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Bug Reports
Quote:Wow!!! This is definitely renaissance!!!

Sure. Noticed how many QB legends are making appearance? Angelo, Jonge... Tongue
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
I don't think that fB should start adding features from other Python...

It's a BASIC derivative, and the idea is to have a 32-bit BASIC language that most closely represents good old Quick Basic. There shouldn't (now) be the tendency to say "Hey, C/C++/ObjPascal/(why)Python does this, we should too."
avinash.vora -
This code crash:
Sub LUT_Init (SINPrecission As uinteger = 2, COSPrecission As uinteger = 2, SQRRange as uinteger = 262144, SQRPrecission as uinteger = 1)
    If Initialized = 1 Then exit Sub
    Initialized = 1
    SINp = 10 ^ SINPrecission
    COSp = 10 ^ COSPrecission
    SQRp = 10 ^ SQRPrecission
    SQRr = SQRRange
    dim shared SIN_LUT(360*SINp) As LUT_Type
    dim shared COS_LUT(360*COSp) As LUT_Type
    dim shared SQR_LUT(SQRr*SQRp) As LUT_Type
    SQRr = SQRRange*SQRp   '# <- This row crash
End Sub

This code works:
Sub LUT_Init (SINPrecission As uinteger = 2, COSPrecission As uinteger = 2, SQRRange as uinteger = 262144, SQRPrecission as uinteger = 1)
    If Initialized = 1 Then exit Sub
    Initialized = 1
    SINp = 10 ^ SINPrecission
    COSp = 10 ^ COSPrecission
    SQRp = 10 ^ SQRPrecission
    SQRr = SQRRange
    dim shared SIN_LUT(360*SINp) As LUT_Type
    dim shared COS_LUT(360*COSp) As LUT_Type
    dim shared SQR_LUT(SQRr*SQRp) As LUT_Type
    SQRr = SQRr * SQRp
End Sub

Any ideas?
What you mean by crash, that happens at runtime or the compiler crashes?

I couldn't reproduce the error, but you shouldn't be allowed to use DIM|REDIM and then SHARED inside procs, patch will be next release..
How about static asn in.

Static dim array(1000) as integer

We may need those in glvertex arrays. :*)
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
Quote:What you mean by crash, that happens at runtime or the compiler crashes?

I couldn't reproduce the error, but you shouldn't be allowed to use DIM|REDIM and then SHARED inside procs, patch will be next release..

Crash at runtime, and I think it's good that you can dim shared, as this enables you to dim inside DLLs.

The dims should be redims, but i changed it for debug purpose.

And having the ability to redim a shared array inside a function is a good thing, imo.

Anyways, the problem is when I use:
blah as type = value

And then try to use blah in math. Compiles fine, but crash on runtime.
And this is a DLL.
Rel: you can use STATIC with arrays too, they are allowed with FB,
static array(1000) as integer
will work.

Z!re: the "right" way would be:

dim shared myarray() as mytype
at module level.

redim myarray(...) as mytype
at proc level.

That's how it's done in QB.. a DIM SHARED inside a function will open it to memory leaks as that array is "impossible" to erase implicitly or explicitly in other routines later. When you create a dynamic *local* array inside a proc the compiler will erase them automagically when the proc finish - if you are DIM'ing a shared array that won't be done, it's up the the user to call ERASE at a shutdown() proc or such.
How about "WITH" for us lazy bastards. VB has it so why not FB?

With StructureType

     .x= 1
     .x =300
     .id = "Blah"

End With
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
Quote:How about "WITH" for us lazy bastards. VB has it so why not FB?

With StructureType

     .x= 1
     .x =300
     .id = "Blah"

End With

Count my vote for this Tongue Another niceness from VB. You added BYREF and OPTION EXPLICIT, so why not? Wink
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
Look at the CVS ;)

Quote:2 days v1ctor WITH added

No multiple var's WITH, as they are bad pratic, imo..

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