereeing, drama and volunteering. Sad so you won't get anything from me i'm afraid.
Jumping Jahoolipers!
Rel: Great!

Barok: No problem at all.

Anyone else?
Pete's QB Site:
I'm really sry Pete that I'm not on time, but schoolwork is eating me up... But You'll get mine by sunday will that be a too much of a problem?
Vongodric, I know this is not the right place but your avatar is very nice Big Grin. I liked it :bounce:
VonGodric: That's fine... as long as you get it in by Monday it will be okay. Actually, you could probably even get it in on Tuesday morning, since I almost guarantee that I won't have the issue out until late Tuesday or Wednesday.
Pete's QB Site:
sent mine.
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
To Pete:

I have some real good news for you and your latest issue, my man, as I have just sent in the new article, so please check my PM, okay now? What my article is gonna be about is *entirely* up to the readers when issue #4 of your mag launches. Remember that! Big Grin !

Thanks so richly much, and God bless you this month!! :bounce:

[Image: AAPname.gif]
- Adigun Azikiwe Polack
One of the Founders of “Aura Flow”
Continuing Developer of “Frantic Journey”
Current Developer of “Star Angelic Slugger”
Webmaster of the “AAP Official Projects Squad”

[Image: AAPOfficialProjectSquad-468x80Weblinker.jpg]
Be sure to please pay a visit to it! While you are there, watch for new and exciting stuff to happen anytime and even regularly, too!! Big Grin !
url=][Image: file.php?id=194][/url]
Your *official* home of the FreeBasic GFX Demo Central, now holding over 150 FB graphics demos so far!!! Big Grin !
Pete: Did you get the article?
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:

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